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Zoo Keeper's Mistake Gets Over 180M ViewsPost

The zoo keeper didn’t realize a silverback gorilla was still in the enclosure when she walked in.

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• Zoo Keeper's Mistake Gets Over 180M Views

Quote: "It takes as much energy to…”

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“You can’t always get what you waaaant!” 🤣🤣


Image courtesy of YouTube - Humankind


In every neighborhood, there are lawns that catch your eye with their pristine beauty. Often belonging to homeowners who beam with pride over their manicured gardens.

Then, there are lawns that seem forgotten. Overgrown and wild, they often cast a tangled shadow of embarrassment over their owners.

This tale spins around the latter, highlighting a yard in need and the heartwarming community response that followed.

Sylvia Murray’s once-loved yard had grown beyond her control. Her disability prevents her from tending to the wildness of her garden.

She found herself in quite a pickle and her embarrassment grew with each passerby. Sadly, her situation is not unique.

Many elderly folks find themselves unable to keep up with the demands of yard maintenance, often due to financial constraints or physical incapacity. Just when Sylvia thought her garden woes were hers to bear alone, help arrived in the form of 6 Boy Scouts.

These young men armed with mowers and shears set out to do more than trim hedges. They also lifted Sylvia's spirits by reminding her that kindness and community spirit still exist.

They also make a big difference. The transformation was nothing short of spectacular and Sylvia was overwhelmed with gratitude.

"I cried. I appreciate this so much. I can’t do anything anymore because I’m disabled and I’m embarrassed. I’m so happy,” she shared.

Sylvia couldn’t help but share her happiness with the world, even inviting local news stations over to showcase the boys’ good deeds. The video was well received.

As Vince Vaughn once said, “People helping people- it’s powerful stuff.”

Image courtesy of TikTok - ben306069


A typical day at the Fort Worth Zoo took a dramatic turn when Elmo, a 34-year-old silverback gorilla, found himself sharing his enclosure with two zoo employees.

The incident displayed a tense interaction that captivated onlookers with fear and fascination. Now the video is garnering millions of views!

To manage the situation, one zookeeper threw a bucket of apples at Elmo. The hope was to distract him long enough to retreat to safety.

This calculated move was just the beginning of their escape plan. As the first keeper dashed for cover, she also radioed for additional help, illustrating the critical nature of the situation.

This action-packed scenario was recounted by Ben White, a former zoo security officer, who shared the video, highlighting the quick thinking and swift action of the zoo staff involved. The tension didn't stop there, either.

Another zookeeper engaged Elmo in an unexpected game of hide and seek, using the natural cover of trees to distract the gorilla further. This on-the-spot strategy resulted in a surprisingly light-hearted moment.

Elmo took the second zoo keeper’s actions at face value and happily engaged her in a game of hide and seek. When he realized the worker had bowed out of their game early, however, Elmo humorously held up the bucket she left behind, as if saying, “Hey, you forgot your bucket!”

The zoo later clarified that the incident was a result of human error, not Elmo’s. They emphasized that the staff had inadvertently entered the enclosure without confirming it was safe to do so.

Despite this, the zoo praised the keepers for their adept handling of the potentially dangerous situation, emphasizing the importance of readiness and skill in such unpredictable encounters.

In the meantime, they got a video that is somehow both nerve-wracking and endearing all at once and it’s going mega-viral.


"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt


Did you know that on this day in 1943, the remarkable Elsie S. Ott was awarded the U.S. Air Force Medal? The prestigious honor marked her as the first woman in history to receive such an award, and it was mightily deserved.

Ott was a flight nurse with unwavering courage amidst the chaos and clamor of World War II. She embarked on groundbreaking missions that revolutionized the way wounded soldiers were evacuated from the battlefield.

Her pioneering work in air evacuation was more than a job well done. It was a bold leap into uncharted skies that showed the profound impact of determination and innovation in times of dire need.

Ott's career is a saga of heroic deeds and a relentless pursuit of excellence under pressure. With just a handful of weeks in flight nurse training, she demonstrated exceptional skill and leadership.

It’s that leadership that ensured the safe transport of injured servicemen to life-saving medical care. Her actions laid the groundwork for modern aeromedical evacuation and they deserve a nod of appreciation from every citizen today.

Elsie S. Ott's legacy is a dazzling legend of inspiration that highlights the vital role of women in shaping history, even from the skies.

Earlier on in history…

127 A.D. - In a saga that redefined the cosmos, Greek maestro of the stars, Ptolemy, commenced his celestial observations. His 14-year-long visionary endeavor laid down the bedrock of astronomy.

1484 - William Caxton, a pioneer in the printing game, brought Aesop’s Fables to life in print. For the first time, these timeless tales were translated into English to enrich more minds with moral wisdom.

1820 - Amidst the serene New York woodlands, young Joseph Smith experienced his divine "First Vision," setting the stage for the birth of the Mormon Church, as heralded by Mormon scholars.

1845 - The patent for adhesive medicated plaster was secured, marking the dawn of the band-aid- a staple in healing small wounds and a game-changer in medical history.


Can You Spot The Buck?

Hint: He’s not one to be the center of attention…

Bonus points if you can spot the doe and the squirrel!


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