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  • Woman Repairs Butterfly's Broken Wing

Woman Repairs Butterfly's Broken Wing

Dahlia crafted a "bionic" wing for her butterfly friend with a feather and a little ingenuity.

Hi friends,

Happy Friday! We have a feeling it’s going to be a great day, and we’ve gathered the stories to help make it happen. Enjoy! ❤️

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This poor pup just got sold out!

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Woman Repairs Butterfly's Broken Wing
Crane Taps "Bestie’s" Door for Best Reason

Quote: “Happiness is heaven in…”

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A lot of you asked where we get our writing inspiration (without being online 24/7). Here’s what our team reads regularly!

The Pour Over - Your politically neutral, Christ-first, news source. Over 350k people read this regularly to keep them grounded and informed. (one-click subscribe)

High on Christ - An edgy newsletter that targets Christian millennials interested in faith, finances, and family! (one-click subscribe)

Each one is free and has phenomenal writing. Highly recommended!


He’s got that universal look of betrayal! 👀😂


Image courtesy of The Dodo - Dahlia


When Dahlia, a California native, stumbled upon a monarch butterfly in distress, she couldn't have predicted that a trip to the craft store would turn into a heartwarming mission of rescue and innovation.

The butterfly, whom she dubbed Nemo-Bucky, was grounded with a damaged wing, but Dahlia was determined to see him soar once more.

With a blend of ingenuity and compassion, Dahlia crafted a "bionic" wing from a feather, securing it with contact cement after meticulous research on butterfly wing repair. The result? A once earthbound butterfly taking tentative flutters towards freedom.

Nemo-Bucky's journey from vulnerability to flight captured not just Dahlia's heart, but also the awe of those who followed their story. All 3+ million of them, collectively.

The true magic unfolded in Dahlia's garden, the stage for Nemo-Bucky's remarkable recovery. Each flutter grew stronger, each attempt more confident, until one day, the skies welcomed a new aviator.

Dahlia's bittersweet joy as Nemo-Bucky took off on his maiden flight with his new wing is a moment of pure triumph, but the story doesn't end there. Nemo-Bucky's surprise return to the garden is a testament to the unspoken bond between rescuer and rescued.

Witness the full, inspiring journey of Nemo-Bucky, the Bionic Butterfly, and experience the moment his new feathered wing lifts him towards adventure.

Image courtesy of YouTube - The Dodo


Every morning, Autumn hears a rhythmic tapping at the door announcing the arrival of Carl.

Carl’s not a neighbor or mailman, but a wild crane with a surprising fondness for human companionship. This daily ritual has become a cherished routine.

Their unique friendship blossomed unexpectedly when Carl first followed her with gentle curiosity. That tentativeness soon turned into a regular greeting.

In a delightful twist, Carl introduced Autumn to his mate, Carla, and their playful offspring- Junior.

This little family quickly became a regular part of Autumn's life, with Carl teaching Junior the very same knocking routine that he had perfected. It was a charming sight that burrowed deep into Autumn’s heart.

As time passed, the crane family expanded and Carl proudly presented his new twins, Kevin and Kyle, to Autumn. But amidst the joy, there was also heartache.

When Kyle was tragically struck and didn't survive the accident, Autumn's bond with the cranes deepened even further. She began taking steps to protect them, including installing a "crane crossing" sign near her home.

After installing the crane crossing, their friendship only continued to grow.

They've now walked through many of life's valleys and climbed many mountains together. But it's the video of Carl's latest visit to Autumn's door that's grabbing everyone's hearts.

It turns out, the Crane is still full of sweet surprises!


“Happiness is heaven in human heart.”

― Lailah Gifty Akita


Did you know that on this day in 1940, the iconic Walt Disney took on a clandestine role far removed from the magic of his movies? He became an informer for the FBI's Los Angeles office.

Amidst the rising Red Scare, Disney reported on suspected “subversives” within the Hollywood sphere. His covert work remained secret until the Freedom of Information Act releases.

His services included hosting FBI operations on his studio lot and testifying before the House Un-American Activities Committee, where he named industry colleagues with alleged communist ties. Disney's secret service to the FBI reflects a turbulent era when the glitz of Hollywood frequently collided with the gritty reality of Cold War politics.

Other notable happenings on this day include…

1775 - The United States Marine Corps was born, laying the foundation for centuries of military excellence.

1885 - German engineer Gottlieb Daimler changed the course of personal travel by unveiling the world's first motorcycle.

1903 - Visionary Mary Anderson patented the windshield wiper, an invention that would become indispensable to every car on the road.

1969 - 'Sesame Street' made its television debut, opening a street corner of learning and fun that would grow into a global childhood phenomenon.


Can You Spot The Lizard?

Hint: I’m smaller than a blade of grass but once you see me, you can’t miss me.


We write Shareables intending to make them just that: share-able! We believe people would be much happier if they intentionally curated their attention diet to include more optimistic and joyous content.

Take a minute to click below and share this with a friend or family member you think will get a smile out of this - they’ll thank you for it!

Thanks for reading! ❤️👋

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