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Woman Brings "Derelict Cabin" to Life

Lucy turned this abandoned cabin into an incredible sanctuary.

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Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This is why you don’t mess with the goat.

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Marred Orangutan Uses Plant to Heal Itself
• Woman Brings "Derelict Cabin" to Life

Quote: "Live out of your…”

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Even climbing the tree couldn’t save him! 😂😂


Image courtesy of NBC News - Armas / Suaq Project


In the vast, entangled forest canopy of Indonesia's Gunung Leuser National Park, researchers have witnessed a first- an injured orangutan treated his own wound, and he did it with great success!

Researchers had heard 2 male orangutans fighting. Not long after, a familiar orangutan called Rakus emerged with a gnarly battle wound on his face.

A large chunk was missing from beneath his right eye, but it wasn't infected. In fact, it looked healthy and pink.

To their amazement, they watched as Rakus skillfully selected leaves from the Fibraurea tinctoria plant- a climbing vine known for its medicinal properties. He chewed the leaves into a pulp and then carefully applied the mash to his wound.

This self-made poultice was not just a random act. It was a deliberate and precise attempt to alleviate pain and prevent infection. Michael Huffman, an associate professor at Kyoto University, pointed out the significance of this behavior.

"It’s the first documentation of external self-medication in orangutans," he said.

The fact that the wound healed quickly and cleanly without signs of infection further supports the idea that Rakus knew exactly what he was doing.

This remarkable instance of self-medication not only raises intriguing questions about how such behaviors are learned. Is it possible that Rakus picked up this knowledge through observation, or is it an innate ability?

Primatologist and cognitive biologist Dr. Isabelle Laumer uploaded footage of Rakus’ recovery process online. One thing in the video is clear- Rakus knows his stuff when it comes to plants that can heal.

Image courtesy of YouTube – Living Big in A Tiny House


Cornered in a lush Tasmanian forest, a cabin stands as a witness of family, resilience, and the art of renewal.

Originally built by Lucy’s parents in 1994 as the first family home, it had fallen into disrepair over the years. Then, Lucy and her Dad embarked on a heart-sprung project to restore the dilapidated cabin.

They were infusing it with new life and turning it back into the idyllic woodland retreat it once was.

Lucy was born in this very cabin, making her connection to it profoundly personal. The restoration was an opportunity to reconnect with her past and continue her story in a space deeply embedded in her identity.

Surrounded by towering trees and a gently flowing stream, the cabin offered a tranquil escape and a chance to step back into fond memories. The essence of the cabin is captured in its warmth and intimacy.

Stepping inside, visitors are greeted by an oversized wood stove that heats out the forest chill and creates a cozy atmosphere. The interior is a treasure trove of memories and artistic expression.

Walls are adorned with an eclectic mix of art and curiosities. Each piece tells a part of Lucy’s story and the cabin’s transformation.

As the project demanded refurbished walls and replaced timbers, it also deepened the bond between father and daughter while equipping Lucy with invaluable skills for future endeavors.

Like plans to build a tiny home. Every corner of the cabin reflects their shared effort and love.

A video tour shows that Lucy now has a personal sanctuary where she can focus on her art and find the peace to pursue her passions. And it was worth every bit of grit along the way.


"Live out of your imagination, not your history.”

— Stephen Covey


Did you know that on this day in 1948, the airwaves got hit with the first broadcast of the "CBS Evening News"?

It kicked off what would become the longest-running network news show in the U.S. Starting as a humble 15-minute segment, it quickly became a staple of American evenings, bringing the day’s biggest stories right into living rooms across the country.

Fast forward through the decades, and the "CBS Evening News" has seen it all. From moon landings to political scandals, it has been anchored by some of the most known names in journalism, like Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather.

Other notable events…

1923 - A daring leap in aviation, the first nonstop transcontinental flight across North America is completed, soaring from New York to San Diego without a single stop.

1944 - The silver screen lights up with "Going My Way," directed by Leo McCarey and starring Bing Crosby, premiering in New York. This heartwarming film snagged the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1945.

1956 - Explorers unveil a new range of towering mountains in Antarctica, with two peaks soaring over 13,000 feet, adding a majestic chapter to the icy continent's map.


Can You Spot The Big Cat?

Hint: She’s closer than you think…


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