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Wild Mustang Reunited with His Only Love

Goliath and Red Lady had never been apart until a Mustang roundup forced them into a dire situation.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Is it just me or did it seem like today took forever to get here? Maybe we’re just excited about the peak of the Orionid meteor shower coming up this weekend. After all, there are very few sights that can beat the vibrant, blazing tail of some of those “shooting stars”.

We’ll leave it to the sky to satisfy your appetite for beauty. But if you’re in the mood for some heartfelt joy, keep scrolling to our featured stories below. Enjoy!

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This man’s take on Pumpkin Spice is the very best thing in October!

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Wild Mustang Reunited with His Only Love
•Nurse's "Detour" Home Saves Man's Life

Quote: “Without struggle…”

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I’ll take two! 😸🥹


Image courtesy of YouTube - Skydog Sanctuary


The American Mustang is a symbol of freedom, captivating many with the sight of their wild galloping through open fields of the country.

Mustangs, known for their close-knit herd behavior, prioritize their families. Their bonds are not just for emotional comfort but are also vital for survival. Among these wild horses, there's a touching tale of a stallion named Goliath from Salt Wells Creek, Wyoming.

At 25, Goliath had been with many mares, but one stood out - Red Lady. She was his lead mare and the love of his life. Their bond was evident in how often Red Lady was seen expecting Goliath’s foals, which was very often.

However, their peaceful life was disrupted when the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) decided to clear the area for livestock.

In a massive operation, nearly 2,000 wild horses were rounded up using helicopters, leading them into traps. These roundups were grueling, causing injuries and even death to some horses. The captured Mustangs faced a bleak future- their freedom was cruelly taken away.

Thankfully, Goliath’s life took a hopeful turn when Skydog Sanctuary learned about his capture. Despite being branded and gelded at a BLM facility, Skydog had plans to give Goliath back his freedom and, if possible, reunite him with his family.

Their fundraiser to acquire him received an overwhelming response that was more than enough to bring him to his new home. But then his story took an even brighter turn.

In a heartwarming twist, a woman from Colorado who had adopted Red Lady wanted the two to be together again. Soon, she was on her way to Skydog’s 9,000-acre sanctuary in Oregon.

Goliath and Red Lady’s reunion was nothing short of magical.

As Goliath sensed Red Lady's presence, he galloped straight toward her. Their moment was made even more special when Goliath made a beautiful discovery about his Red Lady.

Image courtesy of FOX 10 Phoenix


Leigh Ann Sondrup, a dedicated nurse, is being celebrated for saving a man's life.

While driving home after an exhausting shift, she came across a distressing scene. A cement truck had flipped over, trapping a man inside. Sondrup jumped into action.

"There were a lot of things that happened that morning that put me there. I wouldn't normally have been there," she recalled.

"I was just really tired. I had been – I think I was on four nights in a row at that point," she continued.

Despite fatigue, she didn't think twice about assisting when she saw the accident. Describing the moment she decided to help, she called it "Divine intervention."

"All of a sudden, there were no cars coming. I could cross over," she added.

Quickly and resourcefully, Sondrup crawled under the truck to assess the man's condition. Using a bystander's belt, she fashioned a tourniquet to halt the bleeding.

Her timely intervention proved crucial in saving the man's life. Recognizing this, the Phoenix Fire Department decided to do something special for Sondrup.

As for Sondrup, she remains humble in her knowledge that the rescue wasn’t all her.

"I do believe that my heavenly father does direct my path. I'm far from perfect, but I do feel that at that particular moment, he gave me a forewarning."

She parted with a few choice words to the stranger she saved that, ultimately, only further the notion that Leigh Ann herself is an angel.


“Without struggle, success has no value.”

― Aaron Lauritsen


Did you know that on this day in 1720, infamous Caribbean pirate Calico Jack finally met his match? His sea-faring exploits alongside equally infamous female pirates, Mary Read and his lover Anne Bonny, carved their names into pirate lore forever.

They defied the conventions of their time. Much of what we envision when we think of Pirates comes down from legends of Calico Jack. The iconic Jolly Roger flag emblazoned with a skull and crossed swords is but one example.

His pirating climaxed when British privateer Jonathan Barnet captured him and his intrepid crew off the coast of Jamaica. This became a symbolic end to a rebellious era on the high seas.

The gallows awaited in Port Royal, but legend of Calico Jack sailed into immortality, embodying the adventurous spirit of the Golden Age of Caribbean Piracy.

Later On…

  1. 1803 - The U.S. Senate ratified the monumental Louisiana Purchase, doubling the nation's acreage at the stroke of a pen, ushering in the wild, wild west.

  2. 1882 - Bela Lugosi, the Hungarian-American maestro of menace, was born. His eerie embodiment of Count Dracula in 1931 chilled spines and etched a gothic milestone in early horror.

  3. 1984 - The Monterey Bay Aquarium swung open its doors for the first time.

  4. National Days: Did you know October 20th is a bouquet of thematic celebrations? This day effectively marks National Miss American Rose Day, Brandied Fruit Day, Day on Writing, Suspenders Day, and more. Whew! One thing is sure- today is a day to celebrate!


Can You Spot The Hummingbird?

Hint: If it weren’t for my bright white chest, I’d practically be invisible!


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