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Wild Horse Births "Different Kind" of Baby

Ladybug was skin and bones when she was rescued and they had no idea she was carrying a baby.

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• Boy Runs Mile By Lightning To Save Parents
• Wild Horse Births "Different Kind" of Baby

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Image courtesy of The Guardian - GoFundMe


In the dark, storm-lashed night of April 27, 15 tornadoes ravaged Oklahoma. Amid the chaos, 9-year-old Branson Baker emerged as a beacon of bravery.

His parents, Wayne and Lindy Baker, were trapped in their truck after a violent tornado whipped them into the trees. Miraculously, Branson slipped out of the wreckage unscathed.

He then embarked on the darkest, most perilous mile of his young life. Guided only by intermittent lightning strikes, he navigated downed power lines and debris to find help for his critically injured parents.

Branson's uncle had been on the phone with the family when the call ended in abrupt, terrifying silence. He knew the tornado had struck.

But Branson was already paving the way to rescue. He reached a neighbor’s house, who readily contacted first responders. Then, Branson led them and family friends to the nightmarish scene.

Everyone worked together to pull Wayne and Lindy from the twisted remains of their truck. Both are now in intensive care at OU Medical Center, facing a long recovery from severe injuries including multiple fractures and internal trauma.

The community has rallied around the family through a GoFundMe page. In days, it has raised over $73,000 of the $150K goal to help mitigate the Bakers’ substantial medical expenses.

One generous donor wants to make sure Branson is properly honored. “I've contacted the White House and the Oklahoma Governor to ask that Branson be honored for his heroism. He is 9 kinds of amazing, and can't be praised enough. I've also mailed something to Branson that I hope he'll like. :) Godspeed to this family,” he wrote.

As a video of Branson’s interview circulates, it’s hoped that more people will help the family meet its goal. It will be one less thing they have to worry about as they navigate their recovery.

Image courtesy of YouTube - The Dodo


In a gripping rescue operation, a herd of wild horses was dramatically saved from a bleak fate in a kill pen and is now destined for a much brighter future.

Among them, a horse named Ladybug immediately stood out with her striking red coat and calm demeanor, hinting at a deeper story yet to be told. The rescuers could feel that Ladybug was not just another horse. She was a symbol of hope and resilience.

As Ladybug and her herd journeyed from the dark confines of captivity in Colorado to a sanctuary in Oregon, their attitude shifted. They now reflect a sense of safety and peace.

Observers noted a visible relaxation in the horses, suggesting they sensed their transition to safer hands. This emotional transformation was imperative. Not just for their physical well-being, but as a step towards healing from their traumatic pasts.

Upon arrival at the sanctuary, the true extent of their ordeal became apparent. Ladybug was severely malnourished due to the neglect she’d endured.

Thankfully, her story took a hopeful turn when veterinarians discovered she was pregnant. This news added an unanticipated layer of joy to her recovery.

The sanctuary began preparing for her rehabilitation and the birth of her foal, Firefly. As they would soon see, Firefly was just as set apart from the other horses as his mom was, if not more so.

Firefly's arrival was miraculous in that it brought a new beginning to Ladybug's tale of resilience. Born a mule, Firefly's distinctive large ears and spirited nature quickly made him a standout character at the sanctuary.

A video of his vibrant spirit and playfulness with mom has endeared him to over a million people while symbolizing the hope and renewal now defining his and Ladybug’s lives.


"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."

— Robert Louis Stevenson


Did you know that on this day in 1429, Joan of Arc broke the English siege of Orléans?

With fearless determination, she led the French army to a stunning victory. Even after being wounded by an arrow, Joan didn't back down.

Instead, she famously pulled the arrow from her shoulder herself and jumped right back into the fray- pain be damned!

Such bravery notoriously inspired her troops and created a key moment in turning the tide of the Hundred Years' War. This was her first big win and it set the stage for future French triumphs.

But would you believe Joan was also living out a prophecy?

Long before her arrival, legends spoke of a maiden who would save France. When Joan showed up and delivered a victory, she shook England’s plans by cementing herself as a symbol of hope and courage.

Her heroic actions at Orléans sealed her fate as a national icon and a leader believed to be guided by divine voices.

Later on…

1663 - The curtain rose on London’s Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, becoming the oldest theatre still delighting audiences in the city today.

1867 - Alfred Nobel patented dynamite in England, the explosive first step of a trilogy of patents for the volatile invention.

1914 - Mother’s Day blossomed across the U.S. thanks to an official decree by Congress, celebrating mothers everywhere.

1941 - Glenn Miller’s "Chattanooga Choo Choo" hit the right note, becoming the first record to ever go gold.


Can You Spot The Barred Owl?

Hint: Look for dark eyes and tail feathers.


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