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  • US Soldiers Save Mama Dog and 8 Puppies

US Soldiers Save Mama Dog and 8 Puppies

Curled beneath a bunker, she was ready to give birth to 8 puppies in a war zone.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Happy Independence Day! Fun fact: Did you know the Declaration of Independence, contrary to what many people believe, was not signed on July 4, 1776? The official signing actually took place on August 2nd, 1776, after nearly 2 months of debating for and against the resolution that was initially proposed on June 7th.

In fact, when the resolution was voted on in favor of independence on July 2nd, 1776, John Adams penned a letter to his wife Abigail. In it, he foresaw future generations of the United States of America gathering on the 2nd of July each year to commemorate the birth of our country.

So, why all the 4th fanfare? Because it was on this fateful day that Congress approved the final draft of the Declaration of our Independence from the British crown and ordered it to be distributed throughout the colonies. The rest, as they say, is history!

If we’ve learned anything from our history as a nation, it should be that freedom is a state of being always worth pursuing, and we can only get there together. ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Quote: When liberty takes root…

  • Video Reel: The 4th isn’t for the faint of heart…

  • Trending Loveable Stories:

    • Lady Uses Bakery to Help Addicts Recover

    • US Soldiers Save Mama Dog and 8 Puppies

Quote of the Day 💭

“Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.”

- George Washington

Reel of the Day 📽️

Whatever you do today, don’t do this!💥😲

Trending Stories 📰

Image courtesy of CBS News


Tucked away in a quaint shopfront in East Harlem, New York, you'll find Janie's Life-Changing Baked Goods.

This bakery is renowned for its pie crust cookies, a creation of Janie Deegan. But, what truly sets it apart is the transformative impact it had on Deegan's life.

Just a handful of years ago, Deegan was a homeless addict in recovery. In the midst of her sobriety journey, she discovered solace in baking.

"When I was getting sober, I found that my life was so out of control, but baking was... just this beautiful, meditative, very controlled, artistic outlet for me. I was 25 and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but I just found that baking helped me reconnect with people,” she told CBS News.

Initially, baking was a pastime for Deegan, but her friends saw its potential.

She recalls, "A friend asked me to bake a cake for a big event … and that's when I realized the potential of turning my passion into a profession."

Inspired, Deegan began selling her baked goods. Despite resume gaps and a lack of business knowledge, she dared to dream of owning a bakery.

She had preconceived notions about business ownership.

"I just had this impression that you had to have money to be a business owner, you had to be a man … you had to have business experience…” she said.

Regardless, she took a leap of faith and opened her first bakery on Manhattan's Upper West Side. But her bakery does more than sell delicious pie crust cookies.

Deegan gives opportunities to those like her past self.

"We have an open door policy, which means that if you're ready, willing, able, and enthusiastic about coming to work, we're not going to look at your past situations… The person you show up as in the interview is the person we're looking at.”

Now, Deegan employs 15 people across two locations and is planning to open a third. Most of her employees are novices in baking, but they are trained and nurtured by Janie and her skilled team.

Through baking, Janie and her team have found a new lease on life.

"I wake up every day and get to be like, 'We sell joy.' I get to wake up and be at work 100 percent me. I don't have to hide my past, I don't have to have shame anymore and it is sweet.“

Image courtesy of Fox News - Paws of War


These American heroes went above and beyond to rescue a mother dog and her puppies.

Deployed in the Middle East, these soldiers crossed paths with a pregnant stray dog they affectionately named Meatball. Meatball was discovered beneath a shipping container on their base, ready to give birth. Touched by the sight, the soldiers showed her kindness, keeping her fed and watered as she went into labor.

But, the challenges didn't end there.

Shortly after the puppies arrived, an unexpected ice storm struck, transforming the dogs' shelter into a freezing mess of hail and sludge. But these heroes refused to let the harsh conditions harm the dog family. They hurriedly scooped them up and relocated them to a warm, secure space.

Being so far from home, caring for the dogs offered the soldiers a positive focus and a deep sense of connection with the newborns. Now, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Rickly, along with her fellow soldiers who played a crucial role in protecting the dogs, are determined to bring them to safety in America.

The soldiers understood that without their intervention, Meatball's puppies would have faced a dire fate.

Unfortunately, in the Middle East, dogs are often mistreated. Paws of War is committed to helping these heroes bring the dogs to the U.S., ensuring they find loving forever homes.

Robert Misseri, co-founder and president of Paws of War, expressed their dedication to this important mission.

"The story of Meatball and her pups is an example of how much these animals matter to our active military and the life-saving difference we can make for those animals who become family to them," Misseri emphasized.

At Paws of War, they recognize the urgency of rescuing animals in danger.

They accept donations to support their efforts in providing a better future for these innocent creatures. If you want to learn more or contribute, please visit pawsofwar.org.

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