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Stray Cat with Secret Follows Girl Home

While out for a walk, a stray cat joined Meghan and her friends and refused to leave.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a 2x a week newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Did you know that Wednesday night will mark this year’s Blue Moon? It will sit opposite the sun at 9:35 P.M. EDT on August 30th. NASA notes that the Blue Moon will be in the Aquarius constellation. It will set on Thursday right before sunrise around 6:46 A.M. EDT

Speaking of spectacular viewing, these anglers were in for quite the sight when a humpback whale repeatedly breached the waters within meters of their boat. And since we’re in ocean territory, you might be interested to know that marine researchers have discovered a unique “octopus garden” that’s shedding new light on these mysterious creatures.

Think that’s interesting? Back up on land, archaeologists have unearthed a 3,000-year-old tomb they believe was erected to honor a priest.

The good news just keeps getting better, so scroll on for more!❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Reel of the Day: This squirrel knows how to pack his peanuts!

  • Trending Loveable Stories: 

    • Stray Cat with Secret Follows Girl Home

    • Town Puts Clever End to 'Rude' Parents

  • Quote: “Joy is the simplest…”

Reel of the Day 📽️

Squishy leaves no peanut behind! 🐿️🥜🥜

Loveable Stories 📰

Image courtesy of The Dodo - Meghan Diane


While out for a walk, a stray cat decided to join Meghan and her friends. The cat was so friendly and persistent that Meghan remarked, “She kept walking with us and was so friendly.”

Meghan took the initiative to help the stray.

She connected with a local nonprofit and found a low-cost vet. After a check-up, the cat, now named Wednesday, was found to be healthy.

Meghan shared, “No microchip, everything looked healthy and I was able to get all her shots.”

It turned out that Wednesday was pregnant and due any day.

Meghan decided to foster her and the upcoming kittens. Not long after, Wednesday gave birth to four adorable kittens named Pugsley, Morticia, Thing, and Lurch.

The kittens thrived under Meghan's care. After growing for several weeks, two of them found their forever homes.

As for Wednesday, she found the help she needed that day on the bike path and is now exactly where she belongs.

Image courtesy of YouTube - Good Morning America


In recent times, there's been a concerning trend of parents misbehaving at kids' sports games.

From berating referees to arguing with umpires, some parents seem to think they know better than the officials. This behavior has become so prevalent that it's even caught on camera!

Deptford Township in New Jersey noticed an increasing number of complaints about “rude parents” during games. The situation had gotten so bad that many sports arbiters resigned from their volunteer roles.

To address this, the township introduced a creative rule: if a parent argues with an umpire, they must officiate three games voluntarily.

Don Bozzufi, the Deptford Township Little League President, explained the rationale behind the rule.

He said, “The main purpose is not for them to be able to call a baseball game but for them to see what’s going on out here, and it’s not that easy.”

The rule aims to give parents a taste of the challenges faced by officials and hopefully foster more respect. Many supporters of the game believe this rule is a step in the right direction.

Kateland Tokley, a mother from Somerdale, commented, “If the parents are going to be sitting there yelling the whole entire game, they might as well use that energy out on the field.”

Deptford Township is proving that creative problem-solving is always worth exploring and might even turn the negatives into positives!

Quote of the Day 💭

“Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.”

― Karl Barth

On This Day In History…🗿

Did you know that on this day in history in 1893, inventor Whitcomb L. Judson was awarded the very first patent for his “clasp locker”? Originally marketed as a “shoe fastener”, businessman Colonel Lewis Walker didn’t hesitate to partner with Judson to launch the Universal Fastener Company. Their invention made its debut at the Chicago World’s Fair that same year. B.F. Goodrich renamed the handy clasp in 1923 to what we now call it today- the zipper.

Other events on this day:

  • 1833 - Britain made a sweeping change in legislation in favor of protecting children by passing their first Factory Act. The Act spared children from the “dreadful” working conditions they were being regularly subjected to.

  • 1883 - Krakatoa eruption caused such intense seismic waves that it created a rise in the English Channel an incredible 32 hours after the explosion.

  • 1911 - An American Native known as Ishi, “emerged” out of the northeastern California wilderness.

  • 1967 - The very last episode of TV’s "The Fugitive" aired with an unbelievable audience of 78 million people!

Notable Birthdays:

  • 1920 - Talented jazz saxist and composer, Charlie “Bird” Parker, influenced the development of the “bebop” subgenre, weaving quicker tempos into harmonically structured improvisations.

  • 1958 - The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, was born in Gary, Indiana.

Bonus Fun!!!🧩

Can You Spot The Alligator?

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