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  • Teacher-Student "Throw Down" Gets 20M Views

Teacher-Student "Throw Down" Gets 20M Views

Mrs. Laurie is a teacher who just so happens to have a dancing background and she loves a good challenge.

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Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Teacher-Student "Throw Down" Gets 20M Views
• Horse Brothers' Sweet Reunion Melts Hearts

Quote: “No person was ever honored for…”

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I feel like this was well-deserved! 🐕😂


Image courtesy of YouTube - 6abc Philadelphia


In a heartwarming video that has captivated millions, second-grader Ahmad Dennis and his teacher, Mrs. Regina Laurie from Deep Roots Charter School in Kensington, have become viral sensations on TikTok.

Their “Veggie Dance” dance-off has enchanted viewers worldwide, amassing nearly 20 million views. This delightful “throw down” between the energetic young student and his fun-loving teacher has given the world a sneak peek into their unique bond and the joy of playful challenges.

The story behind the viral dance-off is as charming as the video itself. It all began when Ahmad, with the candidness typical of children, teasingly commented on Mrs. Laurie’s age and gray hair.

Instead of taking offense, Mrs. Laurie responded with a playful challenge of her own- a dance battle. This spontaneous and humorous moment set the stage for what would become an internet sensation.

Mrs. Laurie just so happens to have a dance background, including a Bachelor’s degree from Temple University. With such trickery up her sleeve, she decided to show Ahmad her moves by transforming the playful banter into a full-fledged dance-off.

Her impressive dance skills and Ahmad’s enthusiastic participation turned the classroom into a lively dance floor. This unexpected and light-hearted competition captured the spirit and benefits of joyful learning and mutual respect between teacher and student.

The video quickly gained traction, with over 20 million views and thousands of comments praising Mrs. Laurie’s energy and the infectious joy that the dance-off radiated.

Viewers were especially impressed by Mrs. Laurie’s performance, with many noting how she “left no crumbs.” As another viewer put it, she simply “ate him up” in the dance battle, and it was a joy to watch!

Image courtesy of TikTok - @wranglerbum


Do you remember reuniting with someone you cared about after a long time apart? It’s an emotional experience, isn’t it?

Well, it turns out that animals feel it too. In a heartwarming encounter shared by TikTok user @wranglerbum, two horse brothers named Harley and Koda experienced an emotional reunion after spending years apart.

The video captures Harley eagerly galloping to the edge of his enclosure. His eyes remained fixed on the camera, as though he knew he was waiting for someone special.

As the camera gets closer, we see Harley’s long-lost brother Koda appear. The specifics of their separation aren’t explained, but the video mentions it’s been years since they’ve seen each other.

When they finally meet, they greet each other with excited sniffs and gentle head bumps. It almost seems obvious that they’re saying, “I’ve missed you. I’m here now.”

Their silent conversation is beyond touching. The way they shift their ears and adjust their stance in relation to each other shows just how deep their bond really is.

The reunion doesn’t end there. Koda neighs and stomps while Harley reaches over the fence to kiss his brother. The video of their brotherly embrace quickly climbed to over 300,000 views and thousands of comments.

One viewer commented, “And people say animals don’t love! Looks like a loving bond to me,” while another said, “Together now until the end. Thank you for doing this. Brings tears to eyes.”

Experts say horses are smarter than we often give them credit for. They remember kind caretakers and recognize their kin even after years apart.

This reunion video is a beautiful display of the deep connection animals can share with each other and the importance of allowing them to love one another in their own way.


“No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.”

— Calvin Coolidge


Did you know that on this day in 1901, the match industry got a major makeover with the ban on white phosphorus?

This game-changing law was introduced to protect workers from the horrific "phossy jaw," a painful and disfiguring disease caused by the toxic chemical. Picture factory workers dealing with a substance so dangerous it could literally rot their jawbones!

These new regulations were a lifesaver, making the workplace much safer and healthier. But the story gets even better—this ban sparked a wave of innovation.

Without white phosphorus, match manufacturers had to come up with non-toxic alternatives. This not only made matches safer for everyone but also pushed the industry to develop better products.

The 1901 legislation is a classic example of how smart rules can lead to safer work environments and cooler, safer products for all of us.

Other notable events include…

585 BC - A solar eclipse predicted by Greek philosopher Thales occurs while the Lydians and Medes are at war, leading to a truce and marking a key date in ancient history.

1431 - Joan of Arc is accused of relapsing into heresy by wearing male clothing again, providing the justification for her execution.

1923 - The US Attorney General declares it legal for women to wear trousers anywhere, marking a significant step in women's fashion and rights.

1937 - The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco opens to vehicular traffic, becoming an iconic landmark and engineering marvel.


Can You Spot The Fox?

Hint: He looks like a distant tree trunk…


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