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Talking Crow Goes Viral For Sweet Saying

A talking crow is impressive in its own right, but that thick English accent is frosting on the cake!

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• Masked Moms Take Over Gym for Epic Routine
• Talking Crow Goes Viral For Sweet Saying

Quote: “The happiness of your life depends…”

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Image courtesy of YouTube - 2mont11


When high schoolers show up for a pep rally, there are a few things they expect to see. Teachers, peers, the game, some parents, and maybe the dance team. All of these are par for the course.

What they don't expect to see, though, is a bunch of moms turning the gym into a dance floor. But at Byron P. Steele II High School in Cibolo, Texas, that's exactly what happened, leaving students and especially 11 football players utterly astonished.

The event kicked off with the usual high school pep rally fanfare. There were cheerleaders, the band, and an atmosphere charged with excitement.

The anticipation built even further as the host hinted at a “surprise performance”. This little announcement had everyone curious and a bit puzzled.

Then came the twist no one saw coming. Eleven women confidently stepped onto the gym floor, all of their faces covered by the same style of mask. And they were ready to show off their moves.

The energy was palpable as the crowd slowly realized these weren't professional dancers. It was their moms!

The moms danced to the tune of “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” by Silentó. As they did, the gym erupted in a mix of cheers, laughter, and just a slight touch of teenage embarrassment.

Melissa Fields, one of the dancing moms, captured the moment perfectly: "I think my son’s first reaction was ‘you’ve gotta be kidding me – dad, why did you let mom sign up for this.'"

Their performance not only broke the internet, amassing over 4 million views on YouTube, but also demonstrated the lengths to which parents go to support and motivate their children (alright, to embarrass them, too).

Their epic video only goes to show that sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone can make for the best moments in life.

Image courtesy of YouTube - Vanakkam Malaysia


Have you ever encountered a bird that greets you as if it's your neighbor from down the street? No? Well, it might be time for a trip to England then.

In North Yorkshire, a crow named Mourdour has taken the internet by storm. Not with a song or a caw but with a friendly, heartfelt question.

"Y'alright, love?" That’s how passersby are greeted by this chatty bird, and in a thick English accent no less!

Mourdour’s behavior is far from the typical ominous symbol attached to crows. This bird adds a touch of whimsy to the daily lives of locals as he roams in search of treats while offering unexpected greetings.

The discovery of his unique talent was made by Lisa and Mark Brooks during a visit to Knaresborough Castle. Captivated by his human-like greeting, they shared a video online, catapulting Mourdour to internet fame.

Lisa reminisces, "I wandered over to the crow and just heard this faint call of 'y’alright love.'"

The bird’s remarkable ability to mimic human speech, complete with a local dialect, has made him an instant celebrity. He’s effectively capturing the attention of both passersby and global news outlets.

What sets Mourdour and his vocal skills apart is his distinctive black-and-white plumage. Crows are part of the intelligent corvid family, which includes jays and ravens, known for their problem-solving abilities and complex social behaviors.

Research suggests these birds' intelligence may be on par with that of apes, given their use of tools, facial recognition, and grasp of physics. Mourdour's mimicry raises questions about how these birds learn and adapt human sounds so accurately.

The mystery of how Mourdour learned to greet people in such a familiar manner remains unsolved. Perhaps he had a previous owner who often inquired about his well-being, or maybe he's just exceptionally observant.

To see Mourdour in action and to share in the joy he brings, don’t miss the video that has touched hearts worldwide.


“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

― Marcus Aurelius


Did you know that on this day in 1702, James II's daughter, Anne Stuart, became Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland following the death of William III?

Anne's ascension to the throne marked a significant moment in British history, coming after years of political and religious turmoil. The daughter of a deposed king, Anne navigated her reign through the complexities of the War of the Spanish Succession, significant legislative changes, and the ongoing struggle between Protestantism and Catholicism in Britain.

Her rule would witness the Union of England and Scotland in 1707, a pivotal event that laid the groundwork for the modern United Kingdom.

Her leadership style was characterized by a blend of personal resilience and a keen sense of duty, qualities that underscored her tenure on the throne until her death in 1714. Anne's time as monarch is often remembered for both its political significance and the cultural flourishing it encouraged, making her an enduring figure in British history.

Later on…

1817 - The New York Stock Exchange takes its first breath, cementing Wall Street's fate as the heart of financial wizardry.

1838 - The US mint in New Orleans kicks off, cranking out dimes and putting its minty stamp on American currency.

1884 - Susan B. Anthony takes the stage at the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, fighting for women's suffrage 16 years after the idea first hit the legislative floor.

1934 - Edwin Hubble astonishes the world with a photo, revealing a universe filled with galaxies as numerous as the stars in our own Milky Way.


Can You Spot The Sea Glass?

Hint: There are 2 pieces, one is blue.


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