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  • Stray Dog Mom Nurses Different Baby in Need

Stray Dog Mom Nurses Different Baby in Need

She wasn’t going to let her struggle get in the way of saving a baby, different species or not.

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• Stray Dog Mom Nurses Different Baby in Need

Quote: "The bad news is...”

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I was impressed when she lost the shoe! 😂😂


Image courtesy of YouTube - GeoBeats Animals


In the serene countryside, a kind-hearted family’s life changed course when they met a baby deer who they called Thor.

Dawn and her husband found Thor as a helpless little fawn in their yard. He was bleating for help and standing on top of her husband’s feet, clearly in need of a miracle.

Thor had lost his mother. He was alone and vulnerable but, thankfully, he had found the right people.

Dawn and her husband were determined to help Thor while respecting his wild nature. They knew he couldn’t become a pet, so their mission was to nurture him and eventually reintegrate him into the wild.

They slept outside near his enclosure to protect him and adhered to a strict feeding schedule. Doing things this way ensured Thor received the best care possible.

Goat’s milk became his lifeline, chosen carefully to support his growth and health. As Thor grew, he learned to navigate the wilderness but never lost his bond with Dawn’s family.

He would return from the woods when they called, still coming back for his bottle of milk. This routine continued as Thor matured, demonstrating the deep connection he felt with his human caregivers.

Now a few years old, Thor has seamlessly transitioned to life in the wild, yet he still frequents the family’s home, treating it as part of his territory. His interactions with the local deer herd show his understanding of family ties and territory, avoiding mating with his relatives.

The heartwarming video of their story has reached over 7 million views. Dawn’s journey with Thor has enriched her connection with nature, showing the extraordinary bond that can exist between humans and wildlife.

Image courtesy of YouTube - Caring Animal Shelter


A stray dog mom and her 4 puppies were found trying to survive on the streets, constantly searching for food and shelter.

Despite her own struggles, this incredible dog wouldn't let another baby starve on her watch. She began caring for a tiny kitten, sharing her limited resources to make sure everyone got fed.

Aunt Fu, a kind-hearted neighbor, couldn’t ignore their plight. She started bringing food regularly, sometimes even buying special treats just for them.

Slowly, the dog mom began to trust her. She began seeing Aunt Fu as a friend who truly cared. Eventually, the dog mom led Aunt Fu to their makeshift home, a little shelter pieced together from scraps.

Aunt Fu was heartbroken to see the conditions they were living in, but what really surprised her was the kitten nestled among the puppies. This dog mom, with so little to give, had taken in another baby in need.

The video shows the mama dog cleaning and cuddling the kitten just like her own, a beautiful display of her boundless compassion.

Determined to help, Aunt Fu decided to bring the whole gang—mom, puppies, and kitten—to a shelter. With a big cardboard box in hand, she gently gathered them up, ready to take them to a better life.

At the shelter, they were welcomed with open arms. They were finally getting the food, medical care, and safe place they deserved. This only marks the beginning of a better chapter in their lives.


"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.”

—Michael Altshuler


Did you know that on this day in 1893, Mahatma Gandhi was forcibly thrown off a first-class train compartment in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa?

Despite holding a valid first-class ticket, Gandhi was ejected solely because of his race. This humiliating experience occurred on a cold night and became a turning point in his life, revealing the harsh realities of racial discrimination in South Africa.

The very next day, Gandhi's response to this injustice marked his first act of civil disobedience. Refusing to let the incident slide, he protested his treatment, challenging the pervasive racism head-on.

This act of defiance was the spark that ignited Gandhi's lifelong commitment to fighting injustice.

It also laid the groundwork for his philosophy of Satyagraha, or nonviolent resistance, which inspired countless movements for justice and equality worldwide.

Other notable events…

1195 - London sees its first report of ball lightning, thanks to Benedictine monk Gervase of Christ Church Cathedral Priory, Canterbury.

1862 - The United States and Britain team up to put an end to the slave trade.

1864 - Abraham Lincoln is nominated for a second term as U.S. President by the Republican Party.

1893 - Gandhi gets kicked off a first-class train in South Africa, sparking his first act of civil disobedience.

1917 - Melvin Jones and Chicago businessmen launch Lions Clubs International, now the largest service organization in the world.


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