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  • Stashed Camera Shows Who's Pilfering Oreos

Stashed Camera Shows Who's Pilfering Oreos

They had a good idea who was sneaking off with the Oreos but they were utterly wrong.

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Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This is the best version of “opera” I’ve ever seen.

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Lady's Hip-Wagging Starts Senior Flashmob
• Stashed Camera Shows Who's Pilfering Oreos

Quote: “Laughter is good for both…”

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Her laugh at the end is everything! 😂😂


Image courtesy of YouTube - LifeMark


We all know that as we age, the hobbies and passions that once filled our days tend to fade into the background. But that’s only true if we let it.

The old adage "if you don't use it, you lose it" rings true for many aspects of life, particularly when it comes to staying active. Thankfully, this is far from the reality for this group of spirited seniors.

This “mob” recently proved that age really is just a number when it comes to doing what you love, and what they love is dancing! Taking full advantage of an open court in a shopping center, they put on a flash dance that’s been lighting up the internet.

This extraordinary spectacle was led by one lady whose dance moves were as fluid and captivating as any professional dancer's. Their footwork proves the fire of passion burns just as brightly in our later years.

The performance attracted a crowd that was quickly mesmerized. One particularly inspiring individual stood out, not letting her wheelchair dampen her spirit or her ability to participate.

Fortunately for us all, the entire seasoned flash mob was immortalized on video, later uploaded to YouTube for all to see. As always, people had plenty to say.

I'm a great grandmother who enjoys singing, dancing and doing the HAKA. It's great to see more of us enjoying ourselves, and not being "puckered up old prunes". The beautiful woman who started the "ball rolling" is awesome. She reminds me of my grandmother who danced and sang until she died at 108,” wrote one viewer.

Another viewer couldn’t help but comment on what an asset seniors who still put themselves out there are, saying “What an inspiration these people are. I'm 83 and they make me feel even more determined to stay young. I sing on YouTube (35 songs so far). The young people of today have a "golden" opportunity to learn the secret of life by watching the talent and positive outlooks such as these senior dancers displayed.

It’s not every day you see a bunch of elders get down in the middle of a shopping center but, when they do, you don’t want to miss it!

Image courtesy of YouTube - The Daily Buzz


As Oreos began vanishing into thin air, a New York couple decided to suss out who was thieving the coveted cookies. The prime suspects? The kids, naturally.

To solve the cookie crime, the parents turned into detectives and set up a hidden camera hoping to catch their 5-year-old, Maddie, red-handed.

But as the plot thickened, the true culprit emerged from an unexpected corner. Max, the family's Goldendoodle, was about to take center stage.

The camera, strategically placed to catch a child in the act, instead revealed Max's secret life as a cookie connoisseur. Standing on his hind legs with the finesse of a seasoned thief, Max deftly pilfers the Oreos from their hiding spot, leaving his human family both stunned and amused.

"We couldn't believe our eyes," the parents remarked, watching Max navigate the kitchen with a skill that rivaled professional burglars. His dedication to the cookie heist was both impressive and downright hilarious, showcasing a side of Max they never knew existed.

This delightful video turned into an instant family classic. It also taught a valuable lesson- never underestimate a Goldendoodle.

While everyone knows Oreos are not good for dogs, Max fortunately munched them down unharmed. Now that his humans know what a sneaky giant they’re dealing with, the cookies will be designated to a higher hiding place.


“Laughter is good for both the body and the soul.”

― Mike Meyer


Did you know that on this day back in 1540, what’s now considered England’s oldest horse racecourse that’s still in use today recorded its very first race meet?

The thrill of galloping horses and the roar of an excited crowd ripping through Roodee Fields in Chester ushered in a new era in horse racing by putting it all on record.

Chester Racecourse, where this historic event took place, still buzzes with activity today. It’s the oldest racecourse still in operation not just in England, but possibly the whole world.

Imagine the local gentry and townsfolk gathering in their finest attire, eager to witness the spectacle and perhaps win big on a friendly wager or two.

It evolved into a grand social event that brought the community together in celebration. Fast forward to today, and the legacy of that first race meet in Chester continues to resonate.

The 16th century was a time of knights, explorers, and the Tudor dynasty - a period brimming with drama and transformation. Horse racing fit right into this era of change, quickly becoming the sport of kings and a favorite pastime among the nobility.

It wasn't just about the speed and the competition. It was about showing off your wealth, your fine horses, and your sense of style.

Later on…

1926 - Atlanta says "Nope!" to Darwin, putting a ban on teaching evolution in schools and stirring up a science vs. tradition showdown.

1961 - The Beatles kick off their first gig at Liverpool's Cavern Club, beginning an epic marathon of nearly 300 shows that would change music forever.

1964 - GI Joe leaps from the drawing board into the hearts of kids everywhere, becoming the ultimate action figure and American hero.

1985 - Madonna's "Like a Virgin" album skyrockets to #1, holding the throne for 3 weeks and turning the pop world upside down.


Can You Spot The Snake?

Hint: My texture is the only thing that gives me away.


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