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Single Dad Adopts "Forgotten" Boy and Girl

The 49-year-old single dad has fostered 36 children, but this is a different kind of case.

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Hey everyone,

Happy Tuesday! Did you know we’re celebrating something pretty special today? This email marks our 100th newsletter! 🥳🎉

That’s a lot of smiles we’ve shared, and we look forward to sharing many more, starting now. Enjoy the read and have a Happy Thanksgiving this Thursday! 🦃❤️

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: These boys have the most contagious laughs…

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Orphan Donkey Can't Stop Hugging Rescuer
• Single Dad Adopts "Forgotten" Boy and Girl

Quote: “Life is a journey...”

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Search Party: Chaos at the Park

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The people of Chaos City amusement park are in trouble and it's up to you to follow the characters around the park to help answer questions and solve mysteries! 

Over the course of 15 missions, you'll sabotage mad scientists, help parkgoers find love, and more. With fun pop-up structures and a highly intricate board packed with hidden objects and kooky characters, including 300 hidden items, the whole family will have a blast. 

The game is perfect for players 8+, so parents, siblings, cousins, and friends can all get searching together. Find it at Walmart, Target, Amazon, and Relatable.com. 

Brought to you by What Do You Meme? Family, a Relatable brand.


They sound just like little turkeys! 🦃🤣


Image courtesy of YouTube - Mert Akkök


Kadife's journey from an orphaned donkey on the roadside to beloved member of a new family is both heartwarming and inspiring.

Her story began with heartbreak after being left to fend for herself beside her deceased mother. The young donkey’s plight touched school teachers from a nearby village, who then reached out to Mert Akkök.

Known for his compassion toward animals, Mert offered Kadife a new beginning during the cold winter months. In her new home, Kadife found herself among an unlikely group of companions: dogs.

Growing up alongside them, she adopted behaviors more characteristic of canines, playfully chasing them and even engaging in games. This unique upbringing led her to seamlessly integrate into their world, showcasing the adaptable and social nature of donkeys.

Now 3 years old, Kadife has emerged as a leader among her pack. Her special bond is particularly strong with her canine “brother”, Ben. They’re bonded and it’s absolutely beautiful.

Reflecting on Kadife’s journey, it's evident how transformative love and care can be. From the initial kindness of the school teachers to Mert Akkök's welcoming home, every act of compassion has played a crucial role in shaping her story.

Kadife's once challenge-filled life is now brimming with joy and affection, proving that with kindness, even the most difficult beginnings can lead to happy endings!

Image courtesy of Instagram - Foster Dad Flipper


Meet Peter Mutabazi, an extraordinary single dad whose life story is a testament to the power of love and dedication.

Already a foster parent to 36 children, Peter's journey of compassion and care reached new heights when he adopted 17-year-old Anthony Mutabazi in 2019. But his remarkable journey didn't stop there.

Peter recently welcomed two more children, 8-year-old Isabella and 7-year-old Luke, into his loving abode, joyfully declaring, “I can be their forever home.” His approach to parenting is not only nurturing but also deeply inspiring, as he shares his experiences on Instagram, hoping to motivate other men to become active, loving fathers.

Peter’s mission is rooted in a profound commitment to the well-being of foster children. Passionately advocating for the reconnection of foster children with their biological parents, he states, “I am a foster parent that will always, always fight for the bio parent to have their kids back.”

Yet, he assures his foster kids that his home is theirs forever if they can’t return to their biological families. This dual commitment reflects the depth of his compassion and understanding of the complex dynamics of foster care.

The story of Brenlynn and Koleman, who arrived at Peter’s North Carolina residence in May 2020, further illustrates his immense heart.

Initially meant to stay for just four months, the situation changed as their biological parents became increasingly distant. Peter, recognizing the growing gap and the need for stability in the children's lives, has stepped in.

Peter’s reflection on the situation and the dynamics at play, has captured millions of hearts after delving into the details of how he became a Dad all over again.


“Life is a journey worth making.”

― Diva Jefferson


A lot of you asked where we get our writing inspiration (without being online 24/7). Here’s what our team reads regularly!

The Daily Article - Covering critical stories differently from a grounded, Biblical Christian perspective. Unbiased, objective, and neutral. (one-click subscribe)

Early Chirp - Daily entertaining and informative stories based on important events happening around the world. (one-click subscribe)

The Culture Translator - Cultural trends impacting your teenager's world from a Christian worldview - all in a five-minute weekly read. (one-click subscribe)

Each one is free and has phenomenal writing. Highly recommended!


Did you know on this day in 1969, the birth pangs of what we know as the internet began?

ARPANET, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, established its first permanent link, essentially planting the seed for the modern internet. This pioneering network was the world’s first packet-switched computer network, a foundational technology that underpins today's internet.

The first message attempt on ARPANET was on October 29, 1969, but it was the establishment of the first stable connection between UCLA and the Stanford Research Institute on November 21 that truly marked the network's operational beginning.

ARPANET's rapid growth in the early 1970s led to protocols enabling different networks to communicate with each other, further shaping the internet as a global network of networks.

This historic day set in motion a series of innovations that would eventually lead to the Internet as we know it today.

Other notable events…

164 BC - In a pivotal moment of the Maccabean Revolt, Judas Maccabaeus recaptured Jerusalem and rededicated the Second Temple, an event now celebrated as the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.

1783 - The skies of Paris became a canvas for human flight as the Montgolfier brothers' hot air balloon carried François Pilâtre de Rozier and François Laurent in the first free manned flight.

1837 - Thomas Morris of Australia set a remarkable record, skipping rope 22,806 times, showcasing extraordinary endurance and skill.

1877: A sound revolution began as Thomas Edison announced the phonograph, the first device to record and replay sound, reshaping our audio world.


Can You Spot The Toddler?

Hint: The dolls are just decoys.


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