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  • Student's Walk Earns Him Amazing Gift - Shareables F&J #54

Student's Walk Earns Him Amazing Gift - Shareables F&J #54

A determined student walked six miles to attend his own middle school graduation.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Thanks for tapping into Tuesday’s round-up of good news! Today’s newsletter features two stories that show life is always worth weathering the storm, no matter how much you might feel like giving up sometimes.

And speaking of storms, it looks like we’re facing a hot week of weather, so make sure to check out these helpful tips for keeping cool this summer. Enjoy! ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Quote: Happiness doesn’t depend on who you are…

  • Video Reel: When you'll do anything for a laugh...

  • Trending Loveable Stories:

    • Dog Survives 5 Wintry Weeks on Mountain

    • Student's Walk Earns Him Amazing Gift

Quote of the Day 💭

“Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think.”

― Dale Carnegie

Reel of the Day 📽️

If anyone deserves an Oscar, it's this man!😂🏆

Trending Stories 📰

Image courtesy of Summit Daily - Zach Hackett


New Colorado resident Zach Hackett stumbled on a miracle while exploring a Rocky Mountain trail, and it started with a single "yip".

Hearing the unexpected chirp, Hackett discovered Riley, a 9-year-old Sheltie. The smelly, matted dog had survived 5 weeks in the wintry wilderness of the Rockies.

Riley's owner, Mike Krugman, had been searching relentlessly with the help of Summit Lost Pet Rescue. Though countless volunteers scoured the area and despite numerous efforts, the trail went cold.

Krugman started to assume the worst.

Hackett knew he had to rescue the emaciated dog despite the challenging terrain and deep snow. He wrapped Riley in a windbreaker and embarked on the two-hour trek downhill.

“For me, it’s not, ‘Do I save him?’ It’s, ‘How do I do it?'”

Upon their safe return, Hackett cared for Riley overnight before taking him to the Breckenridge Animal Clinic. Riley spent three days connected to an IV infusion pump.

He weighed in at 12 pounds, down by half of what he weighed when he began his journey.

Reunited with Krugman, Riley has fully recovered and resumed his role as the "Alpha dog." Krugman believes his late wife, Pam, might have been watching over Riley during his ordeal.

“Someone was probably looking out for him and I would say it was probably her.”

This heartwarming story highlights the power of community, compassion, and perhaps even a bit of divine intervention. One thing is certain- Riley is beyond lucky that Zach decided to take a hike that day.

Image courtesy of Twitter - Harris-Stowe University


A determined eighth-grader walked six miles to attend his own middle school graduation at Harris-Stowe State University in St. Louis.

"I remember something Mr. Seals told me. He said, ‘If I want it, I got to go get it,'” Xavier Jones explained to Fox2 Now.

Xavier’s mentor, Darren Seals, proudly announced the teen’s feat during his graduation ceremony speech. This was met with a thunderous round of applause from the audience.

Xavier’s determination also had a substantial impact on another educator.

When HSSU President Dr. LaTonia Collins Smith learned of Xavier's dedication, she was moved to offer him a scholarship. But this wasn’t just any scholarship.

Xavier’s walk earned him a Presidential Scholarship, a.k.a. a full ride.

In addition to school tuition, it also covers four years of housing, books, and fees. That means Xavier can focus all of his determination on completing his studies and excelling in his education.

Upon hearing the news, Xavier initially thought, "They’re going to give me a ride to school?" before realizing he wouldn't have to pay for college.

Xavier's story also caught the attention of NFL star Terron Armstead. Touched by Xavier’s grit, Armstead teamed up with a local car dealership to surprise Xavier at a celebrity basketball game.

They gifted Xavier a $5,000 electric bike and his family a $40,000 minivan to ensure he'll always have a ride to school.

This means a whole lot,” said Xavier's grandfather, who cares for Xavier and his siblings after their mother's passing. "I’m so thankful.

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