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  • Owl Saved by Community Is Already Famous - Shareables F&J #53

Owl Saved by Community Is Already Famous - Shareables F&J #53

It was Laira Burban's 1s owl rescue. Little did she know, he's a "famous" owl.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Feel like kicking off Friday with a strong shot of happiness? Look no further! From people coming together to cultivate an environment of kindness and joy to the just flat-out funny, today’s letter is all about cranking up the happiness amp to 11. ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Quote: The thing about happiness and helping…

  • Video Reel: Happiness IS spelled with two P's…

  • Trending Loveable Stories:

    • Owl Saved by Community Is Already Famous

    • Seniors Prank Principal With "Sleepover”

Quote of the Day 💭

“Happiness comes from helping others, by being with others, and by sharing, even if it's only a smile.”

― Zain Hashmi

Reel of the Day 📽️

Trending Stories 📰

Image courtesy of Facebook - Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter


How do you feel about owls?

In a world where opinions on them differ greatly, there's no denying the lovable traits these creatures possess. With their big, captivating eyes, fascinating wings, feathers, ears, and beaks, owls never fail to capture our hearts.

Laura Burban, Director of Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter, knows this all too well. Always ready to help rescue any animal, she didn't hesitate when a distressed owl was spotted in the middle of a Connecticut street.

Sadly, the owl was in bad shape.

Refusing to leave the road, the concerned residents of Branford knew intervention was necessary. They promptly contacted the animal shelter and Laura wasted no time in coming to the owl's aid. It was her chance to experience the beauty of owls up close.

However, it wasn't an easy task.

Laura had to safely remove the injured owl from the street, and it was her first owl rescue. Cautiously covering its head with a towel, she successfully saved the owl. It was then taken to A Place Called Hope, a bird rehab center, where they discovered it had a fractured wrist.

As it turns out, this owl was no stranger to its loving neighbors. The town's First Selectman, Jamie Cosgrove, revealed that the owl was a local celebrity, known and adored by the entire community.

Everyone eagerly awaited updates on its condition.

After a few weeks of dedicated care from its rescuers, the owl made a remarkable recovery. Then the joyful moment arrived when Jamie himself freed the owl from its kennel, marking its return home.

It was a heartwarming sight.

This story proves that love and care can work wonders. With its return to the neighborhood, the owl will hopefully enjoy many more years surrounded by its loving community.

Image courtesy of Today - St. Andrew’s School


When Joy McGrath walked into her kitchen one morning, she found over 70 students camped out on her floor!

McGrath is the head of St. Andrews School in Delaware, and she’s known for her close connection to her students. Close as they are, though, she never expected something like this.

This heartwarming senior prank was orchestrated by the graduating class, but even McGrath's husband, Ty Jones, was in on it.

The idea sprouted after their senior prom when McGrath invited the students over for a midnight breakfast. One student joked about sleeping right there in the living room, sparking the plan. McGrath didn’t suspect a thing.

"I can sleep through anything," McGrath says.

She even slept through her own senior prank back in 1992!

Before heading back to their dorms, the seniors enjoyed doughnuts and coffee with McGrath and her husband. KaiChun "Austin" Chuang, who filmed McGrath's reaction, praised her for taking such good care of them.

This wholesome prank truly showcases the special bond students can have with their mentors.

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