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  • Brave Diver Frees Whale from Stuck Hook - Shareables F&J #52

Brave Diver Frees Whale from Stuck Hook - Shareables F&J #52

Hugues Vitry risked his own safety to bravely help a hooked sperm whale.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Welcome to another Tuesday update on what’s going right with the world! We’ve got some wonderful examples of kindness to share with you and one very useful tip.

Did you know that one of the quickest ways to get a boost of dopamine (a.k.a. the “happy” hormone) is to solve a problem? One “problem” we know many are facing right now is the uptick in ant traffic around their home and garden. We also know it’s probably driving you crazy!

Thankfully, this is one problem that’s easily solved and will give your mood a near-instant boost. And all you need is 2 bricks and a large, black plastic yard debris bag to get the job done.

When you’ve gotten them gathered, simply locate the ant nest, cover it up with the bag on a hot day, and weigh it down with the bricks! Learn more about this simple method and why it works here. ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Quote: Happiness is a perfume…

  • Video Reel: This cat is incubating chickens!

  • Trending Loveable Stories:

    • Man's Photo Changes Life of 81-Year-Old

    • Brave Diver Frees Whale from Stuck Hook

Quote of the Day 💭

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reel of the Day 📽️

Trending Stories 📰

Image courtesy of YouTube - 12 News


As a mail carrier, Ra'sheen has become close with the folks on his route. That includes Margo, an 81-year-old woman who’s been struggling to maintain her property.

Ra’sheen knew she shouldn’t be doing yardwork herself, so he posted a picture of Margo’s overgrown yard on Facebook.

Ra’sheen was looking for help and that’s exactly what he got in the form of Samantha Young, a local business owner specializing in house cleaning and yard work.

Samantha volunteered her time and skills, clearing Margo's yard of debris and mowing the lawn. Samantha didn't charge for her services, but members of the Facebook group sent donations as a gesture of thanks. Margo was nearly overwhelmed with gratitude for all the support she received.

As for Samantha, she’s already looking forward to helping others.

Ra'sheen is a believer in the importance of kindness and community service. He emphasized that the U.S. Postal Service isn’t just about delivering mail; it also involves helping others without expecting anything in return.

This heartwarming story serves as a reminder that small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on someone's life. By being aware of the needs of those around us and offering support, we can make a positive difference in our communities.

Ra'sheen, Samantha, and the Facebook group demonstrated the power of compassion and unity, showcasing the true spirit of service and kindness.

Image courtesy of YouTube - World of Aviation


A remarkable encounter took place out at sea when diver Hugues Vitry found himself being approached by a sperm whale.

These huge yet gentle mammals are known for their intelligence and vulnerability. It was perhaps this intelligence that led the whale to seek assistance from Vitry. While sperm Whales primarily feed on squid, this whale was swimming at Vitry with his mouth wide open.

As it turned out, the whale was “asking” for help.

In an exceptional moment, the whale swam close to Vitry, moving sideways and opening its jaw to show it needed help. A small fish hook had gotten lodged between its teeth, causing discomfort for the enormous marine creature.

As Vitry removed the hook, the whale remained calm. What happened next left him in awe.

The whale seemed to linger as if thanking him for his help.

Vitry even embraced the whale. He hugged her and pressed his head against hers, whispering words of comfort while he did.

It's a beautiful reminder of the intelligence and emotional depth of these majestic creatures, as well as a reminder of the fact that we are all connected and can always find a way to help.

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