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  • Man Stops Robbery with Unexpected Hug - Shareables F&J #51

Man Stops Robbery with Unexpected Hug - Shareables F&J #51

He stopped a bank robbery in its tracks in the most unlikely way.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Happy Friday! June is here and it’s officially BBQ season, and that means it’s the perfect time to start dosing ourselves with all of the delicious Summer season mood-boosting foods we can find. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be delighted to know that watermelon is at the top of the list.

The juicy, red fruit has been well documented in medical and science arenas for its powerful mood-boosting properties, largely owing to its abundance of vitamin B6. The only caveat? To preserve all of its amazing properties, watermelon should not be kept cold. Rather it should be sliced and eaten at room temperature. You can learn how to pick the sweetest and juiciest watermelons here. ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Quote: The importance of friends…

  • Video Reel: When feeling “froggy” just means you want to dance.

  • Trending Loveable Stories:

    • Pushy Cat Exacts Toll from Delivery Man

    • Man Stops Robbery with Unexpected Hug

Quote of the Day 💭

“Of all the means to insure happiness throughout the whole life, by far the most important is the acquisition of friends.”

― Epicurus, A Guide To Happiness

Reel of the Day 📽️

Trending Stories 📰

Image courtesy of YouTube - The Dodo


Cats can be fickle creatures. One minute they might want love while the next they’re trying to scratch your eyes out just for looking at them. But this cat appears to be cut from a different cloth.

Meet Tuna.

Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a sassy side, as showcased on her own Instagram account with well over two thousand followers. Tuna's adventurous personality has captivated her growing audience, along with her well-known penchant for friendliness.

Tuna's owners noticed she frequently returns home with dirt on her fur, sparking their curiosity about her whereabouts. To uncover her secret, they equipped her with a GPS.

To their surprise, Tuna never left the house.

Then they caught a heartwarming interaction on their porch camera. Tuna was flirting with the delivery men! She put on a delightful show for them by walking in circles and even rolling over to entertain her guests.

In return, the delivery men would give her affectionate pets.

The internet has fallen in love with Tuna’s daytime routine. One YouTube user described her as the "ambassador of goodwill and friendliness," lowering people's blood pressure with her affectionate nature.

Another delivery driver expressed how pets like Tuna are as effective as a good therapy session.

Tuna's owners agree she provides a much-needed break for delivery drivers, who endure the constant stress and challenges of timely deliveries. Tuna breaks up the monotony of the day like a joyful ray of sunshine and gives them something to look forward to during their workday.

And that “something” is the mood-boosting opportunity to pet her and tell her she’s beautiful.

Tuna's warm and loving personality makes her a delight to watch as she greets the delivery men, spreading happiness wherever she goes.

Image courtesy of KFYR TV - KCRA


A customer is earning praise online for his recent heroics during a bank robbery. It’s not just the fact he stopped the robbery that has people’s attention, though, but how he stopped it.

Michael Armus Sr. managed to stop a robbery in its tracks with a hug.

You read that right. The California resident used empathy, not force, to save everyone involved.

Armus was making a deposit at a Bank of the West location in Woodland when he noticed the tellers' concerned expressions. That’s when he saw a man with his face covered, later identified as 43-year-old Eduardo Plasencia.

Plasencia had passed a note to one of the tellers claiming he had a gun and was robbing the bank.

Armus sensed Plasencia’s depression and struck up a conversation, learning that Plasencia felt hopeless and just wanted to go to prison. In an attempt to comfort him, Armus asked if they could step outside.

Moments later, the police arrived and arrested Plasencia for attempted robbery. During the arrest, it also became clear that Pasencia had been bluffing about being armed.

Armus, who recognized Plasencia as a friend of his daughter from years ago, plans on visiting him in jail.

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