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  • Traffic Cop's Attitude Earns Her $50K - Shareables F&J #47

Traffic Cop's Attitude Earns Her $50K - Shareables F&J #47

Linita Edge has proven that having the right attitude can make all the difference in life.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Happy feel-good Friday! Did you know that reading stories about kindness can have a real-world impact on how you conduct yourself throughout the day? Recent behavioral science studies have shown that spending just a few minutes consuming positive content each day can help reverse the effects of “bad news”.

So, here’s some of the most smile-inducing content we’ve found on the web to help with that.

Enjoy! ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Quote: It's a funny thing about life…

  • Video Reel: You’re never too old to dance.

  • Trending Loveable Stories:

    • Umpire Saves Boy from Game-Day Dust Devil

    • Traffic Cop's Attitude Earns Her $50K

Quote of the Day 💭

“It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”

- Germany Kent

Reel of the Day 📽️

Trending Stories 📰

Image courtesy of YouTube - First Coast News

Image courtesy of YouTube - First Coast News


17-year-old umpire Aidan Wiles became a hero at a youth baseball game in Florida after pulling a young boy out of the path of a dusty whirlwind.

Bauer Zoya, a 7-year-old catcher, was caught up in a dust devil when Wiles darted over to him and dragged him to safety. Though it all happened within seconds, the whole incident was caught on camera and went viral.

Although the episode lasted mere seconds, it felt like an eternity to Zoya.

💡 The National Weather Service explains that dust devils form when clear skies and light winds allow the warm ground to create swirling air columns. While they are smaller and shorter-lived than tornadoes, they can still be destructive, picking up dust and debris along their path. 💡

According to Zoya, he vaguely recalls thinking he was being “sucked up” by the wind before realizing it was his umpire stepping in to save the day. But even the setback of a testy dust devil couldn’t keep him out of the game.

After the incident, Zoya's father poured water on him and he quickly returned to the field. When asked if he had any words for his hero ump, his statement was simple.

Image courtesy of TikTok - MDMotivator via CBS News


Imagine crossing a busy Detroit street, and you hear:

These are just a few of the uplifting words traffic control officer Linita Edge can be heard saying to the city’s pedestrians.

Edge is there to make sure everyone gets across safely. That’s her job. But, little did she know, one pedestrian was there to change her life in a major way.

It’s all thanks to a $1 T-shirt

Edge happened to be working on Mother's Day weekend when Zachery Dereniowski, a popular TikTok influencer, approached her with a question. He wanted to know if she’d like to buy a T-shirt.

Edge was hesitant.

She explained that she was on duty, and encouraged him to go but Dereniowski stood there patiently. Then he surprised her with an invite to watch her favorite team, the Detroit Tigers.

After declining because she had to finish her shift, Dereniowski gave $500 to cover the cost. Then, he escorted her into Comerica Park where yet another surprise awaited her.

A $50,000 check from a community that wanted to bless her.

Edge’s reaction to receiving the check was worth every cent. When asked to describe her feelings on learning she had $50K waiting for her, her response was humble.

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