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  • Man Rescues Baby and Lands Job Same Day - Shareables F&J #46

Man Rescues Baby and Lands Job Same Day - Shareables F&J #46

Ron has been homeless for many years, but his fate changed right after a job interview.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Thank you for joining us for another round-up of inspiring content to help sweeten the day and drown out the sour! Today we’re featuring some amazing stories that do just that, and we hope you enjoy them every bit as much as we did. ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Quote: Happiness is a risk…

  • Video Reel: This little ferret is having a ball!

  • Trending Loveable Stories:

    • Man Rescues Baby and Lands Job Same Day

    • Friends Buy Old High School for $100k

Quote of the Day 💭

“Happiness is a risk. If you’re not a little scared, then you’re not doing it right.”

— Sarah Addison Allen

Reel of the Day 📽️

Dreams really do come true!

Trending Stories 📰

Image courtesy of YouTube - CBS Sacramento


Ron Nessman has been homeless and unemployed for many years, but fate had other plans for him. After leaving a job interview at a California Applebee's, a baby in a stroller suddenly rolled into a busy street buzzing with traffic.

Ron had no time to think, he just sprang into action.

Surveillance footage shows him snatching the stroller with his right hand just in the nick of time. He then sweeps the stroller around and returns the precious cargo to a much-distressed aunty.

She tried to stop the stroller herself but fell in the attempt. All she could do then was helplessly watch her great-nephew roll toward the busy street. That’s when Nessman sprinted onto the scene.

Nessman’s actions saved a baby and landed him a job the same day!

“I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I did nothing, of course. I’m just glad I realized it and was on it.”

The whole incident was caught on video and widely shared on social media.

After seeing the video, Applebees offered Nessman a job and his orientation was scheduled for the next day. He's received other job offers as well.

Nessman said he'll earn everything he gets and he appreciates the opportunity Applebee's is providing him.

“I’ll earn everything I get so – with that in mind, you know – I appreciate the opportunity that Applebee’s has given me,” Nessman told KNSD. “It’s really cool.”

Image courtesy of YouTube - CNBC Make It


Most of us have never considered buying an abandoned school as an investment opportunity before, but maybe we should.

Three friends have inspired many to think outside the box with one clever idea.

Adam Colucci, Jesse Wig, and Dan Spanovich are friends and real estate professionals. When an abandoned high school in Pennsylvania went up for sale, they pooled their money to make a bid.

They bought it for $100,000.

They spent around $3.3 million renovating the vacant structure into a 31-unit apartment complex with amazing amenities.

But not it’s not just any apartment building.

What was once a rundown school is now a beautiful, comfortable living space and it has maintained its historical significance. It’s now known as the Bowtie Project.

Adam worked closely with the National Park Service to keep the original porcelain crown moldings, terrazzo floors, and stunning 12-foot-high ceilings. His efforts were rewarded with historical tax credits for the renovation.

Jesse completely redesigned the common spaces.

The auditorium is now a recreation area and the gymnasium is a fitness center. The building now has 27 one-bedroom and 4 two-bedroom units, each with incredible designs and ample closet space.

The 3 friends initially set a combined budget of $2 million for renovations. When they went over, they shelled the money out of their own pockets to close the financial gap.

Thankfully, they’ll be splitting the profits, too.

The trio is pouring all earnings into their next project- renovating the Schwab School right across the street. They acquired this school for $90K with a mortgage of $3.25 million.

These friends didn't just create a fantastic living space, they also opened doors to more unique investment opportunities.

Curious about the Bowtie project? Take the video tour of this beautifully repurposed high school!

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