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Seal Charms Diver With Sweetest "Request”

Gary's been diving for decades, but he's never had an encounter quite like this. 🥰

Good morning everyone!

We’ve lined up some adorable stories to help set the right vibe for the day. We hope you love them as much as we do. Enjoy! 💗

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: Did you know that Raccoon Dogs exist?

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Seal Charms Diver With Sweetest "Request”
• Boy Has Viral "Epiphany" at Grandma's

Quote: “Each raindrop carries…”

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A lot of you asked where we get our writing inspiration (without being online 24/7). Here’s what our team reads regularly!

The Daily Article - Covering critical stories differently from a grounded, Biblical Christian perspective. Unbiased, objective, and neutral. (one-click subscribe)

Early Chirp - Daily entertaining and informative stories based on important events happening around the world. (one-click subscribe)

The Culture Translator - Cultural trends impacting your teenager's world from a Christian worldview - all in a five-minute weekly read. (one-click subscribe)

Each one is free and has phenomenal writing. Highly recommended!


I think I’m in love! 😍😍


Image courtesy of YouTube - Life According To Jake Boone


Meet Jake Boone! He’s not your average little boy.

Hailing from serene Sunfish, Kentucky, Jake's wisdom far exceeds his years, while charming everyone with his deep southern accent. It’s a drawl that echoes the wisdom of an old soul.

On the family farm, under his grandparents' nurturing guidance, Jake learns valuable life lessons. His days, filled with tending cows and enjoying nature, have shaped his unique view on life, teaching him about work ethics and the true meaning of happiness.

The star behind the camera is Jake’s grandmother, the unsung hero of his story. Through heartfelt conversations, she uncovers Jake's thoughtful perspectives on farm life and beyond, capturing each precious moment.

Jake's natural charisma shone through when, at just three years old, he won $10,000 on America's Funniest Home Videos for a heartwarming grocery list video with his mom. This success led to his YouTube channel, "Life According to Jake Boone," which has captivated over 58.6 thousand subscribers and 706,399 Facebook followers with his genuine, sweet nature.

But the conversation he’s having with grandma in this video is generating little Jake a whole lot more attention. Why? Because it’s something almost everyone can relate to - money.

Image courtesy of YouTube - Pirate FM


In the serene waters of the Scilly Isles, Gary Grayson, an adventurer from Salford, UK who is known for his encounters with the ocean's fiercest creatures, experienced an extraordinary moment.

On a day that seemed like any other, a friendly seal craving some interaction swam up to him. The events that followed turned Gary’s world of underwater adventure upside down.

This wasn't just any dive for Gary, a man whose life is woven with high-octane experiences. Thankfully, a friend was there to capture the remarkable meeting between Gary and a curious seal pup.

As they navigated the waters off the Isle, a pod of seals appeared. These cute sea creatures are known for their unpredictability. But one curious seal pup broke away from the group and approached Gary.

He waited with bated breath to see what the pup would do next. The interaction that followed was nothing short of magical.

The sweet seal pup gently “bops” Gary's mask with its nose and it seems pretty clear that he thinks the diver looks like a perfect playmate. The seal adorably introduced itself by shaking Gary’s hand with its flipper.

The moment was one of deep connection that Gary, who regularly swims with the ocean’s most majestic creatures, will never forget.

Even better, this cute gesture was only the beginning of their interaction. The video is easily one of the cutest I have ever seen. We really do live in such a magical world!


“Each raindrop carries a rainbow within their heart.”

― Anthony T. Hincks


Did you know on this day in 1520, the intrepid Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean?

This event simultaneously marked a geographical discovery and opened a gateway to an era of global exploration and connectivity that forever transformed our understanding of the world.

Magellan's voyage was an ambitious endeavor to find a westward route to the Spice Islands, known for their lucrative trade in cloves, nutmeg, and other exotic spices. His determination led him to navigate through the treacherous Strait of Magellan at the southern tip of South America, unveiling the vast Pacific Ocean to European eyes for the first time.

In addition to proving the world was larger and more interconnected than ever imagined, Magellan’s journey also presented the first practical evidence of the Earth’s roundness. This challenged centuries-old beliefs and sparked a scientific revolution.

The voyage, although perilous and costly in terms of human life (including Magellan's own), underscored the unwavering human desire to explore the unknown.

Later On…

1582 - In a quaint English parish, a young William Shakespeare wed Anne Hathaway. The future literary titan’s marriage set the stage for a union that would echo through his timeless works into the annals of literature.

1785 - The first Treaty of Hopewell was signed. This was a groundbreaking moment when the U.S. government recognized Cherokee lands in East Tennessee for the first time, crafting an early chapter in the complex narrative of Native American and United States relations.

1895 - The roar of engines ripped through the air as America's first automobile race unfolded. Stretching 54 miles from Chicago to Evanston, Frank Duryea's triumphant 10-hour journey marked a pivotal turn in the history of transportation.

1925 - A new melody begins with the inaugural broadcast of the Grand Ole Opry. The new form of entertainment resonated as a milestone in country music while leaving its stamp on the cultural heritage of America.


Can You Spot All The Lizards?

Hint: I’m big, brown and there are at least 5 of me.


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