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  • Rescuer Finds Tiny "Baby" in Dumpster Jar

Rescuer Finds Tiny "Baby" in Dumpster Jar

One rescuer had to get a little “inventive” to get her out. 🥹

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: Somebody’s happy it’s Friday!

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Principal Adopts Suspended Teen Girl
• Rescuer Finds Tiny "Baby" in Dumpster Jar

Quote: “It is only with one 's heart…”

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A lot of you asked where we get our writing inspiration (without being online 24/7). Here’s what our team reads regularly!

HealthHack - 5-minute weekly reading on the latest in wellness, tech, and the strange (and awesome) ways they intersect. (one-click subscribe)

High on Christ - An edgy newsletter that targets Christian millennials interested in faith, finances, and family! (one-click subscribe)

The Ten Thousand Heroes Show - Five-minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. There are a lot of great stories in here that hit straight to the heart. (one-click subscribe)

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Image courtesy of GMA - Marybeth Smith


Raven Whitaker-Smith, an 11-year-old girl, was sitting outside the principal's office, suspended for throwing a cup of yogurt at lunch. But this moment, seemingly just another chapter in a troubled school life, was about to take an unexpected turn.

Principal Jason Smith was curious about the young girl's actions. He approached her with a straightforward question- "What's going on?"

Raven's response was simple. She was waiting to be picked up after her suspension. But it was her answer to Smith's next question that truly struck a chord.

When asked if she would throw food in a restaurant, Raven admitted she’d never even eaten in one. This conversation opened up a profound window into Raven's world. It was a world marked by instability and foster care, and it set the stage for an extraordinary change in both their lives.

Jason and his wife, Marybeth, had faced their own struggles with infertility and the heartbreak of fostering children who were eventually returned to their biological parents. When Jason shared Raven's story with Marybeth, it wasn't just another student's tale. Something special about Raven resonated deeply with them.

This connection led the Smiths to reconsider their journey into foster care and adoption. The transition wasn't smooth sailing.

Raven, accustomed to being let down, tested the Smiths' resolve.

"I gave them a bunch of trouble to see what would happen," she recalls. But the Smiths were unwavering, helping Raven catch up academically and providing the stable, loving environment she had longed for.

Their perseverance paid off, and on November 3, 2017, they officially adopted Raven, then a freshman in high school.

Fast forward to today, and Raven is making huge strides on a path inspired by her own experiences.

As the Smiths prepare for another Christmas together, their home is filled with joy and the spirit of the season, a stark contrast to the days before Raven.

Image courtesy of The Dodo - Hart Wildlife Rescue


In a surprising turn of events in Medstead, United Kingdom, a local resident made a startling discovery in their recycling bin.

Among the empty glass bottles, something unusual caught their eye- a half-filled Nutella jar. But this was no ordinary jar.

On closer inspection, the resident realized the jar didn't contain a delicious spread, but rather a small, frightened hedgehog, trapped and unable to escape. The resident knew they had to act fast.

The Good Samaritan didn't waste a moment and rushed the jar, with its prickly occupant, to HART Wildlife Rescue (HWR).

The team at HWR faced a delicate situation. The little hedgehog curled up in fear, was surrounded by her own sharp quills, making rescue challenging. They knew they had to be careful not to cause the hedgehog any more stress or injury.

In an ingenious move, one wildlife carer, Olivia, used a simple coffee stirrer to gently scratch the hedgehog's back. This encouraged the scared animal to uncurl, allowing the team to carefully extract her from the jar.

The rescue was a success, and the hedgehog was freed without any additional stress or injuries. She was then given a warm, safe space to recover, complete with food and lots of love.

But the hedgehog's journey wasn't over yet. It turns out she’s facing a few hurdles with the wildlife team before she can be released.

In the meantime, they’re getting some super cute pics!


“It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Did you know that today is Bingo's birthday? It's 94 years old!

On this day in 1929, the popular game of Bingo was invented, thanks to the ingenuity of Edwin S. Lowe, an American toy salesman.

Lowe's creation wasn't entirely from scratch. He was inspired by a game called 'Beano,' which he encountered at a country fair. Players marked numbers on their cards, corresponding to beans drawn from a sack.

The excitement and potential Lowe saw in this simple game led him to develop and refine it into the Bingo we know and love today.

The name 'Bingo' itself has an interesting origin. Legend has it that during a game, a player accidentally yelled out "Bingo!" instead of "Beano." Lowe loved the sound of it and decided it was the perfect name for his new game.

Earlier on…

1783 - Jacques Charles and Nicolas Roberts soared above Paris in the first untethered ascension with a hydrogen gas balloon.

1903 - "The Great Train Robbery," became the first Western film, starring Justus D. Barnes and G. M. Anderson. This film set the stage for over a century of Westerns.

1913 - The Ford Motor Company revolutionized manufacturing by introducing the world's first moving assembly line for the Model T Ford.

1922 - Skies over the United States witnessed a novel spectacle when Capt Turner of the RAF executed the country's first skywriting, spelling out "Hello USA" in a grand aerial greeting.


Can You Spot The Cat?

Hint: My nose and ears are my only giveaways.


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