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Puppy Regrows His Jaw in "Medical First”

When veterinarians saw Tyson in a checkup after surgery, they never expected to see him with a jaw.

Today's Enjoyment:

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Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Prosthetic Limb "Feels" for the 1st Time
• Puppy Regrows His Jaw in "Medical First”

Quote: “Life is simple but …”

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He wasn’t having any of that! 🤣🤣


Image courtesy of Smithsonian Magazine - EPFL Caillet


In a world where technology blurs the line between the artificial and the real, the realm of prosthetics has encountered a groundbreaking development.

For the first time ever, scientists have created a prosthetic limb that can feel temperature changes, mimicking the sensory feedback of a living hand. This is a leap into a future where the boundaries of human capability are redefined.

It was the first time in 20 years that I could actually feel the warmth of another person with my phantom hand,” recalled Roberto Renda, one of the participants in the trial.

The magic behind this innovation lies in the clever use of sensors that detect temperature variations, from the warmth of a cup of coffee to the chill of an ice cube. These sensors are integrated into the prosthetic, allowing the wearer to experience thermal sensations in real-time.

"It felt almost like it was my own hand," said one of the test subjects, marveling at the technology that made them feel the warmth and coldness as if their own skin were touching the objects.

But how does this technology work? The secret sauce is a sophisticated algorithm that translates temperature data into electrical signals.

These signals are then sent to the wearer's nerves, creating a sensation of temperature in their brain. It's a complex process, but the result is a seamless integration of machine and man, offering a glimmer of hope for amputees longing for a sense of normalcy.

This breakthrough is just the beginning. The team behind this marvel is already dreaming up ways to enhance their creation, aiming to add more sensory feedback such as texture and pressure.

The implications are vast, from improving the quality of life for amputees to redefining what's possible in the field of prosthetics.

Image courtesy of Cornell University - Photo Provided


Tyson, a French bulldog pup barely 3 moons old, embarked on an extraordinary odyssey that’s got scientists turning their heads.

After a cancerous assault necessitated the removal of much of his lower left jaw, this cutie defied the odds by sprouting new bone where none was expected to grow. This marks a first in canine medical history, as chronicled by the astounded team at Cornell University.

The saga began under the shadow of a routine procedure for Tyson's cleft palate, when a malignant specter loomed unexpectedly. The discovery of oral papillary squamous cell carcinoma, a malignant tumor, set the stage for a daunting battle.

With the tumor's precarious placement, the surgical path was fraught with uncertainty. Yet, buoyed by a sliver of hope and the consent of Tyson's human companions, the vets ventured forth, carving away the cancerous bane.

In the wake of surgery and against all veterinary precedent, a marvel unfolded. Tyson's jaw began to regenerate—bone knitting bone, forging anew. This phenomenon previously whispered in anecdotes of youth and resilience is now documented for the first time in a canine warrior post-cancer combat.

"We had no idea his jaw would grow back," confessed Melissa Forsythe, Tyson's human, mirroring the collective awe at this turn of events.

Tyson's tale is now one of triumph and boundless potential. Though his reconstructed jaw lacks the original's full arsenal of teeth, it’s perfectly symmetrical and defiantly healthy.

Beyond personal victory, Tyson's journey illuminates a path for future medical miracles, offering a glimmer of hope to those navigating similar trials.


“Life is simple but if you don't put anything into it, you won't get anything out of it.”

― Oscar Auliq-Ice


Did you know that on this day in 1866, Jesse James and his “gang” pulled off one of the biggest bank heists of the time, and it was his very first one?

With audacity and cunning, Jesse, flanked by his band of renegades, descended upon the Clay County Savings Association in Liberty, Missouri.

The sheer audacity of robbing a bank in daylight during peacetime shook many, but it was his cold-blooded killing of a young man minding his business on the way out of town, that got the entire community hot on his trail.

Unfortunately for the righteously indignant townsfolk, the trail went cold…literally. Within hours after their heavily armed search began, a heavy snow began to fall, sweeping James and the gang’s trail from the earth just as fast as he’d laid them.

Thanks to the weatherly intervention, the band made off with some $60,000 ($50K in gold currency and the rest in bonds) - a fortune in the era's currency. With the success of his first bank robbery, his illustrious career in grand larceny was born.

Later on…

1916 - In a moment that bridged the abstract to the astoundingly real, Albert Einstein introduced Karl Schwarzschild's groundbreaking solution for black hole to the Prussian Academy of Sciences. The once purely theoretical idea forever altered our grasp of cosmic phenomena.

1917 - The enigmatic Mata Hari, a Dutch exotic dancer whose life was as colorful as her performances, found herself ensnared in a web of espionage, arrested in Paris under the heavy suspicion of spying for Germany.

1967 - The airwaves of the US were forever changed as Capitol Records unveiled the Beatles' iconic double "A" side single, "Penny Lane" & "Strawberry Fields," sending fans on a psychedelic sonic journey that would become a cornerstone of music history.


Can You Spot The Cat?

Hint: People might describe me as left of center.


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