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  • Old Milk "Jingle" Gets Granny Tons of Gifts

Old Milk "Jingle" Gets Granny Tons of Gifts

Carnation Milks heard the old jingle and have been treating her like a queen ever since.

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Quote: “The way of the miracle worker is…”

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Where there’s a will, there’s a way! 🐐😂


Image courtesy of YouTube - Inside Edition


At 96, Helen from Bloomfield, Iowa, has done something extraordinary that's captivating the internet. She's brought a Carnation milk jingle from her childhood back to life, a tune she first heard at 12.

Now, decades later, Helen’s cheeky, slightly "raunchy" delivery of it is winning hearts everywhere. Her bond with this jingle dates back to her youth, an era when radio jingles were the soundtrack of daily life.

This particular melody, with its catchy lyrics about farm life and a tin can, made such an impact on young Helen that she kept it to herself for years. Why? It wasn’t exactly what you might call “kid-friendly”.

The story takes an amusing turn when Helen finally shares the jingle with her daughters. Their reaction to its unexpected and humorous ending is priceless. So priceless, in fact, that the video they uploaded quickly became an internet sensation!

Helen's performance also caught the attention of Carnation, who revealed a surprising fact. This jingle was a 1940s contest entry, too bold for advertising yet so beloved it earned the creator $1,000.

Helen's revival of this jingle delighted her new fans and prompted an unexpected response from Carnation. To show their appreciation, they’ve showered her with seemingly endless gifts and then some!

Image courtesy of YouTube - The Dodo


Sonny is a K9 unit dog for the Clinton Police Department in Connecticut. The big guy is known for his tough and skilled demeanor, a quality typical of police dogs.

His handler, Corporal Jason Frey, describes Sonny as “always ready for duty,” especially when he sees Jason in his police uniform. But there's more to Sonny than meets the eye, especially when he's off duty.

At home, Sonny undergoes a remarkable transformation.

The intimidating K9 becomes a doting big brother to little Reagan, Jason and his wife Lainey's baby girl. Initially, Jason and Lainey were apprehensive about how Sonny would react to not being the 'baby' of the family anymore.

Their surprise at Sonny's adjustment to having a baby around is heartwarming.

Contrary to his tough "cop" attitude, Sonny is incredibly patient and sweet with little Reagan. Whether she's playing with his paws, ears, or tail, Sonny lets her be, showcasing his vast love and understanding of his role as a big brother.

His gentleness with Reagan is a stark contrast to his professional demeanor, and he doesn't stop with Reagan.

When Jason and Lainey had another baby girl, Sonny proved just as adept at looking after the new addition to the family. Reagan, too, helps Sonny in caring for their newest little sibling.

Together, they’re creating a beautiful family dynamic. A dynamic so sweet that Jason and Lainey decided to capture it on video and share it with the world.

It’s a choice that we, along with 8 million others, are so glad they made.


“The way of the miracle worker is to see all human behavior as one of two things: either love, or a call for love.”

― Marianne Williamson


Did you know on this day in history in 1930, a fateful meeting occurred that would later become the stuff of legend? We’re talking Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow.

Bonnie was a young waitress when she met the flame of her existence. Little did she know, their relationship would also lead to the extinguishment of said existence.

They met at Clarence Clay’s house, a mutual friend, in West Dallas, Texas. This marked the beginning of one of the most notorious partnerships in American criminal history.

Bonnie and Clyde's story is often romanticized, but it was steeped in violence and desperation during the Great Depression era. A time when people were struggling just to get by, and crime was one of the few gigs that paid.

Bonnie, who was married to an imprisoned robber, was immediately drawn to Clyde, a charismatic, troubled individual with a criminal record.

Their intense and tumultuous relationship soon led them down a path of crime, robbing banks and small businesses, and eventually, murder.

Other notable events…

1781 - In a fiery display of power, British forces set Richmond, Virginia ablaze. What really stung? They were led by America’s most infamous turncoat, Benedict Arnold.

1834 - A meteor shower streaked through the night sky so brilliantly that the Kiowa Indians immortalized it as "The Night The Stars Fell."

1914 - Henry Ford revolutionized the labor industry with his announcement of a groundbreaking raise of the minimum daily wage. The going wage at the time was only $2.40 per 9 hours. The new wage? $5 for 8.

1945 - The charmingly troublesome Pepe LePew made his first appearance, skunking around in Warner Bros' "Odor-able Kitty” cartoon.


Can You Spot The Deer? No, The Other Deer

Hint: You’re going to want to zoom in for this.


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