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  • Moose Zeroes in On Yorkie so Mom Intervenes

Moose Zeroes in On Yorkie so Mom Intervenes

She saw her 6-lb Yorkie squaring off with a 1,000-lb moose and used the only tool she had.

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This baby otter is living the high life now…

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Teacher Pads Retirement with $30k Tiny Home
• Moose Zeroes in On Yorkie so Mom Intervenes

Quote: “If you are what you eat…”

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She sure picked the right guy to fall in love with! 🥰🥰


Image courtesy of YouTube - Exploring Alternatives


Retirement brings a mix of freedom and uncertainty for many people. It poses questions about finances, living arrangements, and starting anew.

For Brigitte, these concerns found an unexpected resolution through a discovery that would redefine her concept of home.

After encountering a book on tiny homes at a friend's house, she was instantly drawn to the idea of living simply yet fully in a space of her own creation. Despite lacking construction experience, Brigitte's commitment to her vision attracted a community of supporters.

A skilled builder alongside a generous group of friends banded together to make Brigitte’s tiny dream home a reality. They began fashioning her new home on an old, repurposed trailer.

Brigitte's home is now a masterpiece of efficiency and design. It’s even challenging the norms of small living spaces.

It boasts an expansive living area that cleverly accommodates guests and a sleeping loft that offers more than just rest. The windows also serve as canvases for the serene outdoor landscape.

This tiny abode expresses Brigitte's priorities and passions, marrying minimalism with a deep connection to nature. The entire project speaks volumes about the practicality and satisfaction derived from choosing a less conventional path.

With a price tag of just $30K, Brigitte's sustainability and simplicity-driven lifestyle is a compelling invitation to reconsider what makes a house a home. The video tour of her home sounds the call for those contemplating a shift towards a more intentional way of living.

Image courtesy of YouTube - Inside Edition


In the serene setting of Anchorage, Alaska, a homeowner named Cathy Diehl-Robbins experienced an extraordinary encounter right in her backyard.

The unlikely cast featured her tiny but mighty 6-lb Yorkshire Terrier, adorably named Pixel, facing off with a massive 1,000-pound moose! The unpredictable nature of Alaska's wildlife is truly wild, but this tiny Yorkie is not one to be counted out early.

Cathy's love for the Alaskan wilderness is no secret. Her backyard often hosts a variety of local fauna.

Nothing, however, could have prepared her for the day when pint-sized Pixel would square off with towering moose. Seeing this peewee pup facing off against such a massive creature both stops and warms the heart all at once.

Endearing as Pixel’s display of courage was, though, as things escalated Cathy turned to her most potent weapon—her "mom voice."

Typically reserved for stern parental guidance, this voice became a shield of protection for Pixel by challenging the moose with an unexpected display of human authority. Remarkably, this tone unsettled the moose and dispelled the unfolding scenario.

The saga concluded with Pixel making a strategic retreat to safety, thanks to the momentary distraction provided by Cathy's intervention.

Video of Pixel’s wild moose encounter, and Cathy’s firm shutdown of their rowdy behavior, was shared online where it went viral. It even landed her a small segment on the news!


“If you are what you eat, you are what you see and hear.”

― E.A. Bucchianeri


Did you know that in 1837, Robert Southey, the Poet Laureate of England, essentially told Charlotte Brontë to "stick to her knitting"?

His exact words to the ambitious 20-year-old were, "Literature cannot be the business of a woman's life, and it ought not to be."

Imagine that—advising one of the future literary giants to sideline her passion so she could focus on her ”proper duties”! But Charlotte and her sisters Emily and Anne, didn't just roll over and accept this 19th-century hogwash.

Instead, they took it as a challenge. Under male pseudonyms, they unleashed masterpieces like "Jane Eyre," "Wuthering Heights," and "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" onto an unsuspecting Victorian society.

These novels didn't just push the boundaries of acceptable female behavior—they bulldozed them.

In doing so, the Brontë sisters proved not just to Southey, but to the entire world, that women's contributions to literature could be as profound, enduring, and, yes, as revolutionary as any man's. Take that, Mr. Southey!

Later on…

1850 - The U.S. Treasury rolled out its very first $20 gold piece, adding a shiny new player to the game of currency.

1894 - marked the year Coca-Cola broke out of the soda fountain, finding its way into bottles and a candy store in Vicksburg, Mississippi, for the very first gulp of convenience.

1912 - The Girl Scouts sprang to life in the US as the Girl Guides in 1912, thanks to Juliette Gordon Low's vision in Savannah, weaving a sisterhood of skills and service.

1951 - "Dennis the Menace" made his debut wreaking havoc not in the U.S., but in the British comic magazine The Beano, proving mischief knows no borders.

1957 - "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss leaped off the page after Random House and Houghton-Mifflin picked it up for publishing and turned the fun of chaos into a beloved literary classic.


Can You Spot The Cat?

Hint: If it weren’t for the ears he’d blend right in.


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