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  • Manatee Watches Over Dog Until Help Arrives

Manatee Watches Over Dog Until Help Arrives

The manatee watches over him like she’s his guardian angel. 🥲

Today's Enjoyment:

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• 2 Men Have Hilarious "Bump-In" On Dance Cam
• Manatee Watches Over Dog Until Help Arrives

Quote: "The bad news is time flies. The good news is…”

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He’s got the heart of a true rockstar! 🤩😂


Image courtesy of YouTube Screenshot - Anderson Small


Football games are renowned for their unexpected highlights but at a West Virginia game, it wasn't the players on the field who captured the audience's attention. Instead, two fans became the stars of the show thanks to the JumboTron camera.

Amid the excitement of the game and the electric atmosphere, the well-known screen started scanning the crowd, looking for moments worth sharing with everyone in the stadium. It landed on Anderson Small and Charles E. Hayes.

Charles was already swaying to the beat and getting his groove on when, suddenly, Anderson “accidentally” bumps into him. That’s when the music swells, the crowd watches, and you can almost hear the dramatic “duh duh duh” as they turn to face each other.

They’ve got their game faces on and they’re ready to throw down. Immediately, everyone seems to sense that something epic is about to erupt.

This is a jumbotron showdown, and the stadium is their arena. What kicks off as a playful bump quickly spirals into a full-scale dance war. They’re busting moves left and right, each one more electrifying than the last.

It's like watching a dance battle right out of a movie, except it’s all happening live at a football game. The crowd is going nuts, and these two are just feeding off the energy, turning their “rivalry” into the most entertaining spectacle of the evening.

But the best part? These "rivals" are best buds. Their whole act – from the accidental bump to the fierce dance battle – was a brilliantly planned performance to amp up the drama and get everyone’s attention. And boy, did they succeed!

The video of their dance-off shot straight to viral fame, proving once again that a little creativity and a lot of rhythm can turn any moment into a memorable one. It’s this kind of fun that makes football games so unforgettable.

Image courtesy of Facebook - Tampa Police Department


In the heart of Tampa, Florida, a dog, later known as White Dog, found itself trapped along the Hillsborough River's concrete walls in Seminole Heights, seemingly desperate for a way out.

Residents nearby became alarmed by the unusual sounds from the river. Quickly, they alerted the police and before they knew it, a rescue operation was underway that would soon capture the hearts of many.

As the Tampa police arrived, led by 30-year Marine Patrol Unit veteran Randy Lopez, they prepared to bring the stranded dog to safety. It was during this moment that an extraordinary scene came into view.

Captured by Officer Jodie Maxim's lens, a manatee was “standing guard” over the distressed dog. Or, at least that appeared to be the case.

This image was shared on the Tampa Police Department's Facebook page where it sparked a wave of awe and affection. Comments poured in with folks proclaiming that the manatee had to be a guardian angel.

Manatees are creatures known for their curiosity and fondness for fresh water, but this one’s presence was thought to be drawn by the commotion of the rescue efforts. Manatees are frequent visitors to this "no-wake" zone of the river.

Even still, this moment showcased a remarkable display of interspecies empathy. The rescue, taking roughly 20 minutes, involved using a sturdy ladder to retrieve White Dog, who was unharmed save for some bug bites and bloody paws from his attempts to escape.

The reunion of White Dog with his owner, Ronesha Keaton, added a heartwarming conclusion to this adventure.

Keaton had been unaware of her pet's ordeal until seeing the rescue. Needless to say, she was relieved to find him safe.

The image has been touching the hearts of all who witness it ever since.


"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.”

– Michael Altshuler


Did you know that on this day in history in 1863, the SS Georgiana met her doom on her maiden voyage?

This Confederate cruiser was no ordinary ship- it was a high-stakes gamble that sank, along with over $1,000,000 worth of critical supplies. Bursting with a fortune in munitions and medicines, her destruction was a dramatic twist in the Civil War, underlining the risks of blockade running.

But the ship’s demise isn’t the most interesting part of the story. Exactly 102 years later, to the day, amateur diver E. Lee Spence, a teenager with a passion for the mysteries beneath the waves, discovered the wreck.

This find was a revelation. Spence's discovery brought the tale of the SS Georgiana back from the depths, highlighting how history can resurface in the most unexpected ways.

Other notable events include…

1831 - Bank robbers hit the jackpot, swiping $245,000 from the City Bank of New York in the first ever heist of its kind in the US.

1848 - Wyatt Earp, the eventual Wild West legend and OK Corral gunslinger, kicks off his life in Monmouth, Illinois.

1918 - The US gets on the same page, time-wise, with the Standard Time Act of 1918, introducing time zones and the concept of springing forward for daylight saving time.

1931 - Nevada decides to roll the dice and legalizes gambling, turning the state into the go-to spot for thrill-seekers and fortune hunters.


Can You Spot All The Seals?

Hint: There are at least 5 of them.


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