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  • Man Taken as Baby Meets His Real Family

Man Taken as Baby Meets His Real Family

Jimmy was stolen from his mom as a baby 42 years ago. Now he's redeeming the time.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a 2x a week newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Happy Friday! We’re all about celebrating and spreading kindness in this world. With that in mind, we want to draw your attention to these two young men who’ve mowed no less than 50 lawns this summer. What’s more impressive? The 11-year-olds did it for free! Thankfully, someone special took notice and rewarded them in the process.

We’ve also got the scoop on some sweet news that your dogs will love. Krispy Kreme has announced that they’re releasing a new doughnut for dogs just in time for Fall. The flavor? Pumpkin spice!

In other news of a more cryptid nature, we’re learning people are not only still on the hunt for the Loch Ness monster, but they’re actually coming out in droves. This year’s hunting party is gearing up for the biggest Nessie hunt yet.

We’re suspecting that won’t be the strangest piece of news to emerge this month, considering the oncoming full moon. Not only will it be full, but it’s even a little “extra” in that it’s slated to be a Super moon and a Blue moon. Scroll on for more good news!❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Reel of the Day: These grandparents know they’re in trouble…

  • Trending Loveable Stories: 

    • Man Giving Pet Store Away On 1 Condition

    • Man Taken as Baby Meets His Real Family

  • Quote: “Action may not always bring happiness…”

Reel of the Day 📽️

They messed up but they have no regrets! 🏍️🤭

Loveable Stories 📰

Image courtesy of YouTube - KPIX|CBS NEWS BAY AREA


Nestled in the vibrant heart of San Francisco's Chinatown, Pet Central stands as a window into one man's unwavering dedication to animals.

John Chan, the soul behind this beloved establishment, has poured his heart into the store, continuing a legacy that began with his father. While John might avoid the media's glare, his bond with the animals is palpable. They seem to understand him, responding to his every gesture as if he speaks their unique language.

A visit to Pet Central is akin to stepping into a magical world.

Exotic birds sing as reptiles lounge and the fish swim serenely in their wall of tanks- all under John's watchful eye. This routine, spanning over four decades, has seen John at the store six days a week, dedicating ten hours each day. His unwavering commitment meant he never wanted to take a break, even for a “real” vacation, beyond a couple of days.

However, as John approaches 58, the allure of retirement beckons, along with the desire to cherish moments with his family.

In a move that stunned many, John announced on social media his intention to give away Pet Central. The price? Absolutely nothing.

For John, this decision wasn't about financial gain. What he wants is to ensure his beloved animals and loyal customers are under the care of someone who shares his passion and vision. While the business, valued at around $300,000, is being offered for free, John hopes to recoup the inventory cost, which is about half the store's worth.

The community has rallied behind John's decision, lauding it as a heartwarming end to an era.

Andrew Brown, a regular customer, views this gesture as symbolic of John's dedication. As John contemplates a well-deserved vacation, he continues his search for the ideal successor, someone who embodies the spirit of Pet Central.

Until that moment arrives, John remains steadfast, ensuring that the legacy of love and care he's built continues to thrive.

Image courtesy of USA Today - Humankind


María Angélica González lived with a heart-wrenching belief for 42 years: that her newborn son had passed away shortly after birth. It was a lie.

A nurse had informed her that her baby needed an incubator due to prematurity, only to return later with the devastating news of his death. However, this narrative was far from the truth.

Instead, her son, Jimmy Lippert Thyden, had been stolen and then adopted out to an unsuspecting American family in Arlington, Virginia.

The revelation began when Thyden came across a USA TODAY article about a man from California who discovered he was stolen from his Chilean mother and illegally adopted by an American couple. This prompted Thyden to question his own past.

His suspicions were confirmed, leading to an emotional reunion with González in Valdivia, Chile. Their first meeting was charged with raw emotion, with Thyden tearfully greeting his mother with, "Hola, Mamá," and expressing their profound love for each other.

Tragically, this heartrending story is not unique.

Between the 1960s and 1990s, over 20,000 babies, primarily from low-income families in Chile, were believed to have been taken and adopted by families abroad. This elaborate human trafficking operation involved a network of professionals, from midwives to judges, many of whom profited from the scheme.

The truth began to emerge in 2014, with investigative reports shedding light on the matter. Since then, nonprofits have been instrumental in reuniting at least 650 individuals with their birth families, aided by donated DNA tests from MyHeritage.

Thyden's reunion with his family was filled with touching moments. One such moment included a birthday celebration where he popped 42 balloons, symbolizing the years they had lost.

Each balloon bore heartfelt messages, with one from González reading, "You're the most beautiful chapter of my story."

As Thyden reconnects with his roots, he advocates for the Chilean government to acknowledge the past, support the reunification of families, and ensure justice for those involved in this dark chapter of history.

Quote of the Day 💭

“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.”

― Benjamin Disraeli

On This Day In History…🗿

Did you know on this day in 1835 a story began running the New York-based publication known as “The Sun”? It became a running series of anecdotal “news” accounts claiming that British astronomer John Herschel had seen “all sorts” of life on the Moon. Some of the “life” he described included winged humanoid creatures around 4 feet tall. The series later became infamously known as the “Great Moon Hoax.” It’s worth noting that The Sun has never retracted the claims.”

Earlier on…

  • 325 A.D. - The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity was officially established with the “First Council of Nicaea.

  • 1515 - Havana was founded by Conquistador Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar in modern-day Cuba on its south coast. It was transferred to its current location in 1519.

  • 1609 - Venetian lawmakers got an upfront look at Galileo’s first telescope. Among the group was “the Doge,” Leonardo Donato ruler of Venice.

  • 1718 - New Orleans is founded with the arrival of hundreds of French colonists in Louisiana.

  • 1768 - Captain James Cook departs the shores of Plymouth, England, to set out on his first voyage aboard the “Endeavour,” headed for the Pacific Ocean.

  • 1910 - Yellow Cab is established.

  • 1916 - The “Organic Act” was signed by then-President Woodrow Wilson. Hikers and recreationists of all kinds can thank him for the National Park Service, which was established with the Act’s signing.

  • 1932 - Amelia Earhart became the 1st woman to complete a transcontinental non-stop flight, landing in Newark, New Jersey.

  • 1936 - Ralph W. Kerr patents his recipe for “odorless cornstarch” in the U.S.

  • 1944 - The city of Paris is officially liberated from Nazi occupation in WWII. It was a joint effort between French and American soldiers that ended in heavily celebrated success!

Notable Birthdays

  • 1530 - Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible was born in Moscow.

  • 1930 - Scottish actor and producer Thomas ‘Sean’ Connery was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.

  • 1949 - Israeli/American singer-songwriter, bass player, producer, and actor Gene Simmons (originally Chaim Witz) was born in Haifa, Israel.

  • 1954 - English singer-songwriter and producer Elvis Costello was born in London, England

  • 1958 - American director, producer, and screenwriter Tim Burton was born in Burbank, California

Bonus Fun!!!🧩

Can You Spot The Helicopter?

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