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  • Man Saves Fox and Now They're "Besties”

Man Saves Fox and Now They're "Besties”

This fox has had an incredible journey but it's his bond with the man who saved him that has hearts melting.

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This cat can’t hide how he feels about mom’s cooking…

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Boy Asks Groom 1 Thing at Mom's Wedding
• Man Saves Fox and Now They're "Besties”

Quote: “The journey of life is not about arriving…”

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Image Credit: Peri Lauren Interiors

“I always loved the look of a top sheet on the bed. It's such a finished look when your bed is made but I could never get it right!  I fought with my flat top sheet.  Just when I thought I had it measured right, I would go to tuck it in at the corners and if it was not straight I would have to start all over!

I thought there had to be an easier way!  So I invented a top sheet that was fitted at the bottom and flat at the top.  It achieved the look I was going for without the measuring, tucking or bending!  I had a sample made, tried it on my bed, and it worked!  I knew I was on to something!  I patented my fitted top sheet and licensed it to a bedding company.  It sold out everywhere! 

I recently decided to launch my sheets on my own.  My own brand, my vision, my collection! I am so excited to be able to share my sheets with you! :) 

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and how much time it will save you making your bed every morning!“

- Peri @ Peri Lauren Interiors


He tried so hard to keep a straight face! 😹😹


Image courtesy of YouTube - Happily


Ever been to a wedding where the bride's son steals the show? That's exactly what happened at Leslie and Matt's wedding.

Leslie met Matt at a country concert when her son Jason was just a year old. Matt, who had never dated someone with a child, found joy in the simple pleasures of childhood with Jason.

Their family grew with the addition of their daughter Emily, but young Jason had questions about his place in this newly forming family.

At the altar, Leslie reminisced about the first time Matt met Jason, wooing everyone in attendance with stories of their adventures and humorous mishaps.

Matt remembered how Jason began to call him "Da-da" a few months into his relationship with Leslie, a title he initially resisted but eventually embraced. But the most touching moment was yet to come.

As Matt stood at the altar, Jason approached him with a packet of papers. The papers bore a simple yet loaded request:

This plea from Jason moved everyone present. The wedding became a dual celebration.

Jason’s request symbolizes the permanence of the bond he shares with Matt. A bond that, thankfully, was captured in full in the wedding video.

Image courtesy of YouTube - Uzoo


An extraordinary bond has blossomed between a man and a fox.

The Fox Project is a sanctuary for these wild creatures and they found Cropper gravely injured by the roadside. Stricken with toxoplasmosis, its chances of release were heartbreakingly slim.

The Fox Project faced a tough decision- euthanasia or the challenging task of finding Cropper a forever home. Enter Mike Trowler, a retired engineer with a heart as vast as the countryside.

When he learned of Cropper's plight, Mike opened his home and heart without a second thought.

Under Mike's tender care, Cropper's life transformed. He adapted to a domesticated existence, sharing meals from a dog's bowl, basking in the companionship of Mike's cats, and savoring leisurely walks.

The most cherished moments, however, were the loving belly rubs from Mike, a simple gesture that spoke volumes of their deep, unspoken connection. For six years, their lives were intertwined in a dance of mutual affection and understanding.

A short but beautiful video of Mike and Cropper just passing the time together got over 2 million views online. Though it’s only 1 minute long, it’s long enough to show how thick these two were.


“The journey of life is not about arriving at a destination, but about discovering the beauty and meaning along the way.”

― Shree Shambav


Did you know on this day in history in 1776, George Washington's army hoisted the Grand Union Flag atop Prospect Hill in Charlestown, Massachusetts. The act marked both a symbolic and strategic point in the struggle for American independence.

The Grand Union Flag, aka the Continental Colors, was the 1st national flag of the United States of America. It consisted of 13 alternating red and white stripes, representing the unity of the Thirteen Colonies, along with the British Union Jack in the canton.

The presence of the Union Jack indicated the colonies' initial desire to remain loyal to the British crown while fighting for their rights and self-governance.

The choice of Prospect Hill was also strategic. The hill, overlooking Boston, had become a fortified position following the Battle of Bunker Hill. Raising the flag there served as a morale booster for the American troops and as a clear signal to the British forces occupying Boston of the Continental Army's presence and strength.

This act of defiance and unity under the Grand Union Flag was a crucial step in the colonies' journey toward full independence and the eventual adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the national flag.

Later on…

1839 - The Moon is immortalized for the first time by Louis Daguerre's pioneering photography, a giant leap for camera-kind.

1906 - Willis Carrier cools off the world with his patent for the first air conditioner.

1974 - Speed takes a detour in America as Richard Nixon rolls out a 55 MPH speed limit, a response to the energy crunch, slowing down the nation's pace.


A lot of you asked where we get our writing inspiration (without being online 24/7). Here’s what our team reads regularly!

The Daily Article - Covering critical stories differently from a grounded, Biblical Christian perspective. Unbiased, objective, and neutral. (one-click subscribe)

Tim Ferris’s 5-Bullet Friday - A short, free email every Friday with the 5 coolest things Tim Ferris has found (or explored) that week, including books, gadgets, hacks, and more. (one-click subscribe)

Goal Accomplishment Made Easy - Real-life strategies and practical support you need to turn your aspirations into achievements. (one-click subscribe)

Each one is free and has phenomenal writing. Highly recommended!


Can You Spot The Snake?

Hint: I’m closer than you think.


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