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  • Man Picks Puppy "No One Wants" for Reason

Man Picks Puppy "No One Wants" for Reason

After Scott said goodbye to his dog, the last thing on his mind was getting a puppy. Fate didn't care.

Today's Enjoyment:

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Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Stepdad Sobs After Learning Baby's Name
• Man Picks Puppy "No One Wants" for Reason

Quote: “Life is like the wind…”

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Pets are the best anti-depressants! 😹😹


Image courtesy of Reddit - u/right_leg_7483


A woman's heartfelt gesture towards her stepfather is capturing hearts across the internet.

Captured in a candid video, a mom holding her baby asks a man to guess the baby's last name. The man that she’s asking is actually her stepfather.

But don’t let the “step” part fool you. He is the man who raised her and he has not only her respect but her heart as well.

Upon realizing the last name the baby bears is his own, his reaction is a mix of surprise and overwhelming joy. The raw emotion skitters across his face as plain as day.

This gesture meant the world to him. The whole world.

The wholesome video, shared on Reddit, has touched thousands and garnered over 52,000 upvotes. It's also sparked a conversation about the beauty of non-biological family bonds, with many users sharing their own experiences and reflections on the power of such relationships.

Family is about more than our blood ties. It's about the love and commitment we choose to give.

By naming her daughter after her stepfather, this woman has not only honored him but also reinforced the idea that family is built on love, respect, and shared experiences.

Image courtesy of YouTube - GeoBeats Animals


Scott's life took an unexpected turn during a drive through Payette, Idaho, where he stumbled upon a sign for German Shepherd puppies.

Mourning the loss of his own German Shepherd, he wasn't planning to adopt another dog. However, fate had other plans when he met Biggie, a puppy overlooked by others due to his health issues.

Scott was instantly smitten, deciding to give Biggie the loving home he deserved.

Life with Scott opened a world of adventure for Biggie. From hiking in the mountains to snowboarding and skateboarding, Biggie thrived in his new environment.

Scott's commitment to giving Biggie the best life was evident in every activity they shared, creating a bond that went beyond the typical pet-owner relationship. Biggie's presence became a ray of light for Scott, helping him navigate through depression.

"It gives me the will to get out there and see things and do things," Scott revealed.

Their journey wasn't without challenges, including Biggie's intense energy levels and a frightening health scare that landed him in the ICU. These experiences only strengthened their bond and Scott's resolve to cherish every moment.

The transformation of Biggie from an unwanted puppy to a beloved family member is a testament to the power of second chances. Scott's belief that he can accomplish anything with Biggie by his side highlights the extraordinary impact a pet can have on one's life.

This video of their story is a heartwarming reminder of the profound connections that can form when we open our hearts to the possibility of love and companionship.


“Life is like the wind; it can be gentle or fierce, but it always changes and propels us forward.”

― Shree Shambav


Did you know that on this day in 1967, the world saw the birth of its very first cryonaut?

Dr. James Bedford, a psychology professor, became the first person to be cryonically preserved (frozen) with the intent of future resuscitation. This groundbreaking event took place immediately after his “clinical” death on January 12, 1967, sparking the beginning of a new era in the exploration of life extension and preservation technologies.

Dr. Bedford's decision to undergo cryopreservation was driven by his belief in the potential of future medical advancements to revive him and cure his kidney disease. In other words, he was just the curious optimist the field of cryopreservation needed at the time.

His body has been maintained in a cryonically-preserved state since that day and, as of last check, it remains preserved at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation.

The process involves cooling the body to extremely low temperatures where metabolic and chemical processes are significantly slowed or halted. This is done in the hope that future technological advancements will enable the revival and treatment of preserved individuals.

Earlier on…

1773 - A leap in cultural history took place as the first public museum in the North American colonies opened its doors in Charlestown, South Carolina, inviting curious minds to explore and learn.

1896 - The first X-ray photo in the US was captured by Dr. Henry Smith in Davidson, North Carolina, unveiling the unseen. What’s even better is that it was the result of student shenanigans.

1900 - On Whidbey Island in Washington State, the Utopian Freeland Colony was born. It was a bold experiment in communal living and a quest for an ideal society.

1939 - Timely Comics was founded by American publisher Martin Goodman, setting the stage for a revolution in the world of superheroes. Never heard of them? Well, that might be because you know them by their newer name- Marvel.


Can You Spot The Frog?

Hint: It’s a good thing I’m not green.


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