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Man Learns $71K Barn Harbors "Unique" Cat

“I bought a $71,000 cat… And I’d buy it a million times over, knowing that I got him.”

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• Man Learns $71K Barn Harbors "Unique" Cat

Quote: “The invariable mark of wisdom is…”

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She’s way ahead of him! 😂😂


Image courtesy of WomensNet - Earthling Food Company


In the cozy town of Olympia, Washington, something truly heartwarming is cooking up, thanks to the spirited Jennifer Lassley Knight and her Earthling Food Company.

But Jennifer's path to pantry perfection wasn't just about mixing and baking- it was deeply personal. Facing breast cancer head-on at 29, she found solace and strength in the healing powers of whole, unprocessed foods.

"I didn’t have any history of breast cancer in my family. I was relatively healthy. And I was just really thrown," she recounts, her journey from diagnosis to recovery fueling her passion for nutritious, wholesome eating.

When the world turned upside down with the pandemic, Jennifer saw not a roadblock but a ramp to rev up her vision. Pivoting from a prepared food concept to shelf-stable marvels, Earthling Food Company blossomed, reaching happy eaters far beyond Olympia.

"The pandemic really guided our business in an exciting direction," Jennifer reflects, a testament to her resilience and creativity in the face of adversity.

Fast forward to last February- the Earthling Food Company bagged a $10,000 win for the February Amber Grant. Jennifer's brainchild is a delightful, earth-sweetened twist on wholesome, minimally processed goodies that are as kind to your body as they are to the planet.

"We’re all about creating packaged foods that do not contain oil or refined sugar in addition to being vegan and gluten-free," Jennifer beams, her enthusiasm as infectious as her mission is noble.

Looking to the future, Jennifer dreams big for Earthling Food Company. She’s envisioning everything from a return to prepared foods to possibly opening a brick-and-mortar haven for health-conscious foodies.

"We’re trying to let the business do its thing. We’re trying to let it evolve on its own," she says. Her journey is proving that with a dash of courage, a sprinkle of innovation, and a whole lot of heart, anything is possible.

For those hungry for more of Jennifer's inspiring tale and Earthling Food Company's scrumptious offerings, see what a world of difference one year can make in one of their latest videos on Instagram.

Image courtesy of YouTube - The Dodo


When Justin decided to buy a piece of land in Northern Vermont, he didn’t know it came with a hidden bonus. Crouched among the old structures covered in snow was a surprise that would change his life- a stray cat.

The beautiful, sandy blond little lion was braving the harsh cold of - 35° weather. Justin felt a bond between them instantly. Then, he named him Chester.

On a drive to PetSmart, Chester threw himself across his new human friend's lap in a long comfy stretch. Thoroughly impressed with his feline friend’s “chill” factor, it was clear to Justin that this was the start of an unexpected friendship.

Their first trip to PetSmart together was both a shopping spree and the beginning of a new life for Chester. Stocking up on cat essentials, Justin suddenly realized he was welcoming a new family member into his life.

Chester already had his human’s heart, but time proved he wasn't just any cat- he was a "dog cat." Full of loyalty and independence in equal measure, Chester quickly outgrew the housecat stereotype.

Chester's playful nature and love for climbing trees turned Justin's simple land purchase into something magical. "He embodies the spirit of a 'dog cat,'" he says, laughing at Chester's antics.

His furry friend lures out laughter and joy, and he’s transforming Justin’s dream of building a home into a reality filled with love and companionship. And, apparently, he’s attracted a few stray friends, too.

Just like his family, Justin’s dreams have grown also. “They have given me so much purpose and, just value in life, and companionship. And now I’m … turning into a full-blown cat rescue… who knows,” he fondly reflects.

When it comes down to how Justin feels about his "$71,000 cat," he has this to say:

I bought a $71,000 cat… And I’d buy it a million times over, knowing that I got him.

Chester and Justin have found a new outlook on life together. "I bought a piece of land, and I ended up with a family," he muses with a smile in his voice.

The video of their heartwarming story shows us that the best things in life come with whiskers and a tail.


“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson


Did you know on this day in 1455, Johannes Gutenberg completed the printing of his first Bible?

This monumental achievement took place in Mainz, Germany. This is where Gutenberg had been laboring over his invention of the movable type printing press.

The project, ambitious and costly, was funded through the financial backing of Johann Fust. A wealthy financier and lawyer, Fust believed in the potential of Gutenberg's revolutionary technology.

It involved the creation of thousands of metal movable types and the manual setting of each page. Not a feat for the faint of heart!

The completion of the Gutenberg Bible was monumental in making written works more accessible and affordable, and it fundamentally changed how people interact with information.

1540 - Francisco Vázquez de Coronado and his crew leave Mexico, their eyes set on the mythical “7 golden cities” of Cibola.

1782 - James Watt, the engineer who revolutionized the world, secured a patent for his sun-and-planet gear, giving steam engines a new spin while powering up the Industrial Revolution.

1896 - Leo Hirshfield introduced the Tootsie Roll, a chewy chocolate treat that made life a whole lot sweeter!

1940 - Walt Disney waved his magic wand again, releasing "Pinocchio," an animated masterpiece that taught generations the value of honesty and the power of dreams.


Can You Spot The Dog?

Hint: Even on the perimeter, I am hard to find.


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