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  • Woman Saved Rare Birds from Maui Fires

Woman Saved Rare Birds from Maui Fires

The conservation center is a sanctuary of hope for rare and endangered Hawaiian birds.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a 2x a week newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Happy Friday! We’ve got lots of great news to cover so we’ll jump right in, starting with this week’s gorgeous Super Blue Moon! In case you missed it, here’s what it looked like around the world!

Another beautiful sight to see is the news that coral reefs are hitting back at climate change and blowing scientists out of the water at the same time! Researchers have found that coral reefs have developed a way of keeping up with rising temperatures, hopefully. The study indicates that their ability to do so over time will still depend heavily on us doing our part to curb any environmental conditions that might prevent them from doing so.

Another win in the world of water comes out of Texas with a recent announcement from the Fort Worth Zoo. They have successfully overseen the “groundbreaking births” of not 1 but 2 clutches of gharial crocodiles. If you aren’t familiar with these narrow-snouted species of crocodile, that’s probably because they’re endangered and successful births are very rare. This one is the first in the zoo’s 114-year history.

Finally, researchers may have found a tiny window into the future of free energy in the form of a bacterial enzyme. How so? Well, as it turns out, it can pull hydrogen straight from the air and turn it into electricity. Keep scrolling for more great news and enjoy! ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Reel of the Day: This young man gets life on a whole different level.

  • Trending Loveable Stories: 

    • Man Changes Boy's Life with Bionic Arm

    • Woman Saved Rare Birds from Maui Fires

  • Quote: “You are forgiven for your happiness…”

A big thank you to our sponsors who keep our lights on!

A lot of you have wondered where we find all our inspiration (without being online 24/7). Here’s what our team reads on a regular basis:

  • "Eat God's Way" from Traditional Cooking School - Time-saving recipes that are doable, delish, and sustainable. No fad diets!

  • HealthHack - The latest on health, wellness, and technology. Learn about the strange (and awesome) ways they intersect.

  • Prequel - For parents who want their kids to succeed. Join 25k+ readers focused on getting their children ahead in school & life.

  • Fly EnPoints - How about free nights in the Maldives? Learn to optimize credit cards/rewards while staying debt-free!

Each one is free and has phenomenal writing. Highly recommended!

Reel of the Day 📽️

When you’re right, you’re right! 💗💯

Loveable Stories 📰

Image courtesy of USA TODAY - SWNS


Alex Sparkes is a spirited seven-year-old from Oswaldtwistle, England, with a passion for soccer, superheroes, and fishing. But unlike most kids his age, Alex was born without his right forearm and hand.

His mother, Dionne Sparkes, recalls the surprise at his birth, as the condition wasn't detected in any of the 10 scans. As he grew, Alex faced both curiosity and misconceptions from other children, with some even humorously speculating that a shark had bitten off his arm.

Despite the lighthearted moments, the absence of his arm weighed on Alex.

He once wished for his arm to grow back on his birthday. His parents, always supportive, reminded him of his uniqueness and capabilities. Although Alex received a standard prosthesis, it wasn't the perfect fit.

His eyes lit up, though, when he tried a bionic arm at an event by Open Bionics in Liverpool. But the dream of owning one seemed distant, due to its high cost.

To make Alex's dream a reality, his parents initiated a GoFundMe campaign.

As donations began to flow in, Alex's story reached James Anderson, a plumber with a heart of gold. Besides running his plumbing business, James founded DEPHER, a nonprofit that offers free or discounted plumbing and heating services to the elderly and disabled.

Known as 'Britain’s Kindest Plumber', James was deeply moved by Alex's story.

James's generosity knew no bounds. He decided to gift Alex the bionic arm, transforming the young boy's life forever.

Even better, Alex’s mom recorded the moment on her phone and it’s the most heartwarming thing!

Image courtesy of Insider - Maui Bird Conservation Center


The Maui Bird Conservation Center is a sanctuary of hope for endangered Hawaiian birds.

The center houses around 80 of the region's rarest species, including the ‘akikiki and the ‘alalā, the latter being extinct in the wild. Amid the terrifying Maui wildfires, a conservationist heroically battled the flames alongside her neighbor, ensuring the safety of these precious species.

Jennifer Pribble, who resides at the center, was alerted by a neighbor about the wildfire's approach. Without hesitation, she took action.

"In that moment, our instincts kicked in. The goal was to keep the fire from spreading toward the aviaries," Pribble passionately shared with USA Today.

Their efforts, combined with the brave firefighters, kept the fire about 150 feet away from the center's property.

Pribble, also the Senior Research Coordinator in Recovery Ecology for the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, utilized fire extinguishers and a garden hose to fend off the flames. She recalled the surreal scene, describing what a shock it all was:

The sky was orange and there was smoke in the air. I’m just in shock that all this happened.

The center's mission is vital. They collect eggs from endangered species to initiate breeding populations, aiming to reintroduce these birds to the wild.

The aftermath of the wildfire has left the conservation center assessing the damages. Strong winds wreaked havoc across the facility, necessitating the relocation of some birds.

The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance assures that the center is currently safe and encourages those wanting to help to donate to the Maui Strong Fund.

Quote of the Day 💭

“You are forgiven for your happiness and your successes only if you generously consent to share them.”

― Albert Camus

On This Day In History…🗿

Did you know that on this day in 1878, Emma Nutt became the 1st female telephone operator for the Edwin Holmes Telephone Despatch Company in Boston?

1752 - The Liberty Bell (then known as Pennsylvania's new State House bell) arrived in Philadelphia after shipping from Whitechapel Foundry in London, England

1785 - Mozart graces the world with his 6th string quartet, Opus 10, in Vienna.

1799 - The forerunner of Chase Manhattan, the Bank of Manhattan Company, opens in NYC.

1807 - Aaron Burr (3rd Vice President) was acquitted of treason charges for plotting to annex parts of Louisiana and Mexico to form his own “republic”.

1821 - Santa Fe Trail sees its 1st colonies beginning to form.

1859 -The first-ever observation of a solar flare occurs with R C Carrington & R Hodgson.

1869 Construction began on what would one day become Grand Central Station, but what was at the time known as the Grand Central Depot for Cornelius Vanderbilt's New York and Harlem Railroad.

1897 The Boston subway becomes the first underground rapid transit system in North America on its opening day.

1939 - Germany invades Poland with the attack on the Free City of Danzig, officially kicking off WWII.

1939 - Black Holes are discussed for the first time in Scientific journal "Physical Review".

1954 - “Rear Window” is released by Paramount Pictures. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the film starred James Stewart and Grace Kelly.

Notable Birthdays

1795 - James Gordon Bennett Sr. was born in Keith, Banffshire, Scotland. He later moved to New York and became founder, editor, and publisher of the New York Herald.

1923 - Rocky Marciano was born in Brockton, Massachusetts. He is known for being the only person to hold the heavyweight title and go undefeated throughout his career. He finished with a boxing record of 49 total fights, 49 wins, 43 KO, and 0 losses.

1946 - Barry Gibb was born on Douglas, Isle of Man. He is the Bee Gee with the falsetto. He was a founding member of the group and co-wrote many of the their hits, along with brothers Maurice Gibb and Robin Gibb.

1957 - Gloria Estefan was born in Havana Cuba and later rose to fame with her band The Miami Sound Machine. She eventually became one of the biggest Latino musical acts in the world by the 1980s.

Bonus Fun!!!🧩

Can You Spot The Dog?

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