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- Honeymoon Heroes Save Lives of 20 Babies
Honeymoon Heroes Save Lives of 20 Babies
It seems this couple was always meant to help save these babies.
Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!
Hey everyone,
Happy Friday! Ready to consume some uplifting news? Good, because there’s been a bounty of it as of late. In fact, there’s been so much that we had to narrow it down!
Of course, we don’t want any act of kindness to go unseen. So, we linked to some of the most heartwarming highlights down below! From kids using their talents to soothe animals to folks buying out their favorite donuts to support their neighbors, these highlights show there’s a lot of good going on in our world right now.
Before you explore, we hope you’ll take a minute to dive into today’s featured stories. They’re all about heart and bravery, which is exactly what it takes to make this world thrive. Enjoy! ❤️
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Today's Enjoyment:
Quote: “Courage is being scared to death…”
Video Reel: This man serenading his donkey might just be the sweetest thing on the internet.
Trending Loveable Stories:
Brave girl silences school board meeting
Honeymoon Heroes Save Lives of 20 Babies
Reel of the Day 📽️
All babies need a lullaby sometimes. 🥹
Trending Stories 📰
Imagine your child telling you they don't want to go to school anymore. As a parent, you might think they're just being lazy or easily distracted.
But, sometimes, there's something much deeper behind their reluctance.
Harassment and bullying are serious issues plaguing schools across the U.S., affecting 1 in 5 school-aged children in various ways. The impact of this unkind behavior cannot be underestimated, especially on the young souls at the receiving end.
Delanie Marcotte knows this all too well.
Todd, Delanie’s dad, was prepared to stand up for his daughter during a Timberlane School Board Meeting. He decided to address the growing problem of bullying in her school, ready to take action alongside his brave fifth-grade daughter.
When the moment came, though, Delanie took the floor instead and delivered an emotional speech of her own that left a profound impact on everyone present.
She recounted the terrible experiences she had endured—threats of violence, name-calling, and physical abuse. Holding back tears, she asked the board, "What are you going to do to protect me and my classmates against bullying?"
Her impassioned line of questioning was met with a roar of support.
As Delanie finished her speech, the hall erupted with applause from parents, teachers, and board members. Todd, her father, was proud to support his daughter as she took the spotlight.
Delanie's courage and determination, combined with her father's preparedness, inspired many. She hopes her story will lead to meaningful school reforms to combat harassment.
Her powerful message reminds us that it's essential for communities to come together and stand against bullying, as these young children bear the real-world consequences of such actions.
When Rhode Island newlyweds David Squillante and Doran Smith embarked on their long-awaited honeymoon, they anticipated a celebration of their lifelong commitment to each other.
Little did they know, their journey to Barcelona would involve a heroic act of saving lives from a perilous situation. The couple, who had postponed their wedding party and honeymoon for two years due to the pandemic, were planning to enjoy an afternoon walking tour when they stumbled upon a burning building.
The scene was chaotic, with people yelling and pointing toward the balcony of the burning building.
"I saw a flame coming out of the doorway, next to the door that these women had come out of," Smith recalled*. "So, I said 'Oh my God there's a fire.'"*
The distraught women outside explained the situation. Without a second thought, Squillante rushed into the building, driven by instinct and a desire to help. That’s when he became a hero.
Inside the smoke-filled building, the couple discovered 15 to 20 babies. All of them ranging from newborns to 3 years old, asleep in their cribs.
"I just noticed that there were a bunch of babies sleeping in cots," Squillante shared.
Swiftly, they placed the infants into a rolling crib and, with the help of others, began the process of evacuating them from the building.
"Dave would hand me a baby, I would hand it to someone else," Smith described the rescue operation.
Despite the language barrier, the couple and the other rescuers were united by a "universal language" - the instinct to save as many lives as possible.
"It was just … in the moment everyone just wanted to help," Smith said. "Even though we didn’t speak the same language, we knew everyone was there to help these babies."
Their efforts were successful, and all the children were safely brought out of the building, which was believed to have caught fire due to an electrical issue.
Fire crews and emergency personnel eventually arrived to handle the situation, and the couple resumed their sightseeing tour as if nothing had happened.
"It doesn’t feel real at all," Squillante admitted. "Every time I tell [the story], I’m like, ‘Did that really happen?’ It felt like a movie scene. But we were happy to be in the right place at the right time."
Their heroic act turned their honeymoon into a memorable experience that went viral and was subsequently shared by several news outlets.
Undoubtedly, it will remain unforgettable.
Quote of the Day 💭
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
On This Day In History…🗿
Did you know that on this day in 1798, Napoleon’s Army of Egypt crushed the Egyptian forces of Murād Bey in what is now known as the Battle of the Pyramids? How’d they accomplish such a feat? By employing a new military tactic- the “massive divisional square!
In 1904, the 4,607-mile Trans-Siberian railway was finally completed after 13 years. And we can’t forget that on this day in 1969, mankind took its first steps on the moon!
July 21st also brought us the births of Ernest Hemingway and Robin Williams, in 1899 and 1951, respectively.
All in all, it appears that July 21st has packed a punch throughout history!
Recommendations - Check Them Out!*📣
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Long Youthspan - It’s inevitable that our body and brain will age over time, but there are certain actions, habits, and precautions that we can take to significantly slow this down. Twice a week, Long Youthspan sends short & sweet updates on the latest science, research, and actions you can take to slow the aging and extend your “youthspan”. Click here to subscribe instantly!
Prequel - As parents, nothing is more fulfilling than seeing our children find purpose and joy in the world. Prequel is a newsletter for parents who want their kids to succeed. They send weekly insights on how your children can get ahead in school and life. Click here to learn more!
Pet Summits - Once you have a pet, you’ll understand how they become your entire world. Having a reliable source of factual information is paramount, and Pet Summits is one of the best out there. Pet Summits create the world's most informative online summits and programs in every category of pet health and well-being. They also run an e-learning platform that features content from the most-trusted veterinarians and pet experts in the world. Click here to subscribe instantly!
More good news…
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