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  • Retired Man Joins College Baseball Team - Shareables F&J #56

Retired Man Joins College Baseball Team - Shareables F&J #56

At first glance, you might mistake Jim Fullan for a coach or player's dad.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

We hope your Tuesday is shaping up to be a beautiful day! Today’s newsletter is all about celebrating the intertwining forces of faith and joy, both of which have a strong presence in the featured stories we’re sharing today. From refusing to give up on our dreams (no matter how old the dream might be) to risking everything in the name of compassion, we hope these stories fill you with warmth and a renewed hope for the future you dream of. ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Quote: “Live life as though nobody is watching…”

  • Video Reel: Without risk, there's no reward...

  • Trending Loveable Stories:

    • Retired Man Joins College Baseball Team

    • Homeless Man Risks Life to Save 25 Dogs

Quote of the Day 💭

“Live life as though nobody is watching, and express yourself as though everyone is listening.”

― Nelson Mandela

Reel of the Day 📽️

Would you pay to see what's under it? 🎩🥲

Trending Stories 📰

Image courtesy of TODAY - Jim Fullan


At first glance, you might mistake 56-year-old Jim Fullan for a coach or player's dad. In reality, he's a valued member of the Montgomery County Community College baseball team in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania.

Despite standing out among his younger teammates, Fullan proudly wears No. 38 on the roster.

His journey back to the ballfield was fueled by a lifelong dream of playing college baseball. This dream reignited after retiring from a nearly 40-year career at the U.S. Postal Service.

Fullan's passion persisted despite setbacks. After being dismissed by several community college baseball coaches, he found support at Montgomery County Community College. Head coach Mike Fitzgerald recognized his determination and welcomed him to the team.

Nerves ran high during tryouts, but Fullan impressed his Gen Z teammates.

Pitcher Cole Schuck, 18, remarked, "*Wow, this guy can really hit for how old he really is.*"

Fullan doesn't let age hold him back. He keeps up with daily 3-hour practices and attends all scheduled games. While soreness is a constant, he’s injury-free and eager to contribute to the team.

His maturity and life experience offer valuable guidance to his teammates. When Schuck struggled in a game, Fullan’s encouragement helped turn things around.

Though Fullan is 0 for 2 right now, his college community is cheering him on.

Set to graduate in spring 2024, Fullan cherishes every moment on the field. Beyond college, he hopes to share his love for the sport with his grandchildren, possibly coaching them in Little League.

Fullan's inspiring story has touched many and reminded us all that it’s never too late to reach for your dreams.

Image courtesy of Twitter - Alerta Mundial


Sebastián Arias has become a hero for his bravery during a fire in Peru.

While walking in La Victoria, Lima, the Columbian native spotted a recycling plant on fire. The flames were spreading to a dog shelter nearby. Determined to save the trapped animals, Arias scaled the building façade, smashed the windows, and rescued the dogs without hesitation.

Having worked at the recycling plant previously and knowing about the dog shelter next door, Arias sprang into action.

A viral video captured his daring climb to reach a dog on the rooftop. Despite the thick smoke, he managed to reach the pup, while bystanders below prepared a mattress for a safe landing. The crowd cheered, calling him a hero.

During an interview with Latina Noticias, Arias revealed his motivation:

"I saw the fire and the dog in the corner. I have a precious little animal myself, and I couldn't bear the thought of my dog burning to death. Hearing their cries, their moans—I couldn't let any dog die like that."

Arias risked his life to save the dogs, and the rescue was even more perilous than seen in the video.

Arias explained, "Rescuing the last dog was scary because the wall was about to fall on me. The dog was already burned, so I grabbed him firmly and released him."

The shelter owner, Soledad Rentería, has been caring for stray dogs for over 12 years. After losing her house in the fire, she pleaded for people to adopt the dogs, emphasizing their need for love and care.

One lucky pup, Lulu, was adopted by the mayor of La Victoria, Rubén Cano. The other dogs await their forever homes at a different shelter, with efforts underway to find them responsible and loving caregivers.

Sebastián Arias' selfless act of bravery has inspired countless hearts by demonstrating the power compassion can have in the face of adversity.

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