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Homeless Man Helps Wandering 1st Grader

The special needs girl wandered up to the right person.

Welcome back to Shareables, the newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Welcome back for another update on some of the happenings that make this world so wonderful! The universe sure knows how to throw a party, doesn’t it? A spectacular solar eclipse is headed our way and it’s said that it’s going to put on quite a show with a beautiful “Ring of Fire”!

Far from the only celestial performance taking place recently, not just one but four supermoons have been lighting up our skies, reminding us that there’s always light in the darkness. No one knows this better than Soumyadeep Mukherjee, and Indian photographer who’s managed to capture all 4 super moons and line them up in one beautiful image.

Plunging from the cosmic to the aquatic, the world as we know it has grown with the recently discovered watery secrets of Zealandia, our planet's “hidden eighth continent.” It just goes to show that there are still many mysteries in our world waiting to be discovered and explored.

And speaking of exploration, did you hear about the “lonely” mountain lion that inspired the creation of the world’s largest wildlife overpass? It’s a beautiful example of how one creature can inspire compassion and change in our world.

In fact, Monarch butterflies are proving this in droves. These vibrant little wonders have danced their way off of the endangered list, proving that with a bit of effort and care, we can make a positive change in our world.

Encouraging wildlife to thrive in the world can also provide us with a lot of laughs, too. I mean, have you seen this year’s funniest wildlife photos?! The way these critters can bring a smile to our faces is something truly worth celebrating!

These uplifting updates are only scratching the surface of what’s right in the world. So, dear friends, as you scroll through today’s newsletter, remember- there’s always something to smile about, and we’re here to help you find it. Enjoy! ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This dad apparently has nothing to worry about…

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Homeless Man Helps Wandering 1st Grader
• Mail Lady Talks to Ring After Saving Dog

Quote: “The more people I meet…”


She’s got this! 😂


Image courtesy of Click2Houston


Mercedes Polk experienced every parent's nightmare when her six-year-old daughter, Serenity, a first-grader with special needs, went missing from Lantrip Elementary School on September 28th. The usual pick-up routine turned into a frantic search when staff could not locate Serenity, assuring Mercedes only that she was "somewhere" in the school.

Mercedes's heart sank as 15 minutes turned into an agonizing hour, with no sign of her daughter. The ordeal ended at a gas station a mile away, where a tearful and frightened Serenity was found, having wandered off in an attempt to find her way home.

In a touching twist, Serenity was not alone during her unintended journey. A homeless man, whose name remains unknown, had stayed with her, ensuring her safety in a situation that could have taken a much darker turn.

Mercedes, still shaken but relieved, expressed her heartfelt gratitude towards this unexpected guardian angel.

"He did save her life. Something definitely would have happened to my baby. She could have got hit by a car, kidnapped, anything," she shared, emphasizing the gravity of what might have been.

Mercedes is now channeling her relief and residual fear into advocacy, demanding accountability and tangible changes from the Houston Independent School District (HISD). The incident, which remains under investigation by HISD, has raised serious questions about student safety, particularly during dismissal times.

Mercedes is not only seeking an apology from district leaders but is also pushing for enhanced safety measures. Such measures as improved transportation options and a dedicated aide for Serenity. These types of provisions could help prevent future incidents.

The incident has resonated within the community, sparking calls for systemic changes to ensure the safety of all students.

Activist Candice Matthews of the New Black Panther Nation emphasized, "This child could have lost her life because this was an egregious negligence that happened. This is an innocent baby and that is unacceptable."

The incident has become a catalyst for a broader conversation about safety, oversight, and the necessary measures that must be put in place to safeguard every child within the school system.

Image courtesy of PEOPLE - Kelsey Proctor via Storyful


A heartwarming incident unfolded when a postal worker named Holle Keene Prigmore became an unexpected hero for a family and their dog in Georgia.

Owners Kelsey and Aaron Proctor were away from home when their beagle, Ginger, encountered a dangerous situation - a bite from a venomous copperhead snake. Prigmore, who was making a delivery at the Proctors' residence, noticed Ginger in distress and recognizing the urgency of the situation, decided to take immediate action by transporting the suffering pup to a vet.

A thoughtful and quick-thinking Prigmore left a message for the Proctors through their doorbell camera. She informed them about Ginger’s predicament and assured them that she was taking the dog to the vet. She also left a note on her phone, which read “Little beagle bit by copperhead,” providing clarity and additional information about the incident.

The Proctors expressed their gratitude in a Facebook post, stating, “I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart. Thankfully, Ginger is going to be okay, and I truly believe it’s because of this woman.”

The community quickly rallied to identify the compassionate postal worker after the Proctors shared the incident on Facebook, seeking to thank her.

Upon being identified, Prigmore responded with humility and kindness, commenting, “My absolute pleasure to help. Ginger is a doll baby. 💕

It was revealed that Prigmore and Ginger shared a sweet routine where the beagle would usually meet her at the mailbox for a treat during her mail rounds. Clearly, there’s a beautiful bond between the two.

The Proctors kept their community updated on Ginger’s recovery, sharing, “Ginger update... She is doing well. She is in pain. Her back left leg/paw is swollen and she is afraid to put pressure on it. She has been resting, getting lots of love, and under some blankies.”

They expressed their heartfelt thanks for the overwhelming love and support for Ginger and Prigmore, who had undoubtedly been a lifesaver for their beloved pet.

The postal worker’s selfless act of kindness not only saved Ginger’s life but also brought a community together, celebrating empathy and compassion.


“The more people I meet the happier I become.”

― Samuel Beckett


Did you know that on this day in 1886, the tuxedo made its American debut? It happened at the autumn ball in Tuxedo Park, New York. However, the origins of the tuxedo can be traced back to British aristocracy.

The Prince of Wales, who later ascended to the throne as King Edward VII, desired a less formal tailcoat. He commissioned Savile Row tailor, Henry Poole, to create a tailless smoking jacket.

When a New Yorker named James Potter visited the Prince, he admired the innovative attire. Potter introduced it to American high society, and due to its popularity in Tuxedo Park, it was dubbed the "tuxedo" in the United States.

Other interesting things this day has brought…

  1. 1492 - In the vast expanse of the Atlantic, a “new world” was unveiled to Christopher Columbus and his crew as they cast their eyes upon the Bahamas, previously unknown to Europeans. What mysteries and tales were concealed in this newfound land? Only time could tell.

  2. 1582 - October 10th took the year off! In Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Spain, the date vanished, as nations leaped from October 4th to October 15th in the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar. Doing so allowed the calendar to better synchronize with celestial cycles.

  3. 1845 - The United States Naval Academy unfurled its sails in Annapolis, Maryland for the first time. Beginning with just 50 midshipmen and 7 professors. According to their website, “the curriculum included mathematics and navigation, gunnery and steam, chemistry, English, natural philosophy, and French.”

  4. 1846 - Triton, Neptune’s largest moon, was discovered only 17 days after Neptune itself made its debut to the world. British astronomer William Lassell introduced Triton to mankind and the rest, as they say, is history!

  5. 1865 - John Wesley Hyatt bestowed the gift of celluloid upon the world. While it was first used as a substitute for ivory in manufacturing billiards balls, it would later dance in the flickering lights of cinemas and immortalize itself in the creation of photographs.

  6. 1913 - With an explosion that echoed across continents, President Woodrow Wilson united two mighty oceans, the Atlantic and Pacific, officially completing the Panama Canal.

  7. 1971 - The historic London Bridge, once a sentinel over the River Thames, found a new home in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Millionaire manufacturer Peter McCullough placed the winning bid of $2.4 million to have the bridge disassembled brick by brick. He then shelled out another $7 million to have them shipped to America via the Panama Canal to be reassembled in the tiny town he’d just built in the middle of the desert to draw people in. It worked like a charm.

Notable Birthdays…

  1. 1813 - Giuseppe Verdi was born in Le Roncole, Italy, and would ascend to become a monumental figure in the world of music. His operas, such as "La Traviata" and "Rigoletto," have not only defined the operatic genre but have also enchanted audiences for generations, as a perennial favorite in opera houses around the world.

  2. 1900 - Helen Hayes was born in Washington, D.C. and would later illuminate the world of performing arts. So much so that she earned herself the title of the "First Lady of the American Theatre."

  3. 1917 - Thelonious Monk was born in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. The incredibly talented young man would eventually bear heavy influence and innovation in American music. His distinctive approach to jazz has sculpted the genre, inspired countless musicians, and continues to resonate in jazz music today.

  4. 1930 - Harold Pinter was born in London, England. As an adult he carved out a niche in modern theater that was uniquely his own. His unique narrative style was characterized by what became known as "Pinteresque" pauses and dialogue. He had a profound impact on playwrights and directors that shaped the landscape of theatrical performance we know today.

  5. 1946 - Ben Vereen was welcomed into the world in Miami, Florida, and would go on to captivate audiences with his multifaceted talents in acting, singing, and dancing. Gracing various platforms, from Broadway to television, he has cemented his place among entertainment royalty and enchanted fans for decades.


Can You Spot the Spring Peeper (Small Tree Frog)

Hint: It’s a little too early for me to blend in with my surroundings.


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