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Hero Husky Helps Baby Abandoned in Park

Walsh would have walked right by the blanket if it weren't for his husky Hel's odd behavior.

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Quote: “Only a life lived for…”

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His laugh gets me every time! 🤣🤣


Image courtesy of The Mirror - Evelina London Children’s Hospital


In an extraordinary leap forward for medical science, a 3-year-old girl named Khadijah Chaudhry, born with a rare condition called Leber congenital amaurosis-4, is seeing the world anew.

This condition drastically reduces vision to the point that one may only distinguish between light and dark. Fate had been sealed for those who were previously afflicted, but not anymore.

Thanks to a pioneering operation in the UK, the only place where this procedure is performed, there's newfound hope. The groundbreaking treatment involves “keyhole surgery” to inject healthy genes directly into the eyes.

The new procedure offers more than a ray of light to children stuck in a world without vision. Khadijah's journey to regain her sight began when her parents noticed her unusual eye movements.

With the gradual decline of her vision, they sought help. Diagnosed at 2, Khadijah's condition was slowly robbing her of her confidence. She grew to be heavily reliant on the constant presence of her parents.

Of course, they’ve been by her side every step of the way. All the way to the Evelina London Children’s Hospital in London. This hospital stands at the forefront of this revolutionary gene therapy.

Khadijah underwent two separate procedures. Each one took about an hour and injected her with hope as much as the genetic treatment into her eyes.

Her father, Muhammad Muddassir, shared his anxious optimism. He was buoyed by the successful completion of the surgeries and the positive feedback from the medical team.

This novel treatment is still in its infancy and not yet licensed for general use. Even so, it represents a significant milestone in gene therapy.

The early results are promising, with Khadijah's parents already witnessing improvements in her vision. Lead surgeon Neruban Kumaran's optimism further underscores the potential of this treatment to change lives.

As the world watches, the story of Khadijah and the incredible team of doctors offers a glimpse into a future where blindness could be reversible.

Image courtesy of Birmingham Live - Facebook


In a remarkable story of instinct and compassion, a Husky named Hel became a hero in Birmingham, England, after discovering an abandoned newborn baby in a park.

The dog's owner, Terry Walsh, attributed this miraculous find to more than mere animal instinct. In fact, he believes it to be a form of divine intervention.

Walsh was taking a walk with Hel when the Husky was drawn to what seemed like a pile of discarded blankets. At first, Walsh thought nothing of it, but that quickly changed when Hel started rifling through the blankets.

Within moments, the curious husky uncovered a sleeping newborn boy! Hel's actions sparked a chain of events that led to the baby's rescue.

The baby was merely hours old and had been wrapped in a blanket. Though he was initially quiet, he began to cry as Hel gently nudged him, which drew Walsh's attention.

If not for Hel's curiosity, this baby might have remained unnoticed, lost to the cold embrace of the park. "I think it was Hel’s gentle nudging and the heat from my Husky’s body that woke the baby up," Walsh recounted.

He had to acknowledge the peril the baby would’ve faced if left undiscovered amidst the park's wildlife. Walsh immediately contacted authorities, ensuring the baby, later named George, received the care he needed.

The community rallied to celebrate Hel's heroic deed. Many called for the brave Husky to be honored for her life-saving discovery.

The baby, found in good health, was taken to the hospital and a search began for his mother, who was also believed to be in need of medical attention. Driven by concern for her well-being, the search continued for months.

The police eventually identified the mother, ensuring she received the necessary support and care. Walsh couldn’t help but beam with pride over his dog’s heroic instincts and a video of him detailing the whole experience earned Hel plenty of praise online.


“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”

— Albert Einstein


Did you know that on this day in 1768, John Hancock essentially threw the “first punch” in a brawl that would culminate in the American Revolution?

With a swagger that could rival any Hollywood rebel, Hancock defied the authority of the crown that was attempting to prey upon his merchandise. How? By refusing to let them check out the goods on his boat.

This audacious move in Boston Harbor wasn't just a slap in the face to the British. It was a daring dance on the tightrope of colonial legality, embodying the burgeoning American spirit of resistance.

John Hancock was already on Britain's watchlist for allegedly smuggling goods. In barring access to his ship, he risked his cargo and simultaneously cemented his legacy as a patriot, and a very famous one, at that.

Hancock's refusal, now known as the Liberty Affair, is a window into the spirit of independence that defined a nation in the making.

Other noteworthy events…

1667 - Parisians were treated to the very first public art exhibition at the Palais-Royale, turning the French capital into an even more vibrant hub of creativity.

1682 - With a flair for exploration, French adventurer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, boldly claimed the lower Mississippi (Louisiana) for France, expanding the empire's reach across the pond.

1784 - Great Britain finally gave a nod to the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783, officially ending the American Revolutionary War and changing the New World's destiny forever.

1950 - Bob Hope leapt from radio waves to the television screen, making his first TV appearance and paving the way for a legendary entertainment career.


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