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  • Groom Shocks Korean In-Laws With Speech

Groom Shocks Korean In-Laws With Speech

Ben was all too aware of the stigmas in Korean society towards foreigners marrying locals.

Hey everyone,

Happy Friday! Sometimes, love can make us do things we would never even consider on our own, and we think those are the things worth celebrating.

Thankfully, we’re kicking today off right because these stories are about exactly that. Enjoy!❤️

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This little boy is the Master name giver…

Trending Loveable Stories: 
Groom Shocks Korean In-Laws With Speech
• Woman Drives 4 Hours for Dog - Saves 3

Quote: “Hope finds its fulfillment when…”

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A lot of you asked where we get our writing inspiration (without being online 24/7). Here’s what our team reads regularly!

HealthHack - 5-minute weekly reading on the latest in wellness, tech, and the strange (and awesome) ways they intersect. (one-click subscribe)

High on Christ - An edgy newsletter that targets Christian millennials interested in faith, finances, and family! (one-click subscribe)

The Ten Thousand Heroes Show - Five-minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. There are a lot of great stories in here that hit straight to the heart. (one-click subscribe)

Each one is free and has phenomenal writing. Highly recommended!


Well, he definitely nailed this one! 😂😂


Image courtesy of InspireMore - Ben Carpenter


When Ben Carpenter began his relationship with Sohee, he was all too aware of the cultural stigmas in Korean society towards foreigners marrying locals.

Aware of the potential resistance from her family, Ben embarked on a secret mission, one that saw him mysteriously sneaking off for over 30 minutes at a time. His clandestine activities, unknown to all including Sohee, were laden with purpose and determination.

The big day arrived, marking a moment where two cultures were set to merge.

Little did the guests, or even Sohee, know that Ben had a stunning revelation up his sleeve. Throughout their relationship, he had been quietly absorbing not just the spoken words but the unspoken reservations about him.

Now, it was his turn to respond, not just with words but in their own language.

As Ben stood up to give his speech, the air was thick with anticipation. What he unveiled next was a surprising show of his commitment and respect towards Sohee's heritage.

He had been learning Korean, grasping the nuances of the language to communicate in a way that was more than just words. It was an acknowledgment of understanding, acceptance, and love.

This moment was a powerful statement that Ben had not only heard their concerns but had embraced them, turning potential barriers into bridges of connection.

The reaction to his speech, the joy and acceptance in the room, spoke volumes, transcending language and cultural boundaries, and proving that love, indeed, knows no barriers.

Image courtesy of Facebook - Shelly Blount Price


Imagine setting out to save one life and ending up transforming 3! This is the heartwarming tale of a true dog lover - Shelly Blount.

Shelly's quest began in Virginia with an online post about a dog needing a home. But what unfolded was nothing short of extraordinary. Her initial plan to adopt just one dog took a twist when she arrived at the shelter.

Among them was Caleb, a dog who had narrowly escaped being put down. There were two others nearby, Bella and Charisma, each with their own touching stories.

Shelly's journey didn't stop there. After a 4-hour drive to the shelter and a decision made from the depths of her heart, she discovered that Charisma was pregnant, adding an even more delightful surprise to her rescue mission.

These events turned Shelly's act of kindness into a bigger, more joyful journey than she ever imagined.

The ride home was filled with wagging tails and warm cuddles, as Caleb couldn't contain his excitement, Bella found comfort in gentle laps. And Charisma, the sweet little angel, slept peacefully while hugging Shelly all the way.

But their story rapidly took yet another turn, so Shelly embarked on a quest to help these sweet pups even more than she already had, and she ended up going viral for it!


“Hope finds its fulfillment when nurtured through faith and shared with love.”

― Mollie Marti


Did you know that on this day in 1968, a significant event occurred in sports broadcasting that would change the game forever?

During the American Football League game between the Oakland Raiders and the New York Jets, the broadcaster switched from the live game to the scheduled film "Heidi"!

Now Known as the "Heidi Game," it caused viewers on the East Coast to miss Oakland's dramatic 2-touchdown comeback in the final minute. This decision, which stemmed from the game exceeding its three-hour time slot, led to significant changes in sports broadcasting.

To avoid similar situations, NBC installed "Heidi phones" for better communication, and the NFL, along with other leagues, began ensuring that all game broadcasts would be shown to their conclusion in the markets of the visiting team.

1820 - Intrepid American explorer, Captain Nathaniel Palmer, gazes upon a frozen realm never before seen by his countrymen. He’s the first American to lay eyes on the enigmatic and icy expanse of Antarctica.

1858 - The Mile High City is born! Nestled exactly one mile above sea level, Denver, Colorado, emerges to become a bustling hub of culture and nature.

1869 - A marvel of engineering comes to life in the form of the Suez Canal. The monumental achievement marked a permanent change in global trade and travel by linking the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea.

1894 - In a chilling turn of events, H. H. Holmes is apprehended in Boston, Massachusetts. One of the first known modern serial killers, his arrest marks a dark but fascinating chapter in the annals of American crime history.


Can You Spot The Mantis?

Hint: The grass isn’t the only place you can find me.


We write Shareables intending to make them just that: share-able! We believe people would be much happier if they intentionally curated their attention diet to include more optimistic and joyous content.

Take a minute to click below and share this with a friend or family member you think will get a smile out of this - they’ll thank you for it!

Thanks for reading! ❤️👋

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