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Girl's Old House Renovation Gets 32M Views

The full renovation took 2 years and she made everything herself, including the cabinets and decor.

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Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Girl's Old House Renovation Gets 32M Views
• Cat Scares Off Coyote Pack Attacking Dog

Quote: "All the art of living lies in…”

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The mask isn’t coming off! 😂😂


Image courtesy of YouTube - Quantum Tech HD


Have you ever seen a dilapidated house transformed into a dream home? Well, you’re about to.

This determined young woman took a rundown property and turned it into a stunning sanctuary. The house was falling apart, filled with garbage, and in desperate need of some serious TLC.

Even with all that going on, instead of being daunted she saw potential and spent 2 years pouring her heart into this incredible project. The results are absolutely jaw-dropping.

She began by clearing out all the junk, repurposing what she could, and tossing the rest. What’s truly impressive is how she kept costs low.

She crafted every piece of decor with her own hands using found and natural objects. Talk about resourcefulness!

She didn't just slap some paint on the walls- she meticulously designed each space to exude a calming charm. She achieved this by using biophilic design to bring natural elements indoors and create a soothing environment.

Her renovation was about creating a functional, beautiful space filled with natural beauty. She updated the kitchen, bathrooms, living areas, and outdoor spaces, all while preserving the house’s original charm.

Each room was thoughtfully designed to blend the old with the new, creating a unique and inviting atmosphere. Despite facing budget constraints and unexpected structural issues, she found innovative, cost-effective solutions instead of giving up.

After two years of hard work, the transformation was complete. The old house was reborn as a beautiful, modern home, showcasing her creativity, determination, and skill.

This project is a stunning example of how thoughtful, sustainable renovation can create homes that are functional, full of history, and connected to nature.

Within just 2 weeks, a timelapse video of the abandoned junk house being turned into a small sanctuary has already received over 32 million views.

Image courtesy of YouTube - KFOR Oklahoma's News 4


You might think cats and dogs are natural enemies, but let me tell you about Oakley and Binx Dyer from Edmond, Oklahoma. These two, a dog and a cat, have an extraordinary friendship that defies the usual stereotypes.

One evening, Oakley, a 6-year-old Havanese, was outside for a bathroom break when she was suddenly ambushed by two coyotes. It seemed like a dire situation until Binx, the family's black cat, sprang into action.

Binx, with a protective instinct, confronted the coyotes and saved Oakley from what could have been a tragic fate. "It was the craziest thing ever," said Lane Dyer, the owner, speaking to KFOR News with a mix of awe and gratitude.

Binx wasn't always part of the Dyer family; she was a stray who chose them as her own. Despite being a lot smaller than the coyotes, Binx's bond with Oakley drove her to act heroically.

Unfortunately, Oakley was badly hurt in the attack and was bleeding heavily. It was a race against time to get her to Neel Veterinary Hospital, where the situation looked grim.

There was a real chance she could lose her leg, but Oakley proved to be a fighter. With love and care, she made a full recovery, much to the relief of the Dyer family.

The Dyers checked their security cameras and were amazed to see the footage of Binx fearlessly charging at the coyotes, a David and Goliath moment right in their backyard.

"It was inspiring to see our little outdoor cat just jump at two coyotes that were attacking this little dog who she loves and run them off," Lane shared.

It seems as though Lane isn’t alone in that thought, either. The video of their encounter has already reached over 1.4 million views and earned Binx endless amounts of well-deserved praise.


"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."

- Havelock Ellis


Did you know that on this day in 1830, the famous nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" was first published by the Boston firm Marsh, Capen & Lyon?

Written by Sarah Josepha Hale, this delightful poem quickly became a favorite with its charming tale of Mary and her loyal lamb following her to school.

Its catchy rhythm and sweet story made it an instant hit with kids and adults alike, ensuring it a lasting spot in the world of nursery rhymes.

Sarah Josepha Hale wasn't just a one-hit-wonder; she was a powerhouse of a writer and editor. Besides giving us "Mary Had a Little Lamb," she championed women's education and played a big role in making Thanksgiving a national holiday.

Talk about multitasking! Her knack for storytelling is evident in how this simple rhyme has endured through generations, bringing joy to countless children and parents.

Other notable events include…

1755 - Smuggler Louis Mandrin, often considered the French Robin Hood for his acts of defiance against the tax authorities, is sentenced to be broken on the wheel, a gruesome medieval form of torture and execution designed to break the bones of the condemned.

1764 - Samuel Adams pens a powerful set of instructions for the Boston Town Meeting, opposing the Sugar Act and laying the groundwork for what would become a broader colonial resistance to British taxation without representation.

1775 - In a show of unity and resolve, John Hancock is unanimously elected President of the Continental Congress, a key leadership role during the early stages of the American Revolution.

1915 - Thomas Edison invented the telescribe, a groundbreaking device that allows telephone conversations to be recorded, marking a significant advancement in communication technology.


Can You Spot The Lizard?

Hint: The kitty is right over the target…


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