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  • Fettered Bull Gets 1st Taste of Freedom

Fettered Bull Gets 1st Taste of Freedom

Bandit never got a chance to live like a bull until he met the man who freed him. His gratitude is real.

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Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: What would you do if you were a marshmallow?

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Fettered Bull Gets 1st Taste of Freedom
• Teens Design Stroller for Injured Dad

Quote: “There is no higher happiness…”

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#1 Home Date Night: Date Night Dancing

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We started the 1st Date Night New Year's Day and the change in my husband and our relationship is amazing! He actually wants to learn more! We are having so much fun and even making up our own variations 🙂."

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She already gets the meaning of life! ☕🥲


Image courtesy of YouTube - Gut Aiderbichl


Imagine spending your whole life confined to a steel enclosure. This was Bandit’s reality, a bull who’d never known the world beyond his cramped space. But one day, freedom came knocking.

A heartwarming video from Gut Aiderbichl captured the transformative moment when Bandit, living in isolation and despair, was given a new lease on life.

Bandit’s story has been viewed over 32 million times.

It begins with a sanctuary worker entering the dismal facility. In an emotionally charged moment, Bandit locks eyes with the man, gently licking his hand as if sensing a change in his fate.

The sanctuary worker couldn't turn away. He was moved by the instant bond he’d struck with Bandit.

Once freed, Bandit's exhilaration is palpable.

He jubilantly kicks up his heels, savoring his first taste of freedom in a display of pure joy. This remarkable scene is a revelation of the emotional depth and awareness farm animals possess.

Bandit's journey doesn't end there. Transported to his new home, he continues to explore his newfound surroundings with curiosity and gratitude.

In a touching gesture, Bandit even takes a moment to personally thank his rescuer, completing his transition from captivity to freedom, from despair to hope.

Image courtesy of YouTube - NBC4 Washington


In Germantown, Maryland, Jeremy King's story has inspired innovation, compassion, and the human spirit.

Following a brain surgery that left him with physical challenges, Jeremy, now a proud father, faced the dilemma of safely accompanying his child on walks. His wife, Chelsie decided to reach out to Matt Zigler, a teacher at Bullis School, known for his class "Making for Social Good," which focuses on creating products for positive societal change.

Zigler’s students, embracing the challenge, began designing a unique device that could be attached to Jeremy's wheelchair. Utilizing MakerSpace software for 3D printing and conducting multiple Home Depot runs, the students diligently worked on the prototype.

Their commitment to safety was paramount as they tested their designs with cinder blocks to ensure they could support more weight than an infant.

The result of their efforts was the “WheeStroll,” a wheelchair adaptation device that has transformed Jeremy’s life. This innovative creation allowed Jeremy to take his son on walks, fostering a deep connection that his disability might have otherwise hindered.

The WheeStroll's impact extended beyond the King family. It earned international recognition, winning two awards and showcasing the potential of youth-led innovation.

The WheeStroll is a brilliant blend of practicality and creativity, allowing a father to experience the joys of parenthood without limitations. It’s just something you’ll have to see to believe!


“There is no higher happiness than peace.”

― Jack Kornfield


A lot of you asked where we get our writing inspiration (without being online 24/7). Here’s what our team reads regularly!

The Daily Article - Covering critical stories differently from a grounded, Biblical Christian perspective. Unbiased, objective, and neutral. (one-click subscribe)

Early Chirp - Daily entertaining and informative stories based on important events happening around the world. (one-click subscribe)

Raising Empowered Kids - A weekly newsletter that helps parents raise confident, independent, and resilient kids. (one-click subscribe)

Each one is free and has phenomenal writing. Highly recommended!


Did you know that on this day in 332 BC, Alexander the Great was crowned Pharaoh of Egypt?

This wasn't your everyday military maneuver. Alexander, for once, was welcomed as a liberator rather than a conqueror. He chose to deeply immerse himself in Egyptian culture.

By accepting the title of pharaoh, a role perceived as deeply divine, he embraced and honored Egypt's rich traditions. This pivotal moment kick-started the Hellenistic Period in Egypt, where Greek and Egyptian cultures began to blend seamlessly.

Alexander set up Alexandria as a melting pot of ideas, art, and learning from two worlds. It’s fascinating how his approach went beyond conquest to cultural integration, setting the stage for a legacy that continued under the Ptolemaic Dynasty until the Romans took over.

Later on…

1666 - The first known blood transfusion took place in a groundbreaking medical experiment and was documented by none other than renowned diarist, Samuel Pepys. The first test subjects to take the plunge? Two dogs!

1732 - The world of books got a serious nod in North America after Benjamin Franklin and friends hired Louis Timothee in Philadelphia as the continent's first professional librarian.

1851 - Herman Melville’s "Moby-Dick" was released. Initially greeted with a good deal of criticism, it later emerged as an American literature classic.

1889 - Inspired by a novel to challenge societal norms, Nellie Bly set off in 1889 on a remarkable journey to travel around the world in less than 80 days. A feat that captured the imagination of many after Jules Verne’s adventurous tale.


Can You Spot The Skink?

Hint: If I wasn’t half-blue, no one would ever find me!


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