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  • Family Sees Dog 14 Hours After Burying Him

Family Sees Dog 14 Hours After Burying Him

His family thought he was a “dead dog” but Mugsy’s journey is nothing short of miraculous.

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• Family Sees Dog 14 Hours After Burying Him

Quote: "Remember that the airplane takes…”

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The look on his face was priceless! 😂😂


Image courtesy of YouTube - KSAT 12


In the serene backdrop of Vallecito Reservoir, a dramatic rescue unfolded that captured the hearts of nearly half a million viewers.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers embarked on a daring mission to save 2 mountain lion cubs stranded in a dam. Precariously close to a flood-risk area, the cubs drew immediate attention.

A race against time ensued that was both critical and compelling. The operation presents a gripping scene of officers carefully navigating the dam’s structure.

Can you imagine the tension and focus required to carry out such a rescue? It’s nearly unfathomable.

Throughout the rescue, the officers’ professionalism and composure were evident. Their voices were steady and soothing- qualities necessary in the rescue.

This careful communication played a pivotal role, reassuring the nervous cubs and helping to calm the tense atmosphere. The cubs slowly began to respond to the gentle coaxing of their rescuers.

It’s a heartwarming moment when the young lions start cooperating after recognizing the intent to help. They slowly moved towards safety, guided by the steady hands and soft voices of their rescuers.

The success of this rescue ensured the survival of the mountain lions. The intense video of the entire operation quickly went viral.

“There’s some good men right there! Risking life and limb to rescue an animal …my kind of people,” commented a viewer. This comment encapsulates public sentiment as a whole.

These rescuers set fear aside to save 2 curious mountain kitties and they deserve to be celebrated!

Image courtesy of YouTube - OWN


Glenn Maloney faced a heartbreaking moment when he had to tell his children that their beloved dog, Mugsy, was no longer with them.

The family’s ordeal began when Mugsy, a lively 4-year-old Jack Russell terrier, was hit by a car outside Glenn’s girlfriend’s house in Severna Park, MD. “I picked Mugsy up, but he died in my arms,” Maloney recalled.

To spare his children from seeing Mugsy in such a terrible state, Maloney asked them to stay inside while he buried the dog. He didn’t have the nerve to tell them why.

Overwhelmed with grief, he later told Oprah, “I was really upset. So I buried him quick and I didn’t even tell the children. I didn’t have the nerve to tell the children, until like seven o’clock that night. Mugsy was dead.”

The family gathered for a small ceremony to bid farewell to Mugsy. Megan, deeply affected, requested to put a cross at Mugsy’s grave. Maloney assured her they would do so the next morning.

After saying a prayer for Mugsy, they returned inside, their hearts heavy with loss. However, the story took an astonishing turn the next morning.

At 5:30 a.m., the family was awakened by a scratching noise at the door. To their utter disbelief, when Maloney opened the door, there stood Mugsy, tail wagging energetically.

Both Tiszl and Maloney were shocked. Could it really be Mugsy? Maloney was sure it was, having checked the dog’s tags before burying him.

A trip to the grave confirmed it had been dug up. Mugsy, covered in dirt but surprisingly lively, had somehow dug his way out.

Tiszl reflected, “I guess when he woke up in that hole, he just thought it was another old hole and he dug his way out, not knowing it was supposed to be his grave.”

News of Mugsy’s incredible resurrection spread like wildfire. Oprah shared a video of her interview with Mugsy’s family, and the miracle dog even made an appearance!


"Remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

—Henry Ford


Did you know that on this day in 1768, the first medical diploma in America was awarded to Dr. John Archer by the College of Philadelphia?

This was a major turning point in American medicine. Dr. Archer's achievement represented the pinnacle of rigorous study and training, establishing a new standard for medical education in the young nation.

The College of Philadelphia, now part of the University of Pennsylvania, was among the first institutions to offer structured medical education in the colonies. Doing so cemented the increasing importance of formal training and accreditation in a rapidly developing society.

This milestone celebrated Dr. John Archer's dedication and laid the foundation for the professional medical community in America. Prior to this, medical practice in the colonies was often unregulated, with many practitioners lacking formal education.

Dr. Archer's diploma signified a shift towards higher standards and greater professionalism, paving the way for the establishment of medical schools and formally trained physicians across the country.

Later on…

1788 - The US Constitution officially kicks off when New Hampshire becomes the all-important 9th state to ratify it.

1834 - Cyrus McCormick, the inventive genius, patents his revolutionary reaping machine, transforming agriculture forever.

1853 - In Worcester, Massachusetts, Russell Hawes shakes up the postal world by patenting the envelope-folding machine.

1893 - The first-ever Ferris wheel makes its grand debut at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois.


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Hint: It’s not yellow…


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