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  • Ex-Husband Makes News With Lawnmower

Ex-Husband Makes News With Lawnmower

He showed up with a lawnmower and a mission.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a weekly newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

Did you know that this global study says people help each other at least once every 2 minutes on average? At last count, there were over 8 billion people on this planet. That’s a whole lot of helping goin’ on!

In a world where unpleasant news can often seem like the norm, it’s refreshing to see that overall as a species, we still prioritize taking care of each other when times get tough. That’s what makes this life so beautiful and these precious stories worth sharing. Enjoy!❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Quote: “Happiness is a gift and the trick…”

  • Video Reel: This is your daily reminder to celebrate you…

  • Trending Loveable Stories:

    • Hotel Honors Couple's 1983 Gift Card

    • Ex-Husband Makes News With Lawnmower

Quote of the Day 💭

“Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes.”

― Charles Dickens

Reel of the Day 📽️

She knows what day it is! 🙌🤣

Trending Stories 📰

Image courtesy of KMBC 9 News - Tim & Melinda O’Brien


A heartwarming commemoration of one couple’s long-lasting love has presented itself in the form of a gift certificate. The Kansas City, Missouri residents, Tim and Melinda O’Brien, stumbled across the special item while thumbing through their wedding album.

Oh, and by the way- did we mention the gift certificate is 40 years old?

Recalling their special wedding night in 1983, the couple had spent it at the beloved Muehlebach Hotel- a place near and dear to their hearts. As they reminisced, Tim O'Brien excitedly shared that he was toying with the idea of cashing in on it.

"I was going through our old wedding album and there was a certificate right there. I wonder if they'll still honor this."

The certificate allows the bearer to stay at the hotel for the same price as they did on their wedding night, so long as it’s presented in the same month of their wedding stay in any year. Amazingly, it’s still good!

Embracing the spirit of nostalgia and love, the Muehlebach Hotel, now part of the Kansas City Marriott Downtown complex, decided to honor the 40-year-old gift certificate. The certificate is a true relic of their past.

So, what ***was*** the price for a getaway in 1983? A mere $38.

"I can't take credit for that marketing initiative, but we have some rooms that are very comparable," Dustin Holcumbrink, the hotel manager, humbly expressed.

The O'Briens plan on redeeming their certificate this Sunday, on the 40th anniversary of their enchanting wedding night. It will be a chance for them to relive the magical beginning of their journey together and bask in the love that has grown over the years.

May their anniversary be filled with warmth, laughter, and the joy of making new memories as they lounge in the heart of an old one!

Image courtesy of Facebook - Codie Lachelle Upp-McPhate


We often expect ex-spouses to harbor bitterness, but there are a few extraordinary relationships where kindness prevails. A shining example comes from a story originally shared by Codie LaChelle McPhate.

As a teen, she admired her divorced parents' relationship so much that she had to share it.

"This is my dad, mowing my mom's lawn. They've been divorced 28 years," the post starts, featuring a seemingly ordinary photo.

But the photo was far from ordinary.

Her parents have been divorced for almost three decades. So, why was he mowing the lawn? Codie's younger siblings were puzzled, but Codie understood.

"My mom has bad knees, and my stepdad works out of town,” Codie explained in her post. “When my younger siblings questioned, 'Why is your dad mowing mom's lawn?' I told them, 'Because she needed help, and he knew she couldn't do it, so he did.'"

This is co-parenting at its finest, and Codie appreciates having four parents who respect one another and prioritize family values.

"This is how lucky I am to have four parents who know that at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is showing your children how to treat people and how to love your family, no matter how it came together," she continued.

Adding to the sweetness, Codie's revealed that her dad was on vacation in Texas and doesn't live near her mom. He just wants to encourage kindness whenever possible.

For those wondering how this is possible, the dad says he and his ex-wife chose to treat each other with respect and compassion post-divorce.

"They needed to be good, kind people" to raise their children as such.

We deeply admire these two amazing human beings for their civility and compassion toward each other. The world desperately needs more people like them.

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