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Dogs Protect Toddler 3 Miles from Home

What searchers saw when they found the 2-year-old with her dogs melted their hearts.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a 2x a week newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

We’re in for a real treat this morning with all the wonderful news floating around! For instance, would you believe it if I told you that the Northern Lights are expected to get even more spectacular than they already are? Apparently, the grandiose light show is predicted to be the most dazzling it's been in the past two decades. For those longing to see them, they'll be happy to know that with the increase in intensity also comes an expansion of regions where they can be seen.

The wonders don't stop at the edge of our atmosphere! As the night deepens, Saturn and the Super Harvest Moon will be dominating the night sky this week, offering a celestial duo that you don’t want to miss.

On the opposite end of our scope, we plunge into the mysteries of our oceans. In their shadowy depths, a mesmerizing deep-sea Dumbo octopus has been making waves for its “ghost-like” appearance and behavior. The adorable little fella reminds us that our planet still holds countless enchantments.

And speaking of surprises, who would've thought that bustling urban areas could become a haven for avian wildlife? Well, color us amazed, because that's precisely what's happening with the endangered red-crowned parrots. Their numbers showcase nature's incredible adaptability.

Shifting our gaze inward, the human mind never ceases to amaze us, either. A groundbreaking study has shed light on the early sparks of “Conscious Awareness” in infants. And for the seasoned thinkers among us, there's a delightful revelation unfolding- a new study indicates that indulging in digital puzzle games might just be the aid for a sharp memory we’re looking for.

There’s even more to marvel at below, so enjoy! ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Reel of the Day: This man knows how to get a woman’s attention!

  • Trending Loveable Stories: 

    • Dogs Protect Toddler 3 Miles from Home

    • Boy Tackles Mascot After Seeing His Face

  • Quote: “The really happy person is the one who…”

Reel of the Day 📽️

Nothing could have prepared me for this! 😂😂

Loveable Stories 📰

Image courtesy of YouTube - WJMN Local 3


The evening in Faithorn, Michigan, started like any other for the Chase family. But as the sun set, a hush fell over their home. Brooke Chase, going about her evening tasks, felt a pang of worry.

The laughter and playful shouts of her 2-year-old, Thea, were missing.

A quick search confirmed her fears: Thea had ventured out, drawn perhaps by the allure of a starry night. Thankfully, Thea wasn't out there on her own. The family's two trusty dogs were right by her side, watching over her like big, furry bodyguards.

As news of Thea's little escapade spread, Faithorn sprang into action. Porch lights lit up, neighbors began searching, and the whole town seemed to unite with a single purpose: bringing Thea home.

A few hours and many anxious moments later, a heartwarming scene unfolded.

Tucked away in a cozy spot in the woods, about three miles from home, Thea was found. She was sound asleep, using one of the dogs as a makeshift pillow, while the other stood guard.

This isn't just a story about a curious toddler's adventure. It's about the bond between kids and their pets, the power of community, and those unexpected moments that remind us of the good in the world.

It's a tale that shows that even on the most ordinary days, extraordinary things can happen.

Image courtesy of Inside Edition - Cuyahoga Falls City Schools


An Ohio elementary school witnessed a reunion that tugged at everyone's heartstrings.

As students were greeted by the school's tiger mascot on the first day, little did they know that behind the stripes was Sergeant Perry Chronister of the U.S. National Guard. He had been away, deployed in the Middle East, for an entire year.

Now that he was home, he only wanted one thing - to hold his 7-year-old son, Eli, in his arms.

The separation was tough on Sergeant Chronister, having missed several holidays and Eli's birthday. This fueled his desire to make his homecoming unforgettable.

Collaborating with Eli's school, he decided to surprise his son in a unique and memorable way.

Disguised as the tiger mascot, Sergeant Chronister entered Eli's second-grade classroom. He interacted with the students, maintaining the playful demeanor of the mascot. But the room's atmosphere shifted from excitement to sheer emotion when he knelt in front of Eli and revealed his identity.

The moment the tiger head was removed, Eli leaped into his father's arms, their embrace encapsulating a year's worth of love, longing, and missed moments. It’s one of the best and biggest hugs we’ve ever seen.

The tear-jerking reunion was a touching reminder of the sacrifices military families make and the enduring love that keeps them going.

Quote of the Day 💭

“The really happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery, even when they have to take a detour.”

― Sir James Jeans

On This Day In History…🗿

Did you know that on a crisp day in 1580, the bustling port of Plymouth witnessed the return of a ship that had seen more of the world than any other in English history?

Sir Francis Drake, with salt in his hair and tales of high seas adventure, steered the "Golden Hind" back home, marking the end of a journey that had circled the globe. But it wasn't just about mapping coastlines and discovering new lands. Oh, no. Drake had a flair for the dramatic.

The seafaring explorer danced along the edge of danger, sneaking into Spanish ports, and even cheekily seizing the "Nuestra Señora de la Concepción," a ship bursting with treasure. As he sailed through the Strait of Magellan, venturing up uncharted coasts and braving the vast Pacific, whispers of his audacity traveled faster than the winds pushing his sails.

By the time he dropped anchor back in England, Drake was far more than a sailor. He was a legend. Queen Elizabeth was equally enamored with his grit and spoils. So much so that she honored him with a knighthood, allowing England to revel in the tales of its new maritime hero.

Later on…

1687 - Venetian forces partially destroy the Parthenon in Athens after deciding to explode the Ottoman’s gunpowder stores. Unfortunately for everyone who loves history and architecture, the Ottomans just so happened to be storing said gunpowder in the middle of the ancient building.

1789 - After wrapping up an assignment as Minister to France, Thomas Jefferson officially became the very 1st Secretary of State of the United States.

1957 - "West Side Story" opens on Broadway at the Winter Garden Theatre. It later became one of the most popular and heavily referenced plays in the world.

1960 - What is often considered to be the first televised U.S. presidential debate takes place between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. We all know the outcome of that one.

1969 - The Beatles released "Abbey Road," one of the most iconic albums of all time.

1969 - “Here’s the story of a lovely lady…” blared through the speakers of thousands of television sets as "The Brady Bunch" TV show made its premiere.

1983 - Soviet military officer Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov spares the world a nuclear war between Russia and the U.S. after calling bluff on a missile warning. The Oko nuclear early-warning system alleged that the U.S. had launched no less than 5 missiles. Thankfully, Petrov was stationed at the command center and deemed the report to be false.

Notable Birthdays:

1888 - Highly renowned poet and playwright T.S. Eliot was born in St Louis, Missouri. One of his best-known works is "The Waste Land."

1898 - Celebrated composer known for "Rhapsody in Blue" and "Porgy and Bess," George Gershwin, was born in Brooklyn, New York.

1948 - Award-winning singer and actress most famous for her role in "Grease," Olivia Newton-John, was born in Cambridge, England.

1981 - Legendary tennis player with numerous Grand Slam titles, Serena Williams, was born in Saginaw, Michigan.

1981 - Singer, songwriter, and actress known for hits like "Dip It Low," Christina Milian, was born in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Bonus Fun!!!🧩

Can You Spot The Baby Bunny?

Hint: I love to hide out where all the tasty food is!

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