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Cop Travels 2,200+ Miles for 94-Year-Old

When Howard’s son called the cops on him, Sergeant Turney knew there was only one thing to do.

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Quote: “Stop worrying about the world ending today…”

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He was so gentle with her! 😂😂


Image courtesy of YouTube - CBS Evening News


How far would you travel to help out a stranger on a mission, just to see them complete it safely?

It’s not an easy question to answer and, as with all things, it’s circumstantial, right? Well, the stars aligned for Howard Benson when he met Sergeant Jeff Turney.

Benson wanted to take a road trip, and it was going to be a long one. Unfortunately for him, no one else in his immediate environment seemed to agree with him.

That's when he decided he didn’t need anyone to go with him- he’d take a solo trip. It was a brilliant plan until his son called the cops on him.

Thankfully, what followed was epically hilarious and heartwarming. Sergeant Turney knocked on Benson’s door after the call.

It turned out the spunky 94-year-old veteran was planning a trip to Florida, just across the country, to be closer to family. His family at home tried to convince him otherwise, but he was having none of it.

When it became clear that Benson was going to find a way to get to Florida, the officer made an “equally irrational” choice- he was going on a road trip.

Sergeant Turney put in for some vacation and returned to Benson’s home to finish packing his belongings up into a trailer. When he finished with that, he packed up Benson, too.

Footage of their road trip made it on the news and their story has been warming hearts ever since. It’s heartening to know that there are great people out there always looking for a way to serve.

Image courtesy of YouTube - Guinness World Records


In the scenic hills of New England lives a Brown Swiss steer named Tommy.

One of many remarkable things about Tommy is that he’s not your average farm animal. Rescued from an auction by Fred, a farmer, Tommy was named after the famed quarterback Tom Brady.

Despite common jokes about his fate as a meal, Tommy is deeply valued as a permanent family member. Said family even has plans for him to be buried on the farm, affirming his cherished status.

Contrary to what one might expect from his large build and daunting horns, Tommy is incredibly gentle and a favorite among children. They particularly love the way he lowers his head for them to pet him.

This gentle nature shows how keenly aware Tommy is. And he’s keenly hungry, too.

Every day, Tommy consumes a staggering amount of food. He eats about 30 pounds of dry grain, over 75 pounds of hay, and drinks 35-40 gallons of water.

Despite his hearty appetite, Tommy has his share of struggles. He’s been dealing with a sore foot which requires ongoing care from veterinary professionals. Beyond his physical care, the enormous steer holds a special place in his caretaker Fred's life. He helps keep Fred active and engaged as he nears his 80s.

Their unique bond and Tommy's role on the farm have even earned them recognition from everyone, even the Guinness World Records! They came out and made a video of Tommy and his family that humorously highlights the remarkable life they share.


“Stop worrying about the world ending today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia.”

- Charles M. Schulz


Did you know that on this day in 1775, the American Revolution kicked off with a bang in Lexington, Massachusetts?

Forever known as “The Shot Heard Round the World”, in the crisp morning air of the dawn, the quiet was shattered by the clash of British troops and American colonial militia.

This wasn't just a squabble to let off some built-up tension. It was a formidable standoff sparked by deep-seated frustrations- like taxation without representation, among other things.

This moment in Lexington ignited the flames of a revolution that would burn across all thirteen colonies. Later that very day, the shot rang out in Concord which has been echoing through history ever since.

As the redcoats marched on to Concord with their sights set on swiping the colonial armaments, they were met with muskets and something far more fearsome - the collective resolute spirit of independence.

This single shot marked the true commencement of a fierce battle for autonomy that resonated across continents and centuries, symbolizing the birth of a nation determined to govern itself.

Other Notable Events…

1770 - Captain James Cook's eyes first beheld Australia, describing it vividly as a landscape with "rather low, and not very hilly" terrain, lush green woods, and striking white sandy shores.

1892 - Charles Duryea made automotive history, steering the first American-made car through its paces on an inaugural test drive. This quite literally set the wheels of change in motion.

1897 - The first Boston Marathon (B.A.A. Road Race) was clinched by John J. McDermott, who triumphed with a time of 2:55:10. This event, now the world's oldest annual marathon, was sparked by the marathon's debut at the 1896 Summer Olympics.

1963 - Johnny Cash unleashed the iconic single "Ring of Fire," co-written by his then future wife June Carter and Merle Kilgore. It was a song that would burn its way into music history.


Can You Spot All The Water Dragons?

Hint: There are at least 10 in this photo…


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