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  • Cop Battles Tornado to Save His K9 Buddy

Cop Battles Tornado to Save His K9 Buddy

The security footage shows just how far this cop will go to save his friend.

Today's Enjoyment:

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Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Family Save Tiny Pig "Kicking Away" in Sea
• Cop Battles Tornado to Save His K9 Buddy

Quote: "The most wasted of days is...”

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She sure was worried about his truck! 🤣🤣


Image courtesy of YouTube - Khon2 News


A family was out enjoying a typical boat trip off the waters of Kailua when they encountered something wholly unexpected.

Initially, their day was filled with spotting turtles and soaking in the serene environment. But as they ventured further, they noticed a blackish-brown creature swimming in the distance.

At first, they thought it was a little log. Upon closer inspection, however, it turned out to be a pig “kicking away” in the water roughly 2 miles out from shore!

Can you believe it? A pig, just paddling away in the ocean. The family was totally shocked but knew they had to help.

Despite the pig’s attempts to swim away, they managed to get a rope around her after about 45 minutes. Once they got her on board, she just collapsed completely exhausted but seemingly relieved.

Noting the incredible odds of the chance encounter, they named her "Miracle". After their impromptu rescue, they headed to a nearby sandbar to give the pig some fresh water and food.

Poor thing must have been in shock because she wasn't interested. When they got back to shore, they released her near a wooded area.

Once she felt the ground, she perked up and explored a bit, then trotted off into the woods. The family couldn’t believe their luck in being able to save Miracle.

“We’re just thankful we were there to spot her and give her a second chance,” they said.

After uploading their unexpected rescue video at sea to social media, the video went viral. Miracle even made it on the news!

Image courtesy of YouTube - Khou 11


It was a typical winter day in Deer Park, Texas, until the winds started picking up, turning everything chaotic. Suddenly a tornado hit, but Officer Joel Nitchman wasn’t leaving.

The brave officer was putting his life on the line to save his K9 partner, Roni. Trapped inside the patrol car, Roni was in dangerous territory.

Inclement weather aside, Officer Nitchman knew he had to act. He rushed to the car, as quickly as he could, determined to rescue his loyal partner.

With debris flying and the car threatening to flip, Nitchman coaxed Roni, “Come on buddy. Let’s go.” His bond with Roni was clear—it was about love and loyalty as much as it was duty.

“He’s put himself in harm’s way for me before,” Nitchman said. His determination paid off—he managed to get Roni out of the car and to safety, showing just how far he was willing to go for his furry partner.

The footage from that day is intense, showing the tornado’s fury as Nitchman battled the elements. “I’ll never forget the noise. That’s when I knew this was a big tornado,” Nitchman recalled.

The winds were so strong that debris was hitting his face, and he could barely get the car door open. Roni, seeing the storm outside, hesitated to come out, but Nitchman wouldn’t give up on him.

The rescue footage has snared over 1.9 million hearts and endless praise for Officer Nitchman’s bravery and dedication.

One commenter summed it up best when they said, “That dog wouldn’t hesitate to give his life for that officer, love to see the LOVE returned.”


"The most wasted of days is one without laughter.”

—E.E. Cummings


Did you know that on this day in 1178, five monks in Canterbury saw something truly out of this world? Just after sunset, they reported witnessing a massive explosion on the moon![]

They described it as a "flaming torch" shooting out fire, hot coals, and sparks. This wild spectacle is the only known observation of such a lunar event from that time.

As providence would have it, the event was recorded in detail by the chronicler Gervase of Canterbury. So, what exactly did these monks see?

One exciting theory suggests it was a meteor impact that might have formed the Giordano Bruno crater on the moon!

While we can't be sure if this is true, the monks' vivid account gives us a rare peek into medieval skywatching. This celestial mystery continues to intrigue astronomers and history buffs alike.

Later on…

1682 - English Quaker William Penn founds Philadelphia in the Pennsylvania Colony, setting the stage for the City of Brotherly Love.

1847 - In a groundbreaking moment, American photographer Thomas Martin Easterly captures the first-ever photo of lightning in St. Louis, Missouri using the daguerreotype process.

1873 - Susan B. Anthony gets fined $100 (about $2,200 today) for daring to vote in the US Presidential election in Rochester, New York; she famously refused to pay, and the authorities let it slide.

1928 - Trailblazing aviator Amelia Earhart makes history as the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, touching down in Burry Port, Wales.


Can You Spot The Allen Wrench?

Hint: It’s black, not silver…


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