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  • ChatGPT Helps Boy 17 Doctors Couldn't

ChatGPT Helps Boy 17 Doctors Couldn't

Fed up after 3 years of no answers for her boy, this mom went to A.I. with all the right questions.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a 2x a week newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

We’re all happy to be reeling in another Friday, and there’s plenty of good news coming with it. Chiefly, we’re raising our glasses to the Hualapai Tribe, who are celebrating the most recent news drop of their officially recognized water rights that entitle them to a billion gallons of it. Now that's a wave of positivity!

And speaking of water, did you know mussels are the unsung heroes of the stuff? Yup, these little guys are flexing their muscles (pun most definitely intended) to give us cleaner water. And they’re doing a darn good job of it, too!

Shifting gears to the world of collective creatives, the "Indiana Jones of the Art World" has done it again! Arthur Brand, art detective extraordinaire, has helped Dutch police recover a stolen Van Gogh painting. Now, that’s a masterpiece of a rescue!

On a separate (but not entirely unrelated) note in Minnesota, wrestler-turned-chainsaw artist Mark Kurtz has been carving out magic for nearly 40 years. From bears to eagles, his sculptures are a cut above the rest and exist as a treat for all eyes to see!

Yet another former athlete, NFL legend Warrick Dunn, is scoring touchdowns off the field and warming hearts everywhere by welcoming another single mother into her new home. It’s the 218th home they’ve given and they’re not done yet. That’s what we’d call a touchdown for kindness! 🏈

Thankfully, there’s more good news where that came from, so scroll on and enjoy! ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Reel of the Day: This is how a real wife supports her husband.

  • Trending Loveable Stories: 

    • ChatGPT Helps Boy 17 Doctors Couldn't

    • Shouting Stranger Saves Woman's Life

  • Quote: “You and your purpose in life are the same thing…”

Reel of the Day 📽️

He definitely made her day! 🤣🤣

Loveable Stories 📰

Image courtesy of TODAY - Courtney


Courtney, a concerned mother, noticed her son Alex experiencing unusual pain after playing in a bounce house during the COVID-19 lockdown. Despite visiting 17 doctors over three years, no one could pinpoint the cause of Alex's chronic pain and other symptoms.

Alex was only just 4-years-old when this mysterious medical journey began.

Desperate for answers, Courtney turned to ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence platform. After inputting all the information she had about Alex's condition, ChatGPT suggested a diagnosis of tethered cord syndrome.

We saw so many doctors. We ended up in the ER at one point. I kept pushing,” and adds, “I really spent the night on the (computer) … going through all these things," Courtney recalls.

Initially, when Alex started chewing on things, his parents suspected dental issues. A dentist suggested that Alex might be grinding his teeth due to airway obstructions, which could be causing his fatigue and mood swings. An orthodontist found that Alex's palate was too small, making it hard for him to breathe at night.

Although an expander seemed to help for a while, Courtney noticed Alex's halted growth and other imbalances. Despite numerous visits to specialists, Courtney felt that each doctor only addressed their specific area, lamenting, “Nobody’s willing to solve for the greater problem.”

After inputting Alex's symptoms and MRI notes into ChatGPT, Courtney discovered tethered cord syndrome. This condition occurs when tissue in the spinal cord forms attachments, causing abnormal stretching.

Dr. Holly Gilmer, a pediatric neurosurgeon, confirmed the diagnosis after examining Alex's MRI images, stating, “She said point blank, ‘Here’s occulta spina bifida, and here’s where the spine is tethered.

Tethered cord syndrome is closely associated with spina bifida, a birth defect where part of the spinal cord doesn’t develop fully. Dr. Gilmer mentions that in many children with spina bifida, there’s a visible opening in the child’s back, but Alex's type was hidden.

ChatGPT, while a powerful tool, is not without its limitations.

Dr. Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, president of the American Medical Association, emphasizes the need for clinical evidence of the safety and efficacy of AI-enabled healthcare applications. He warns of the potential risks and liabilities of relying on unregulated machine-learning algorithms.

After receiving his diagnosis, Alex underwent surgery to address his tethered cord syndrome and is currently recovering.

Courtney hopes that sharing their story will inspire other parents to advocate for their children, stating, “There’s nobody that connects the dots for you. You have to be your kid’s advocate.”

Image courtesy of NPR - Trieste Belmont


In 2014, Trieste Belmont found herself grappling with the weight of depression. The pain of a recent breakup combined with the loss of her beloved grandmother made every day a challenge.

One day, after teaching a dance class, she found herself stranded when her ride didn't show. With no driver's license of her own, Belmont made the decision to walk home, leading her to a high bridge.

As she stood on the bridge, overwhelmed by despair, Belmont contemplated ending her life.

"I was sobbing and crying, feeling so useless and like such a burden," she recalled.

But just as she was about to make an irreversible decision, a voice from a passing car pierced through her thoughts, shouting, "Don't jump!"

Those two words, from a complete stranger, became a lifeline.

"Having a stranger care about me in my darkest time made it so that I didn't jump, and it saved my life," she said.

That pivotal moment on the bridge became a turning point for Belmont. Recognizing the need for support, she sought therapy and leaned on her family and friends. Their collective care and understanding played a significant role in her mental health recovery.

Reflecting on that day, Belmont realized the profound impact of seemingly small gestures.

"Even if something's not a huge moment in your life, just the little, small gestures that you can make for other people really do make a difference," she emphasized.

Belmont's experience taught her the immense power of simple acts of kindness. She believes that even a minor compliment can be transformative for someone going through a tough time.

"Even if you see someone that has a cute outfit on, telling them might make their day. They might be super depressed and worried about the way they look. But if you come in and you give them a small little compliment, it could change everything for them," she shared.

Quote of the Day 💭

“You and your purpose in life are the same thing. Your purpose is to be you.”

― George Alexiou

On This Day In History…🗿

Did you know that on this day in history in 1835, Charles Darwin set foot on the Galapagos Islands aboard the HMS Beagle?

This volcanic archipelago became his living laboratory, where he observed unique species like the varied finches, each adapted to its specific island environment. These observations, from the distinct finches to the giant tortoises, laid the groundwork for his groundbreaking theory of evolution by natural selection.

Darwin's time in the Galapagos would later influence his seminal work, "On the Origin of Species," forever changing our understanding of the natural world.

Other notable events on this day…

  • 1616 - The first non-aristocratic, free public school in Europe is opened in Frascati, Italy.

  • 1821 - Act of Independence of Central America: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua declare their independence from the Spanish Empire.

  • 1928 - Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin while studying influenza.

  • 1949 - "Lone Ranger" premieres on ABC-TV. Hi-yo, Silver! Away!

  • 1992 - George Soros' Quantum Fund begins selling large amounts of pound sterling, later labeled "the man who broke the Bank of England" when the pound crashes out of the ERM the next day.

  • 2005 - "Be Without You" single released by Mary J. Blige (Billboard Song of the Year 2006, Grammy Award Best R&B Song, Best Female R&B Vocal Performance 2005).

  • 1960 - Maurice Richard announces his retirement. He finished his career with 544 goals, an NHL record at the time.

  • 1997 - Google.com is registered as a domain name.

Notable Birthdays

  • 1857 - William Howard Taft - The 27th President of the United States and later the 10th Chief Justice of the United States.

  • 1889 - Robert Benchley - An American humorist and newspaper columnist, known for his contributions to The New Yorker.

  • 1890 - Agatha Christie - Renowned British mystery writer, famous for characters like Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple.

  • 1907 - Fay Wray - Canadian-American actress best known for her role in the 1933 film "King Kong."

  • 1946 - Oliver Stone - American film director, producer, and writer, known for movies like "Platoon" and "Wall Street."

Bonus Fun!!!🧩

Can You Spot The Snake?

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