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  • Baby Clinging to Mom's Face Nabs 27M Views

Baby Clinging to Mom's Face Nabs 27M Views

This baby went mega-viral when he was just minutes old for the sweetest reason.

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This might be the longest meow I’ve ever heard…

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• Couple Build Giant Bed to Fit Rescue Dogs
• Baby Clinging to Mom's Face Nabs 27M Views

Quote: “Blessed is the season which engages…”

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A lot of you asked where we get our writing inspiration (without being online 24/7). Here’s what our team reads regularly!

The Daily Article - Covering critical stories differently from a grounded, Biblical Christian perspective. Unbiased, objective, and neutral. (one-click subscribe)

High on Christ - An edgy newsletter that targets Christian millennials interested in faith, finances, and family! (one-click subscribe)

The Ten Thousand Heroes Show - Five-minute reads on meaning, purpose, and community. There are a lot of great stories in here that hit straight to the heart. (one-click subscribe)

Each one is free and has phenomenal writing. Highly recommended!


The “Ghost Meow” is my favorite! 😹😹


Image courtesy of YouTube - Good Morning America


Chris and Mariesa Hughes are not your average couple. Their shared love for dogs has led them to a life dedicated to providing forever homes to dogs in need.

This deep affection for their furry friends inspired them to create a unique living arrangement for their eight rescue dogs, turning their home into a haven for these beloved animals.

When Chris and Mariesa first met, they each had their own pack of dogs. Mariesa had two, while Chris had six, some of whom he had fostered through his rescue organization, ‘Rowdy to the Rescue.’

Their decision to blend their families led to a harmonious union of eight dogs, each with their own story and personality. But to accommodate their large furry family, Chris and Mariesa came up with an idea to build a special, one-of-a-kind bed.

They reached out to local craftsman Mike Ford, a fellow dog lover, who was touched by their story and agreed to help. Ford crafted a sturdy, king-sized bed out of solid cherry wood, complete with a staircase for the smaller dogs and storage drawers.

The bed was an instant hit with both the couple and their dogs.

Mariesa shared, “I wake up and I think, ‘This is incredible. I’m like a contortionist with Stig spooning me and Gremlin between my legs and Sam sharing my pillow.' They love it. They love to just be near us. So however we can make that happen, they’re happy.

This bed symbolizes the immense love and dedication Chris and Mariesa have for their dogs. It’s so big that you’ll just have to see it to believe it!

Image courtesy of YouTube - Caters Clips


Motherhood is an epic journey. It’s a blend of perseverance, strength, resilience, and moments that take your breath away.

It's also a path filled with challenges that are rewarded with incredible joys that make every hardship worth it.

One such joyous moment has captured the hearts of over 27 million people. The footage beautifully illustrates the deep and immediate bond between a mother and her newborn.

This heartwarming scene unfolds with a new mom, weary yet glowing with love, as her newborn baby tenderly clings to her face.

It perfectly captures the essence of the bond that sparks to life from the very first touch between a mother and her child. This connection, both tender and powerful, is a testament to the unbreakable bond of motherhood.

As the baby cries, the unnamed mother opens her eyes. Immediately, her face lights up with a mix of love, relief, and pure joy.

This simple interaction is beyond moving. It highlights the instinctual bond between them. It's a bond so pure and natural that it resonates with millions around the world, striking hearts with its authenticity and emotion.

If you're looking for a glimpse into the magical first moments of life and the incredible bond of parenthood, this video is a must-see.


“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”

― Hamilton Wright Mabie


Did you know that on this day in history in 1859, a groundbreaking discovery in the world of astrophysics and chemistry was made?

German physicist Gustav Robert Kirchhoff astounded the scientific community by describing the chemical composition of the Sun. This remarkable feat was achieved through the analysis of the Sun's spectrum.

Kirchhoff, and Robert Bunsen (yes, the Bunsen burner guy!), collaborated to develop a new kind of spectroscopy, allowing them to identify the various elements present in the Sun's atmosphere.

Their work laid the foundation for astronomical spectroscopy, enabling scientists to study the composition of stars and other celestial bodies, purely based on the light they emit.

This discovery revolutionized how we perceive the universe. His techniques revealed that the Sun contained elements common on Earth, like hydrogen and helium, bridging our world with the far reaches of the cosmos.

Other notable events include…

1612 - Simon Marius made a cosmic breakthrough by being the first to spot the Andromeda galaxy through his telescope, a monumental moment in astronomy.

1791 - The US Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, solidifying its first ten amendments, thanks to Virginia's nod of approval.

1939 - The iconic "Gone With The Wind" made its grand debut in Atlanta, starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. It later clinched the Best Picture in 1940 and remains one of the highest-grossing films ever.

1955 - Johnny Cash's legendary hit "Folsom Prison Blues" hit the airwaves in 1955, eventually rocking its way to Billboard's Song of the Year in 1968.


Can You Spot The Snow Leopard?

Hint: I’m closer than you think…


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