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Ancient Lost "Miracle Plant" is Found

The ancient world held many treasures, and among them was the "miracle" plant Silphium.

Welcome back to Faith & Joy, a 2x a week newsletter that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to!

Hey everyone,

August has been a hot month in more ways than one. Even though things have been heating up in some not-so-great ways, it’s still good to stop and take a moment to see all that’s going right with the world. For instance, we’re seeing an unexpected bit of good news for the animal kingdom in Texas right now. In fact, they’re having a record-breaking year with an unprecedented amount of green sea turtle nests scattering the Lonestar state’s beaches.

In other news, billionaire Mackenzie Scott, (formerly ‘Bezos’) is using her abundant wealth to bless others. The 3rd wealthiest woman and 47th wealthiest person in the world has already given out $97M to 17 charities since 2023 began, holding true to her pledge to dispense her wealth where it’s needed. So far, the bulk of that seems to be focused on early childhood education.

Speaking of people blessing people, Gary Sinise has recently found his way back into the limelight for doing just that. The actor and veteran-loving philanthropist has just gifted another veteran with a home in central Ohio. And when we say “gifted”, we mean “mortgage-free”!

You see, there are plenty of beautiful things going on in the world every day. They are easy to find, so long as we’re willing to lend them our attention, and that’s what we aim for every day. ❤️

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Today's Enjoyment:

  • Reel of the Day: This kitten already has the best anti-stress routine…

  • Trending Loveable Stories: 

    • Ancient Lost "Miracle Plant" is Found

    • Homeless Lady Makes Home of Free Camper

  • Quote: “All animals except man know…”

Reel of the Day 📽️

Everybody needs a cup like this in their life. 🐈🥰

Loveable Stories 📰

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons - Eckard Wolff-Postler


The ancient world held many treasures, and among them was the "miracle" plant Silphium. Revered by Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, this golden-flowered plant was a staple for medicinal purposes and even contraception. Its value was unparalleled, with Silphium saplings equating to the price of silver during Julius Caesar's reign.

Yet, mysteriously, by the first century A.D., it was believed to have vanished, with the last known account being a single stalk gifted to Emperor Nero.

Fast forward to modern times, and a researcher at Istanbul University, Mahmut Miski, believes he's stumbled upon this long-lost botanical gem. Growing on Mount Hasan in Turkey, the Ferula Drudeana plant bears striking resemblances to ancient descriptions of Silphium, from its thick branching roots to its medicinal properties. Miski's discovery is intriguing, especially since the regions in Turkey where this plant thrives were once home to Ancient Greeks.

The challenges of cultivating this potential Silphium successor mirror those of its ancient counterpart.

Both plants resisted traditional cultivation methods, but Miski, through a technique called cold stratification, managed to grow Ferula in a greenhouse. This similarity, combined with the plant's appearance and medicinal properties, strengthens the case for Ferula Drudeana being the ancient Silphium. Even to the point that the plant is known to fight cancer and other inflammatory diseases.

While the rediscovery awaits conclusive proof, it has captivated experts worldwide. Erica Rowan, an archaeobotany associate professor, finds the theory compelling, especially given the ancient's ability to transport such treasures.

Whether or not Ferula Drudeana is the Silphium of yore, its discovery is a testament to history's enduring mysteries and the wonders still hidden in our world.

Image courtesy of YouTube - PossumRunHomestead


The concept of "homesteading" has been gaining momentum in recent years. As people grapple with rising inflation and the challenges of maintaining their standard of living, many are drawn to this self-sufficient lifestyle, often off the grid.

Among these individuals is Mama V, a spirited woman who, weary of the urban grind, decided to leave city life behind.

Her initial escape? An old mini school bus, with dreams of building a sustainable cabin in the woods. But Mama V wasn't embarking on this journey alone.

Her growing family of multiple cats and two dogs meant that the bus soon felt a tad too cozy. Just when she was pondering her next move, a generous neighbor made an offer that would change her life. He gifted her an old camping trailer that had been gathering dust in his yard.

Gratefully, Mama V exclaimed about her new abode, "She’s ugly, but she’s mine!"

She sold her bus, ready to embark on this new chapter, even though the trailer needed some serious TLC. The trailer's revival became a team effort.

While it was structurally intact, it demanded a thorough cleaning and some refurbishments.

Mama V's friends, Jayme and Kevin, jumped in to help. Kevin adeptly positioned the trailer on its new plot, while Jayme, with her cleaning prowess, transformed the space. She tackled everything, from vacuuming up countless dead wasps to ensuring every nook and cranny sparkled.

Meanwhile, Mama V and Kevin ventured into town, stocking up on essentials for the trailer. To everyone’s delight, the trailer came equipped with a fridge, oven, microwave, and more.

As Mama V settled into her revamped space, she took a moment to appreciate its features: two full propane tanks, a utility monitoring panel, a cozy pullout couch, a well-equipped kitchen, twin beds, and even a bathroom with a full tub.

While this trailer isn't her dream cabin in the woods, it's a comfortable interim home for her and her pets. As she gets accustomed to her new surroundings, Mama V envisions a garden and dreams of the tranquil life she's set out to create.

With the woods as her backdrop and a heart full of gratitude, Mama V is ready to embrace this fresh chapter of her life.

Quote of the Day 💭

“All animals except man know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.”

― Samuel Butler

On This Day In History…🗿

Did you know that on this day in 564 A.D., St Columba reported the first-ever eye-witness testimony of seeing a “monster” in Loch Ness? As the story goes, Columba, an Irish priest later “sainted”, was on a visit to Scotland when he “compelled” the monster not to attack one of his followers.

Later on:

1485 - “The last English Monarch” died in the Battle of Bosworth Field after Henry Tudor's forces defeated King Richard III in the last battle in what is now known as the Wars of the Roses.

1775 - King George III, ruler of Great Britain and Ireland, put the American Revolution into official motion with the proclamation that the American colonies were “in open rebellion,” and gave subsequent orders to his officials to “suppress” it.

1826 - Jedediah Strong Smith leads colonies to move near Salt Lake Utah.

1848 - The United States officially annexed New Mexico.

1864 - The Geneva Convention was adopted for the first time in Geneva for “the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field." It was signed by 12 nations.

1865 - The first-ever United States patent for liquid soap was issued to William Sheppard.

1901 - The Cadillac Motor Company was founded.

1902 - A US “chief executive” became the first in his position to take a ride in a car. His name was President Theodore Roosevelt.

1987 Madonna's "Who's That Girl" single hit #1 on the billboard charts.

Notable Birthdays:

1862 - French composer Claude Debussy was born in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. The “rebel” musician produced music often seen as a “reaction against Richard Wagner and the German musical tradition”. He is most well-known for his composition of Clair de Lune (1890), which is still quite popular today.

1893 - Infamously witty American Writer Dorothy Parker was born in Long Branch, New Jersey. After filling in for Vanity Fair’s P.G. Wodehouse, Dorothy ended up writing for the magazine as a regular in the earliest parts of her career.

She later worked at Ainslee's Magazine before serving on the board of the New Yorker after its founding in 1925. She also wrote pieces for the nearly 100-year-old publication.

1939 - Boston Red Sox MVP Carl Yastrzemski, was born in Southampton, New York. His baseball career spanned an incredible 23 years, during which he was named and “All-Star” no less than 18 times. To top things off, in 1967, he took home the AL MVP Award and won the Triple Crown to boot.

1995 - International powerhouse singer Dua Lipa was born in London, England. Her true name really is Dua Lipa and stems from her Albanian roots, where Dua means "love". The young singer already boasts 2 best-selling albums and many hit singles. She’s so popular, in fact, that she’s gained 6 BRIT and 3 Grammy Awards.


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Bonus Fun!!!🧩

Can You Spot The Kitty?

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