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  • 78-Year-Old Turns Van Into Ideal Tiny Home

78-Year-Old Turns Van Into Ideal Tiny Home

Evelyn is choosing a life of freedom and adventure in her "perfect" van-turned-tiny home.

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: 78-Year-Old Turns Van Into Ideal Tiny Home

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• 78-Year-Old Turns Van Into Ideal Tiny Home
• Orphaned Rhino Reunites With Foster "Dad”

Quote: “There is never enough time to do everything…”

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His reasoning skills are on point! 😂😂


Image courtesy of YouTube - Butterfly Tracks


At 78, Evelyn decided that settling for the typical retirement just wasn’t her cup of chai. So, she transformed her Dodge Grand Caravan into a roaming abode instead.

Named Josie (after her grandma), Evelyn’s minivan-turned-tiny home has all anyone would need for a comfortable life on the road. With one ingenious addition after the next, Evelyn is showing that adventure never has to retire.

The conversion process has been fully guided by practicality and comfort. These two considerations make her story particularly relevant for anyone contemplating a nomadic lifestyle.

Evelyn chose equipment that combines convenience and efficiency. This way, her van is both livable and eco-friendly.

The interior is equipped with an EcoFlow 800-watt power unit, which provides ample electricity for all her needs without the bulk or noise of traditional generators. This unit is especially beneficial for folks who appreciate sustainable solutions without compromising on modern comfort.

The van includes a custom-built “kitchen” with a repurposed vanity that doubles as a kitchen counter. Small, additions like an AeroPress coffee maker and a handmade sink maximize the limited space. Little additions like these make switching to van life a bit more seamless.

Evelyn’s van also now boasts a dual-purpose living area. By day, the space is a comfortable seating area- by night, it converts into a cozy bedroom.

It comes fully loaded with a pull-out bed, extra mats, USB fans, and LED lights, showing that comfort is key when it comes to tiny living. These modifications make the best use of space while maintaining an independent, flexible lifestyle many people yearn for.

Evelyn’s choice to embrace van life with Josie offers a template for anyone looking for an alternative, stress-free lifestyle. With the right modifications and a bit of creativity, life on the road can be as comfortable as it is exhilarating.

Interested in learning more about how Evelyn spruced up “Josie” to turn her into the perfect tiny abode? Check out her video “tour” to see her full set-up!

Image courtesy of YouTube - We Love Animals via Lewa Wildlife Conservancy


We all know reunions can be emotional, but there's just something about reunions with wild animals, in particular, that make our hearts spill over.

From lions to elephants and even bears, it seems there's no limit to the connection humans can share with animals. The reunion of this rhino and his "foster daddy" is one heart-melting example of this.

In the heart of the African savannah, where every creature pulses with the rhythm of the land, the foundation of a beautiful friendship was laid between man and beast. But their beginning was heartbreaking.

A wild rhino gave birth to a healthy, energetic calf. Sadly, over time it became clear that she couldn’t care for it due to blindness.

That’s when Kamara, a conservationist with a keen eye and a caring heart took on the job of raising him. The dedicated wildlife lover named the baby rhino Kitui, which means “a place where iron goods are made.”

Kamara began guiding Kitui through his vulnerable early months with a gentle hand and a watchful eye. Eventually, though, the time came where Kitui was grown and he needed to be released back to the wild.

It was a hard day, to be sure, but like all parents know, it was a necessary step. It would be years until their paths crossed again.

The scene of their meeting is something truly magical. Kitui approached Kamara, recognizing the man who once was his entire world.

The emotional weight of the moments captured in the video is nearly indescribable. Needless to say, Kitui still knows who his “daddy” is and their bond is unbreakable.


“There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing.”

– Brian Tracy


Did you know that on this day over 3,200 years ago in 1178 BC, a solar eclipse might have heralded the return of King Odysseus to Ithaca after the Trojan War?

This tantalizing notion comes from piecing together clues in Homer’s “Odyssey”.

Some experts believe Homer might have used a real astronomical event to time the dramatic climax of his story- where Odysseus takes on the many suitors robbing him blind and attempting to wed his wife.

This theory got a boost from researchers Marcelo Magnasco and Constantino Baikouzis. The deeply curious duo matched up the poetic saga with actual starry events.

In doing so, they spotted hints of Venus, a new moon, and, crucially, a solar eclipse. All of them lining up right around that 1178 BC date.

While not all historians buy into this remarkable theory, the blend of Greek myth and astronomy makes us wonder how much more truth might be hidden in these ancient tales!

Later on…

1787 - "The Contrast" made its debut in NYC, marking the premiere of the first American comedy. It humorously pitted the simplicity of American characters against the “complexity” of European elites.

1789 - George Washington embarked on a historic journey to New York City in preparation for a pivotal moment in history- his first presidential inauguration.

1900 - The US Post Office issued its very first books of postage stamps. The innovation made buying stamps easier and helped standardize mail services across America.

1922 - Annie Oakley held audiences spellbound as she set a phenomenal women's record by shooting 100 consecutive clay targets. Her incredible precision and skill are still the stuff of legend.


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Hint: It’s not a plant…


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