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61-Year-Old Cockatoo Speaks for 1st Time

“He's like a puppy… he really just wants to be cuddled and scratched and told that he's a good boy.”

Today's Enjoyment:

Reel of the Day: This dad couldn’t wait to hold his “baby” girl.

Trending Loveable Stories: 
• "Drama Horse" Plays Dead to Avoid Rides
• 61-Year-Old Cockatoo Speaks for 1st Time

Quote: “Hope is the anchor of the soul; keep it…”

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He couldn’t drop that phone fast enough! 🥹🥹



Image courtesy of YouTube - SBS TV

On a quaint ranch where horses and humans share a bond as deep as the roots of an ancient oak, lives a horse named Jingang. Jingang possesses a personality as unique as a fingerprint, marked by a stubborn streak that is both endearing and exasperating.

Jingang's tale is not one of gallant gallops or serene strolls across lush meadows. Instead, it's a story woven with humor and a touch of rebellion.

This horse, with his majestic mane and soulful eyes, has drawn a line in the sand. Jingang's approach to this boundary is nothing short of theatrical.

The moment a would-be rider attempts to mount him, Jingang “collapses” to the ground, feigning a state of lifelessness with such conviction that it leaves onlookers in a mix of laughter and disbelief.

His body relaxes, eyes rolling back, tongue lolling out, legs contorted in an awkward dance of deception. Jingang is an artist, a master of theatrics, and his forte is playing “dead”.

While observers find it amusing, this peculiar habit is a source of mild frustration for the ranchers. They see in him both the charm of a mischievous child and the challenge of an unsolved puzzle.

"It's cute but naughty," they say with a hint of affection lacing their exasperated tones.

Jingang's antics have become a sensation far beyond the fences of his home. Captured on video, his dramatic performances spread like wildfire across the internet, bringing joy and laughter to millions.

Image courtesy of YouTube - Geobeats Animals


Once upon a time, in a world not so different from our own, there lived a 61-year-old cockatoo named Fred.

Fred's early years were spent in a cramped, dirty cage, surrounded by raccoons, feral cats, and skunks. It was a life devoid of care, with his only companion being a missing wing, a silent witness to his long-forgotten past.

But fate had a different plan for Fred. His journey took a turn when he was rescued and brought to the nurturing embrace of the Shore Sanctuary. Here, in this haven of love and care, Fred began to unfold like a flower long denied the sun.

The sanctuary, with its open spaces and gentle hands, offered him something he had never known – a chance to be himself.

In the beginning, Fred was a quiet soul, his voice a mere whisper lost in the winds of his past. But as days turned into weeks, his true self began to emerge.

He started to mimic the barks of dogs, his voice gaining strength, and soon, he was singing and dancing, his heart finally free to express the joy that had been caged for so long.

The sanctuary gave Fred a home where he could seek out snuggles and reassurance, where his need for affection was met with open arms. As Fred's strength returned, so did his playful nature.

He began to hop and sprint around his new home, each movement a celebration of his newfound freedom. His transformation from a silent, neglected bird to a vibrant, expressive being is a story of redemption, a narrative that speaks volumes about the impact of compassionate care and a supportive environment.

A video of Fred's journey has already touched hundreds of thousands of hearts and has reminded us of the resilience inherent in all creatures, and the transformative power of love and care.


“Hope is the anchor of the soul; keep it strong, and it will keep you steady.”

― Shree Shambav


Did you know on this day in 1862, sports got a whole lot more exciting with the invention of the modern bowling ball?

Before then, bowlers were hurling balls made of Lignum vitae, a type of hardwood, or other makeshift materials that were as unpredictable as a cat on a skateboard.

The arrival of the bowling ball as we know it was like hitting a strike in innovation. Imagine going from tossing around a clunky, old-school wooden sphere to rolling a sleek, balanced bowling ball down the lane – it was a total game-changer!

It was the dawn of the modern era of bowling. The introduction of materials like rubber and later, plastic and resin composites, was like adding turbo-boosters to the sport. These new-age bowling balls allowed for nifty tricks and techniques, giving bowlers the power to spin, curve, and control their shots like never before.

Other notable events include…

1782 - Samuel Stearns in Boston publishes the first nautical almanac in the US, making sailors' lives a breeze with celestial navigation.

1837 - Things get steamy in Winthrop, Maine, with the patenting of the steam-powered threshing machine, revolutionizing farming with a puff of steam and a lot of threshing.

1848 - The White House gets a bright idea during Polk's administration, installing gas lights for the first time and literally lighting up the presidential residence.


Can You Spot The Lizard?

Hint: I’m so tiny, one might mistake me for the vein on a leaf.


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